PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Thanks a bunch Steve!! I think a trio will be a nice touch to the tank. I will check Ebay & Amazon for barnacles.

The one I sent you a link for was ok but not wonderful so check them all out. There are better

What was I thinking, you can find everything on Amazon, I contemplate ordering my groceries from there & having it delivered to the office lol.

I order a lot of stuff online, most recently BBQ sauce.

Yes I am a blonde but color my hair red so people don't think I'm a bimbo. Red hair scares people & most times it fits as I also contemplate pulling airline employees over counters when my Cites decs are not ready in a timely fashion.

Red is more interesting than blonde.
The odds of two firefish coexisting long term is slim to none. It rarely works, although you may get very lucky. The odds of a mated pair at petco is not high. For that to be the case, they would have to be collected and shipped together.

so I have been watching them closely and as far as I can tell they are paired...the sleep right on top of each other and they haven't kill one another yet...what should I be looking for to know they are paired..? I just don't want to split them up if they are. (I know the chances are slim ... but i want to make sure.) thanks
Naso tang. Yellow tang. Hippo tang. Fox face. Wyoming white clown. Black n white clown. Picasso clown. Six line wrasse. Thinking of adding a pair of male and Female flame wrasses. This is a 6 x 2x30. 220 gal. Does the six line needa go
so I have been watching them closely and as far as I can tell they are paired...the sleep right on top of each other and they haven't kill one another yet...what should I be looking for to know they are paired..? I just don't want to split them up if they are. (I know the chances are slim ... but i want to make sure.) thanks

five months and all will become clear.
Naso tang. Yellow tang. Hippo tang. Fox face. Wyoming white clown. Black n white clown. Picasso clown. Six line wrasse. Thinking of adding a pair of male and Female flame wrasses. This is a 6 x 2x30. 220 gal. Does the six line needa go

Short answer, yes.
I do not recommend lyretails as they are among the semiaggressive ones. In my 350, I have 12 carberryi with no problem. Select among the peaceful ones and you can mix and match to some degree.

Steve, you mentioned here that you had 12 carberry back in 2012. Do you still have your 350? How has the school of carberry fared?

I asked because I am nearing completion of my 600g DT and would like to try a school (15-20) once the tank is settled. I have tried 6 Bartletts in a 48" 175g and quickly ended up with 3 due to aggression. Could I do this with Dispar? Carberry? Would you recommend one over the other?
Steve, you mentioned here that you had 12 carberry back in 2012. Do you still have your 350? How has the school of carberry fared?

I asked because I am nearing completion of my 600g DT and would like to try a school (15-20) once the tank is settled. I have tried 6 Bartletts in a 48" 175g and quickly ended up with 3 due to aggression. Could I do this with Dispar? Carberry? Would you recommend one over the other?

Carberry are excellent, highly recommended. Eventually, in a large enough tank, you will end up with more than one male who will herd "his" females. Only downside to anthias is they do best with multiple feedings per day and they do like flow.
thanks in advance for the advice!

thanks in advance for the advice!

Tank: 135 gal (48 X 24 X 27)
Sump: 44 gal including 19 gal fuge
120 lbs live rock
2 inch sandbed
CUC: snails only
Cleaner shrimp pair
Bubble tip anemone

Proposed list:
- Ocellaris pair (tank bred)
- Foxface rabbitfish
- Randall's goby and pistol shrimp
- Cardinalfish pair (tank bred)
- Pearly jawfish
- Neon goby pair
- Kole tang (add last?)
- Lawmower blenny
- 3 zebra barrred dartfish
- Firefish (Nemateleotris helfrichi)
- 3 Baranacle blennies (with barnacles to hide in)

Would like to think about a pair of banded pipefish down the road (found a source of tank bred fish), but have not been able to find a lot of info about tankmates

Thanks again - you provide a great service for all of us!
Tank: 135 gal (48 X 24 X 27)
Sump: 44 gal including 19 gal fuge
120 lbs live rock
2 inch sandbed
CUC: snails only
Cleaner shrimp pair
Bubble tip anemone

Proposed list:
- Ocellaris pair (tank bred)
- Foxface rabbitfish
- Randall's goby and pistol shrimp
- Cardinalfish pair (tank bred)
- Pearly jawfish
- Neon goby pair unless a bonded pair, only one; also, note these fish only live for 1.5 to 2 years so they are somewhat short lived
- Kole tang (add last?) yes, last is preferred
- Lawmower blenny
- 3 zebra barrred dartfish
- Firefish (Nemateleotris helfrichi)
- 3 Baranacle blennies (with barnacles to hide in)

stocking plan is fine

Would like to think about a pair of banded pipefish down the road (found a source of tank bred fish), but have not been able to find a lot of info about tankmates

they normally do best in a gentle tank with seahorses or only gentle slow moving fish

Thanks again - you provide a great service for all of us!

always a pleasure, check back if you have any revisions
Good morning,

I am a nano-reefer at the moment, however within the next couple weeks I am picking up a new larger tank. Here are the specs.

130 gal (48x26.5x26.5)
50 gal sump
100-120 pounds of live rock
2 inch sand bed

Clean up crew to be determined

My goal for this tank is to have 3-4 tangs and then a few smaller fish. I wanted to know how best to introduce these fish once the tank is cycled.

Fish I would like

Blue Tang
Yellow Tang
Lieutenant Tang
Ocellaris Clownfish pair
Golden Headed Goby
Lawn Mower Blenny
Bangaii Cardinals(pair?)
Blue/Green Reef Chromis(small school)

I am also a big fan of the Copper Band Butterflyfish, however I don't want to add this until the tank is very established and I have some more experience.

Thanks for the feedback.
Good morning,

I am a nano-reefer at the moment, however within the next couple weeks I am picking up a new larger tank. Here are the specs.

130 gal (48x26.5x26.5)
50 gal sump
100-120 pounds of live rock
2 inch sand bed

Clean up crew to be determined

My goal for this tank is to have 3-4 tangs and then a few smaller fish. I wanted to know how best to introduce these fish once the tank is cycled.

In this sized tank, two smaller sized tangs will work

Fish I would like

Blue Tang P. hepatus requires a much larger tank
Yellow Tang must be last fish added
Lieutenant Tang requires a much larger tank
Ocellaris Clownfish pair
Golden Headed Goby
Lawn Mower Blenny
Bangaii Cardinals(pair?) male plus female only, tank raised
Blue/Green Reef Chromis(small school) will become one over time

I am also a big fan of the Copper Band Butterflyfish, however I don't want to add this until the tank is very established and I have some more experience. must be added before tangs; most likely success is with the Australian endemic

Thanks for the feedback.
blenny question

blenny question

I have a 5 month old, 55gallon reef tank. around 80lbs LR and about 1 1/2in. of live sand on the bottom. I have a pair of ocel clowns and a fairy wrasse. I would like to get a lawnmower blenny (or something with a similar personality) but I dont know if it will have enough to eat. There is plenty of coraline algae but I done see much else.
I have a 5 month old, 55gallon reef tank. around 80lbs LR and about 1 1/2in. of live sand on the bottom. I have a pair of ocel clowns and a fairy wrasse. I would like to get a lawnmower blenny (or something with a similar personality) but I dont know if it will have enough to eat. There is plenty of coraline algae but I done see much else.

There should be enough for a lawnmower blenny, but supplementation with nori would be an insurance policy.
What do you think about this, specs below in sig

Yellow goby
Spotted puffer
File fish
Cardinal fish
Kole yellow eye tang (adding towards the end)
What do you think about this, specs below in sig

Yellow goby
Spotted puffer
File fish
Cardinal fish
Kole yellow eye tang (adding towards the end)

I cannot evaluate whether a spotted puffer would work as they are often very aggressive. Otherwise, depends on species of clownfish
I have 2 clowns, 2 cardinals (1 Banggai & 1 longspine), McCoskers wrasse, Tomini tang, LMB in my 80 gallon reef tank. Thinking of adding 3 blue reef chromis and a pigmy hawkfish. Is this too many fish? Will they get along?
I have 2 clowns, 2 cardinals (1 Banggai & 1 longspine), McCoskers wrasse, Tomini tang, LMB in my 80 gallon reef tank. Thinking of adding 3 blue reef chromis and a pigmy hawkfish. Is this too many fish? Will they get along?

multiple reef chromis will become one over time; remember that pigmy hawkfish are not shrimp or small fish safe. Depends to some degree on species of clownfish. A. percula or A. ocellaris will be fine, the more aggressive species not so fine.
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