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Moving some fish around to improve my reef setup. 55gal 70 gal including sump.
Current list

Yellow Tang needs a much larger tank. Please see this.
Pair of ocellaris clowns
Diamond Goby
Coral Beauty
Lunar Wrasse (going as soon as I trap him) very aggressive

I intend on ditching the CB and Wrasse for being nippers. Only really messin with my zoas but thats enough. Ive read Tangs and Foxfaces get along well but better if th Tang id added last. Is this advisable in a 55 gallon tank? If not any other compatable / colorful reef safe fish to suggest?
My tang is only a little guy rite now. I got him before doing proper research. Better than the 20 gal they had him in at petco... I do intend of getting a larger tank inthe near future. Hoping 120g :)
My tang is only a little guy rite now. I got him before doing proper research. Better than the 20 gal they had him in at petco... I do intend of getting a larger tank inthe near future. Hoping 120g :)

Hopefully that will happen. In any case, I would not add any algae grazing fish to your existing tank.
Hi Steve,

I'm in the process of ordering a new tank/sump to consolidate two tanks (one 2 years and one 18 months old). They both have a mandarin in them, both are doing well, eating frozen foods, pellets and copepods from the fuges I have running. My new tank is going to be a 240 (8x2x2) with a 180g sump (~70% is aside as the fuge).

I'm somewhat concerned that since both tanks have overlaps I may have issues: Overlaps:
2 mandarins may both be males (both eat pellets)
Front pair of occ clowns and the back tank has a pair of percula clowns. The front pair is larger than the back pair by about 30%.
2 starry blennies

Other inhabitants include: Flame angel, flame hawk, Naso blond tang, blue yellowbelly, diamond goby, orange spot goby, leopard wrasse, yellow wrasse, 3 pj cardinals, 1 Bengali cardinal, 4 pom pom crabs, 6 skunk shrimps. (all fish have been with me at least 12 months)
Hi Steve,

I'm in the process of ordering a new tank/sump to consolidate two tanks (one 2 years and one 18 months old). They both have a mandarin in them, both are doing well, eating frozen foods, pellets and copepods from the fuges I have running. My new tank is going to be a 240 (8x2x2) with a 180g sump (~70% is aside as the fuge).

I'm somewhat concerned that since both tanks have overlaps I may have issues: Overlaps:
2 mandarins may both be males (both eat pellets) males have a spiked dorsal fin, females, a rounded dorsal fin. Two males will not work. Ever.
Front pair of occ clowns and the back tank has a pair of percula clowns. The front pair is larger than the back pair by about 30%. It depends. Fortunately you are talking about the least aggressive species and also, they only range close to their home anemone rather than far afield. So it could work if they have a home anemone.
2 starry blennies probably will not work

Other inhabitants include: Flame angel, flame hawk, Naso blond tang, blue yellowbelly, diamond goby, orange spot goby, leopard wrasse, yellow wrasse, 3 pj cardinals, 1 Bengali cardinal, 4 pom pom crabs, 6 skunk shrimps. (all fish have been with me at least 12 months)

flame hawks will eat shrimp and/or the crabs; no issue with the tangs or cardinals,
flame hawks will eat shrimp and/or the crabs; no issue with the tangs or cardinals,

Thanks Steve. I have 8 RBTA to stick in the tank, they keep splitting on me, so maybe that will help if I spread them around. I'd had to get rid of either group, they are the "wife's fish." I think the mandarin in the back tank may be a female comparing it to the definite male up front. The flame hawk has been with the cleaner shrimps (3 of them) about 10 months, is it a matter of time or did I get lucky with this guy?

with the existing population, do you think firefish are going to have a problem if I add them when I first get the tank up? (forgot to ask earlier).
and thanks for taking time out to help everyone, I've been reading the thread and it is very helpful, I wish I had read it before I got some of the fish I did.
Fire fish addition..?

Fire fish addition..?

I am getting ready to add 2 firefish into my dt (bought at petco). I want to know if I am able to put 2 into my 125g long. I have 2 clowns 1 trigger 1 file fish. (i know about the trigger). I was told by the person at petco that she thought the firefish was a mated pair. How do I tell..? should I take one back or put both into my tank..? I have read that you should only have one unless they are a mated pair. thanks for any info.
I am currently exploring the possibile pairing of a Fox Face and a Chocolate tang. They would be in a 5' 120. Cant find anything saying not to, but being similar shaped grazers gives me some worry.

+1 to djam's post. I've changed my plans several times due in part to this thread.

Thanks Steve. I have 8 RBTA to stick in the tank, they keep splitting on me, so maybe that will help if I spread them around. I'd had to get rid of either group, they are the "wife's fish." I think the mandarin in the back tank may be a female comparing it to the definite male up front. The flame hawk has been with the cleaner shrimps (3 of them) about 10 months, is it a matter of time or did I get lucky with this guy?

with the existing population, do you think firefish are going to have a problem if I add them when I first get the tank up? (forgot to ask earlier).

Flame hawks are often ok with existing shrimps. Adding shrimp might be an issue.
with the existing population, do you think firefish are going to have a problem if I add them when I first get the tank up? (forgot to ask earlier).

It is always desirable to add firefish as early as possible. Unless you get really lucky, only one firefish will survive longer term.
I am getting ready to add 2 firefish into my dt (bought at petco). I want to know if I am able to put 2 into my 125g long. I have 2 clowns 1 trigger 1 file fish. (i know about the trigger). I was told by the person at petco that she thought the firefish was a mated pair. How do I tell..? should I take one back or put both into my tank..? I have read that you should only have one unless they are a mated pair. thanks for any info.

The odds of two firefish coexisting long term is slim to none. It rarely works, although you may get very lucky. The odds of a mated pair at petco is not high. For that to be the case, they would have to be collected and shipped together.
75g mixed reef, 35g sump.

current occupants are:
2 longnose hawkfish
2 snowflake clowns
1 royal gramma
1 orange spotted goby
1 mccosker's wrasse
1 kole tang

i currently have a red velvet fairy wrasse in qt and, she has another 2-3 weeks to go before she's added to the dt.

what are your thoughts about a one spot foxface?
75g mixed reef, 35g sump.

current occupants are:
2 longnose hawkfish
2 snowflake clowns
1 royal gramma
1 orange spotted goby
1 mccosker's wrasse
1 kole tang

i currently have a red velvet fairy wrasse in qt and, she has another 2-3 weeks to go before she's added to the dt.

what are your thoughts about a one spot foxface?

In a 75 gallon tank, I would avoid another largish algae grazer.
180 gallon mixed reef with 70 gal sump

Currently have 2 Ocelaris Clownfish and a Royal Gramma

Looking at a female Bellus Angel, Blonde Naso, Kole Tang and a Starry Blenny
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