I should have said 'blue spotted puffer'....and Black Ice Ocellaris Clownfish
Should be fine but the puffer is not shrimp/invert safe.
I should have said 'blue spotted puffer'....and Black Ice Ocellaris Clownfish
Are these puffer fish harmful to humans? I read that puffers are the second most poisonous vertebrae in the world
Ok Steve, I'm going to use a dirty word, but figured I would take a shot.
I'm attempting to fill out the top section of the 75g and was hoping you've had some experiences with the Blue Reef Chromis being kept in a school of 3? I know the greens usually end up as 1, didn't know about the Blue Reefs.
Rather unfortunate, Thank you again good sir.
Moreso then just a regular green chromis?
chromis seem to be ultra sensitive to contracting uronema marinum.
Schools of Yellowstriped Cardnials without them pairing and separating?
Initially. But long run, they pair off and separate. Closest species to get what you are looking for is Apogon Parvulus in normal sized aquaria. In large aquaria, glassy sweepers.
Hey Guys, here is my fish list
link to my BUILD (all tank details with pics)
5x cerith
5x nerith
5x nassarus (ADDED)
1x fighting conch (ADDED)
5x turbo (ADDED)
5x Ninja (ADDED)
5x margarita
2x Cleaner shrimp (ADDED)
2x Blood Shrimp
4x Peppermint shrimp
1x candy stripped pistol shrimp
5x zebra (ADDED)
10x red scarlett
5x emerald
Star Fish:
1x Sand sifting starfish.
1x burgundy linkia starfish
Sea Urchin & invertebrates :
1x Tuxedo
1x sea hare (ADDED)
1x Naso Tang
1x Achillies Tang
1x Hippo (regal) Tang
1x Yellow Tang
2x Blue Throat Trigger Pair
General Fish List:
1x ocellaris clownfish pair (ADDED)
5x Pyramide Butterflyfish
1x Cowfish
7x anthias Bartlett (ADDED)
5x blue reef chromis
2x Swiss guard basslet
1x Purple firefish pair
1x Yasha goby pair
1x Mandarin Pair
1x Bicolor blenny pair
Now on Saturday my clowns and anthias will be added to my DT after 6 1/2 weeks of qt (2-3 days of observation, 2 weeks prazy, 4 weeks copper)
now i need to add my second batch of fish, what do you recommend from that list?
ideally i would like to add
40 gallon long QT - 2 inch Hippo tang + 3 inch naso
20 gallon QT ??? -
Thank you (also please Recommend me other fish, if you think of any for my setup)
take 2 (sorry snorvich, my apologies for not reading the guidelines)
here is my fish list, i would like to know compatibility and introduction order for my next batch of qt fish
display 265g
sump 125g
display age 3 months
lots of flow
2x Cleaner shrimp (ADDED)
2x Blood Shrimp
4x Peppermint shrimp
1x candy stripped pistol shrimp
crabs: crabs and snails are somewhat mutually exclusive since crabs will kill snails, ostensibly for their shells. However adding extra empty shells will not curtail this practice
5x zebra (ADDED)
10x red scarlett
5x emerald
Star Fish: undesirable as they will eventually starve to death, especially in a new tank
1x Sand sifting starfish.
1x burgundy linkia starfish
Sea Urchin & invertebrates : I would wait until tank is much more mature
1x Tuxedo
1x sea hare (ADDED)
Tang's If this is a six foot tank (by appearance) rather than an eight foot tank, the naso and hippo will eventually feel crowded and may "pace"
1x Naso Tang
1x Achillies Tang
1x Hippo (regal) Tang
1x Yellow Tang must be last fish added
2x Blue Throat Trigger Pair not invert safe
General Fish List:
1x ocellaris clownfish pair (ADDED)
5x Pyramide Butterflyfish
1x Cowfish needs slow gentle tank mates; you do not have the right tank mates for this fish ; difficult fish especially for new to the hobby
7x anthias Bartlett (ADDED)
10x blue reef chromis will become one over time
2x Swiss guard basslet
1x Purple firefish pair only one will survive long term unless you get very lucky
1x Yasha goby pair
1x Mandarin Pair be sure it is a male plus female or only one will make it
1x Bicolor blenny pair
Now on Saturday my clowns and anthias will be added to my DT after 6 1/2 weeks of qt (2-3 days of observation, 2 weeks prazy, 4 weeks copper)
now i need to add my second batch of fish, what do you recommend from that list?
ideally i would like to add
40 gallon long QT - 2 inch Hippo tang + 3 inch naso tangs last as mature tank is preferred for algae grazers
20 gallon QT ??? -
Thank you
DT is 180g with 150lbs dry rock, 5 lbs live rock, and 2" live sand bed. Sump is a 75g tank, with a 32g refugium chamber that has 5" DSB. I do plan to have corals in the future once things mature. Finally, I have 2x10g for TtM and a cycled 20g long QT. excellent setup
My fish list is below:
2 orange ocellaris clowns (Just completed TTM, in QT right now)
I am looking at this list, and you approved in an earlier post. ( you indicated the flame angel is risky with corals). My question is, can any of these go through TTM and QT safely together, or should they all go solo?
1 dwarf flame angel
1 Goby (Thinking orange spotted, diamond watchman, or orange stripe prawn)
1 powder blue tang I would separate the two tangs but ideally add them concurrently. Worst case, the yellow tang last.
1 yellow tang
1 Mandarin(once tank matures)
1 shrimp to pair with Goby once fish are added and the QT can be housed for 72 days.
Thanks in advance, ZB.
Thank you for the prompt reply, your input is much appreciated.
my tank is 84 long 24 deep 30 high the longer the tank the better when it comes to tanks. 7 foot is marginal for the number and size you were considering
quick question regarding the blue chromies, the reason i wanted this one is my friend has a 120gallon reef with 6 of them, and they have been fine for over 9 months, any specific species, or just pure luck and a ticking time bomb? somewhat pure luck. However, the rare instances when I have seen it work long term was a long tank, with relatively high flow. The uronema issue can be obviated with a good quarantine protocol
thank you again!
So I could do the dwarf and goby together?