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Originally Posted by PinkPunisher View Post
In the planning stages of upgrading a 20 long to a 40 breeder, the 20 gallon currently has no livestock other than frags and a shrimp in it but I was thinking of adding the dottyback listed below and leaving him alone in the 20 until the 40 is all set up. So here is what I was thinking stocking wise, I think I'm relatively light-medium in terms of bioload but perhaps I'm way off haha
ORA Electric Indigo Dottyback (supposedly one of the more peaceful dottybacks) The most peaceful dottyback is P. fridman; the rest are on the aggressive side
Pacific Redstripe Hogfish (Bodianus sepiacaudus or Bodianus Opercularis, not sure the difference?) not shrimp safe; the dottyback will not like the fact that they are similar size and shape
A hardy blenny of some kind to help with algae a bit, I was considering the ORA Red Sea Mimic Blenny, anybody have experience? since they are a herbivore and you have a small tank, do not add any other herbivore
I've been toying with the idea of doing a pair of designer clowns but I'm not 100% on it. should be fine
I do really like a lot of the Halichoeres wrasse with H. claudia being one of my favourite though I'm not sure if they're size appropriate for a 40 breeder. I understand they like a deeper sand bed and can easily provide that. I also already have a 1/4" screen net made so I don't have to worry about any jumpers! also not shrimp safe
Other info about the tank consists of the 20 long becoming a sump, will run a BM Curve 5 for my skimmer, Jebao DC2000 for return, and about 32lbs of rock. Corals will be predominately SPS with some LPS and Zoas in the mix, possible a clam or two if nobody bothers them.
The dottyback is actually a hybrid, Pseudochromis fridmani x sankeyi. Sankeyi is listed as peaceful on LA's site and as you stated Fridmani are known to be fairly docile.
I understand they are similar shaped (the hog and dotty) would you say they is a fair chance of these two living together? or would you suggest finding a new fish?
Blenny will be the only herbivore as you stated, just not sure if it will be able to stand up for itself with the more boisterous dottyback and hogfish?
I guess I'll just have to take my chances with the Blood shrimp, he is about 2" at this point so hopefully they'll leave him alone.