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Have a 60gal mixed reef with a fairly open landscape lots of places to hide and swim for the fishies =)

My current stock list is as follows:

2 clowns
1 chromis
1 2 spot bristletooth tang
1 melanarus wrasse
1 yellow watchman goby

Everything in the tank is great and healthy. Do regular weekly water changes and skimmer is rated for well over my tank capacity.

I was thinking of adding a yellow corris wrasse or a flame angel (although worried about the angel and my corals)

Is this a possibility or am i pretty much at my tanks bioload capacity as is??
Have a 60gal mixed reef with a fairly open landscape lots of places to hide and swim for the fishies =)

My current stock list is as follows:

2 clowns
1 chromis
1 2 spot bristletooth tang
1 melanarus wrasse
1 yellow watchman goby

Everything in the tank is great and healthy. Do regular weekly water changes and skimmer is rated for well over my tank capacity.

I was thinking of adding a yellow corris wrasse or a flame angel (although worried about the angel and my corals)

Is this a possibility or am i pretty much at my tanks bioload capacity as is??

With one algae grazer, I would definitely not add another especially with corals to protect.
Recap: 65g tank, 20 gallon long sump, 20 gallon high fuge with approximately 50pbs of rock in the display and several more in the fuge.

New list:
Centropyge pair (if my female multibar pulls through it will be a multibar pair)
Amphiprion percula pair
Escenius stigmatura
Gramma loreto trio
Serranus tortugarum pair

My main concern is the last two species on the list. Is a 65g big enough for the two groups to coexist?
Recap: 65g tank, 20 gallon long sump, 20 gallon high fuge with approximately 50pbs of rock in the display and several more in the fuge.

New list:
Centropyge pair (if my female multibar pulls through it will be a multibar pair)
Amphiprion percula pair
Escenius stigmatura
Gramma loreto trio while gramma loretto is highly territorial, it guards a relatively small territory. IMO, a 65 is not long enough for a trio in the long run.
Serranus tortugarum pair without the G. loretto, 3 would be fine. With G. loretto, I think there will be issues.

My main concern is the last two species on the list. Is a 65g big enough for the two groups to coexist?

as indicated above
Thank you, Steve. Your insight is much appreciated as always.

Based on your advice, I'm going to opt for a S. tortugarum trio in place of the G. loreto and try and get a hold of a pair flasher wrasses, and if I can't a pair of cardinalfish.
Thank you, Steve. Your insight is much appreciated as always.

Based on your advice, I'm going to opt for a S. tortugarum trio in place of the G. loreto and try and get a hold of a pair flasher wrasses, and if I can't a pair of cardinalfish.

Well, I like S. tortugarum better in any case ignoring the behavioral issues of trying for both.


After returning home to UK from 3 weeks in Florida, not only was i greeted with cold wet weather, but my chromis (had 2 yrs) and red spot cardinal (15months) had died. So now i need replacements

tank is 30g, fish, snails, peppermint shrimp, live rock. water quality is fine. current occupants are
- fireball angel
- silver belly wrasse
- tailspot blenny
- firefish

could i add
- green clown goby
- kuaderns cardinal
- blue chomis

what are these like for compatibility, and would the bioload be ok?

thanks for your help
After returning home to UK from 3 weeks in Florida, not only was i greeted with cold wet weather, but my chromis (had 2 yrs) and red spot cardinal (15months) had died. So now i need replacements

tank is 30g, fish, snails, peppermint shrimp, live rock. water quality is fine. current occupants are
- fireball angel
- silver belly wrasse
- tailspot blenny
- firefish

could i add clown goby or a tank bred Kauderns Cardinal would be fine
- green clown goby
- kuaderns cardinal
- blue chomis

what are these like for compatibility, and would the bioload be ok?

thanks for your help
Hello. I have a 100 gal tank with 40 gal sump. Finally decided a list of fish. Hoping I can keep them safe with my shrimps (sexy,cleaner,peppermint) and future corals

-2x Clowns (looking at Black Ice Clowns)
-Royal Gramma Basslet
-Yellow Watchman Goby + Tiger Pistol Shrimp
-Yellow Tang
-Six Line Wrass
-Black Axil Chromis
-4x Lyretail Anthias

-Green Mandarin (whenever I have an established pod colony)

Is this order ok?
Hello. I have a 100 gal tank with 40 gal sump. Finally decided a list of fish. Hoping I can keep them safe with my shrimps (sexy,cleaner,peppermint) and future corals

-2x Clowns (looking at Black Ice Clowns)
-Royal Gramma Basslet
-Yellow Watchman Goby + Tiger Pistol Shrimp
-Yellow Tang
-Six Line Wrass aggressive and precludes any mandarin; I do not recommend because of aggressive behaviors
-Black Axil Chromis
-4x Lyretail Anthias

-Green Mandarin (whenever I have an established pod colony)

Is this order ok?
75 gal tank with 90 lbs of live rock
5 months old

Coral beauty angle
Fire fish
Royal gamma
Cleaner shrimp


2 clowns. .....
Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse x2

Kole tang
Singapore angel

Shrimp two to three more

Rose bulb anemone maybe two.

Clean up crew

Turbo have ...... 5

Hermits 25 have 10
Red legged hermit crabs. 5
Blue legged hermits but only a few. 5

Porcelain crab.... 2
Stocking my tank

Stocking my tank

I currently have a 75 gallon tank that has been cycled for about two months. It has 75 pounds of live rock, a 1.5" sandbed, and two Bak-Pak 2 hang on back sumps (60 gallons recommended x2= 120 gallons of skimming). I plan to make this tank a softie/LPS reef tank and have some questions on stocking.

I currently have:

1 Turbo snail
5 nassarius snails
10 hermit crabs (extra shells added to help prevent snail attacks)
2 red brittle starfish (eat extra food and are spot fed every other day)

1 green/orange Zoanthid Colony (about 20 or so)
1 rock with 4 small mushrooms

I have 4 more Zoanthids on the way

2 blue/green reef chromis

Everything in there currently looks great and the corals are showing amazing growth.

I would like:
1 pair of clownfish (Midnight Ocellaris are my personal favorite)
1 Anthias
1 Flasher and/or Fairy Wrasse (If compatibility allows)
1 Tang (Kole or Yellow)
1 Dwarf Angel (Coral Beauty or Flame Angel)

Maybe a smaller fish to add character to my tank? Or a bottom dweller after my tank gets established?

I know my bioload is most likely a bit much but I am willing to do more more water changes and even upgrade equipment as I add more.

I appreciate any and all feedback and ideas to my list and please feel free to redesign my stocking list or recommend specific species' that you have had luck with and enjoyed having!

75 gal tank with 90 lbs of live rock
5 months old

Coral beauty angle
Fire fish
Royal gamma
Cleaner shrimp


2 clowns. ..... what species? makes a big difference
Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse x2 must be male plus female

Kole tang
Singapore angel very difficult; success is unlikely

Shrimp two to three more

Rose bulb anemone maybe two.

Clean up crew

Turbo have ...... 5

Hermits 25 have 10 be aware hermits kill snails
Red legged hermit crabs. 5
Blue legged hermits but only a few. 5

Porcelain crab.... 2
I currently have a 75 gallon tank that has been cycled for about two months. It has 75 pounds of live rock, a 1.5" sandbed, and two Bak-Pak 2 hang on back sumps (60 gallons recommended x2= 120 gallons of skimming). I plan to make this tank a softie/LPS reef tank and have some questions on stocking.

I currently have:

1 Turbo snail
5 nassarius snails
10 hermit crabs (extra shells added to help prevent snail attacks) extra shells will not prevent snail attacks
2 red brittle starfish (eat extra food and are spot fed every other day)

1 green/orange Zoanthid Colony (about 20 or so)
1 rock with 4 small mushrooms

I have 4 more Zoanthids on the way

2 blue/green reef chromis will become one over time

Everything in there currently looks great and the corals are showing amazing growth.

I would like:
1 pair of clownfish (Midnight Ocellaris are my personal favorite)
1 Anthias
1 Flasher and/or Fairy Wrasse (If compatibility allows)
1 Tang (Kole or Yellow) kole is fine; yellow needs a larger tank
1 Dwarf Angel (Coral Beauty or Flame Angel) not necessarily reef safe

Maybe a smaller fish to add character to my tank? Or a bottom dweller after my tank gets established?

I know my bioload is most likely a bit much but I am willing to do more more water changes and even upgrade equipment as I add more.

I appreciate any and all feedback and ideas to my list and please feel free to redesign my stocking list or recommend specific species' that you have had luck with and enjoyed having!

Those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons; however I am always happy to reevaluate stocking plans as long as total plan and tank size is provided. Also, know that bioload is not the determining factor, behavioral compatibility is more important.

In the planning stages of upgrading a 20 long to a 40 breeder, the 20 gallon currently has no livestock other than frags and a shrimp in it but I was thinking of adding the dottyback listed below and leaving him alone in the 20 until the 40 is all set up. So here is what I was thinking stocking wise, I think I'm relatively light-medium in terms of bioload but perhaps I'm way off haha

ORA Electric Indigo Dottyback (supposedly one of the more peaceful dottybacks)
Pacific Redstripe Hogfish (Bodianus sepiacaudus or Bodianus Opercularis, not sure the difference?)
A hardy blenny of some kind to help with algae a bit, I was considering the ORA Red Sea Mimic Blenny, anybody have experience?
I've been toying with the idea of doing a pair of designer clowns but I'm not 100% on it.
I do really like a lot of the Halichoeres wrasse with H. claudia being one of my favourite though I'm not sure if they're size appropriate for a 40 breeder. I understand they like a deeper sand bed and can easily provide that. I also already have a 1/4" screen net made so I don't have to worry about any jumpers!

Other info about the tank consists of the 20 long becoming a sump, will run a BM Curve 5 for my skimmer, Jebao DC2000 for return, and about 32lbs of rock. Corals will be predominately SPS with some LPS and Zoas in the mix, possible a clam or two if nobody bothers them.
In the planning stages of upgrading a 20 long to a 40 breeder, the 20 gallon currently has no livestock other than frags and a shrimp in it but I was thinking of adding the dottyback listed below and leaving him alone in the 20 until the 40 is all set up. So here is what I was thinking stocking wise, I think I'm relatively light-medium in terms of bioload but perhaps I'm way off haha

ORA Electric Indigo Dottyback (supposedly one of the more peaceful dottybacks) The most peaceful dottyback is P. fridman; the rest are on the aggressive side
Pacific Redstripe Hogfish (Bodianus sepiacaudus or Bodianus Opercularis, not sure the difference?) not shrimp safe; the dottyback will not like the fact that they are similar size and shape
A hardy blenny of some kind to help with algae a bit, I was considering the ORA Red Sea Mimic Blenny, anybody have experience? since they are a herbivore and you have a small tank, do not add any other herbivore
I've been toying with the idea of doing a pair of designer clowns but I'm not 100% on it. should be fine
I do really like a lot of the Halichoeres wrasse with H. claudia being one of my favourite though I'm not sure if they're size appropriate for a 40 breeder. I understand they like a deeper sand bed and can easily provide that. I also already have a 1/4" screen net made so I don't have to worry about any jumpers! also not shrimp safe

Other info about the tank consists of the 20 long becoming a sump, will run a BM Curve 5 for my skimmer, Jebao DC2000 for return, and about 32lbs of rock. Corals will be predominately SPS with some LPS and Zoas in the mix, possible a clam or two if nobody bothers them.
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