PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Originally Posted by PinkPunisher View Post
In the planning stages of upgrading a 20 long to a 40 breeder, the 20 gallon currently has no livestock other than frags and a shrimp in it but I was thinking of adding the dottyback listed below and leaving him alone in the 20 until the 40 is all set up. So here is what I was thinking stocking wise, I think I'm relatively light-medium in terms of bioload but perhaps I'm way off haha

ORA Electric Indigo Dottyback (supposedly one of the more peaceful dottybacks) The most peaceful dottyback is P. fridman; the rest are on the aggressive side
Pacific Redstripe Hogfish (Bodianus sepiacaudus or Bodianus Opercularis, not sure the difference?) not shrimp safe; the dottyback will not like the fact that they are similar size and shape
A hardy blenny of some kind to help with algae a bit, I was considering the ORA Red Sea Mimic Blenny, anybody have experience? since they are a herbivore and you have a small tank, do not add any other herbivore
I've been toying with the idea of doing a pair of designer clowns but I'm not 100% on it. should be fine
I do really like a lot of the Halichoeres wrasse with H. claudia being one of my favourite though I'm not sure if they're size appropriate for a 40 breeder. I understand they like a deeper sand bed and can easily provide that. I also already have a 1/4" screen net made so I don't have to worry about any jumpers! also not shrimp safe

Other info about the tank consists of the 20 long becoming a sump, will run a BM Curve 5 for my skimmer, Jebao DC2000 for return, and about 32lbs of rock. Corals will be predominately SPS with some LPS and Zoas in the mix, possible a clam or two if nobody bothers them.

The dottyback is actually a hybrid, Pseudochromis fridmani x sankeyi. Sankeyi is listed as peaceful on LA's site and as you stated Fridmani are known to be fairly docile.

I understand they are similar shaped (the hog and dotty) would you say they is a fair chance of these two living together? or would you suggest finding a new fish?

Blenny will be the only herbivore as you stated, just not sure if it will be able to stand up for itself with the more boisterous dottyback and hogfish?

I guess I'll just have to take my chances with the Blood shrimp, he is about 2" at this point so hopefully they'll leave him alone.
The dottyback is actually a hybrid, Pseudochromis fridmani x sankeyi. Sankeyi is listed as peaceful on LA's site and as you stated Fridmani are known to be fairly docile.

I understand they are similar shaped (the hog and dotty) would you say they is a fair chance of these two living together? or would you suggest finding a new fish?

Blenny will be the only herbivore as you stated, just not sure if it will be able to stand up for itself with the more boisterous dottyback and hogfish?

I guess I'll just have to take my chances with the Blood shrimp, he is about 2" at this point so hopefully they'll leave him alone.

I would place the odds at 60/40 in your favor with the dottyback with regards to the hogfish. Since the blenny resides in a different ecological niche, that should not be a problem.
Originally Posted by m0nkie View Post
Hello. I have a 100 gal tank with 40 gal sump. Finally decided a list of fish. Hoping I can keep them safe with my shrimps (sexy,cleaner,peppermint) and future corals

-2x Clowns (looking at Black Ice Clowns)
-Royal Gramma Basslet
-Yellow Watchman Goby + Tiger Pistol Shrimp
-Yellow Tang
-Six Line Wrass aggressive and precludes any mandarin; I do not recommend because of aggressive behaviors
-Black Axil Chromis
-4x Lyretail Anthias

-Green Mandarin (whenever I have an established pod colony)

Is this order ok?

Can I trade the wrasse for a foxface lo? and do you think this is the max number of fish I can keep?
Can I trade the wrasse for a foxface lo?

two algae grazers in this size tank is not a good idea. Remember that a Foxface that is hungry is not coral safe.

and do you think this is the max number of fish I can keep?

Originally Posted by snorvich View Post
Originally Posted by m0nkie View Post
Hello. I have a 100 gal tank with 40 gal sump. Finally decided a list of fish. Hoping I can keep them safe with my shrimps (sexy,cleaner,peppermint) and future corals

-2x Clowns (looking at Black Ice Clowns)
-Royal Gramma Basslet
-Yellow Watchman Goby + Tiger Pistol Shrimp
-Yellow Tang
-Six Line Wrass aggressive and precludes any mandarin; I do not recommend because of aggressive behaviors
-Black Axil Chromis
-4x Lyretail Anthias

-Green Mandarin (whenever I have an established pod colony)

Is this order ok?
Hi Snorvich,

can i mix a engineer goby with a pair of yasha goby and a candy stripe pistol?

i also read that your engineer was quite the murderer.

thank you!

take 2 (sorry snorvich, my apologies for not reading the guidelines)

here is my fish list, i would like to know compatibility and introduction order for my next batch of qt fish

display 265g
sump 125g
display age 3 months
lots of flow

rock work: *not the latest pictures, i am currently in my algae bloom stage)

5x cerith
5x nerith
5x nassarus (ADDED)
1x fighting conch (ADDED)
5x turbo (ADDED)
5x Ninja (ADDED)
5x margarita

2x Cleaner shrimp (ADDED)
2x Blood Shrimp
4x Peppermint shrimp
1x candy stripped pistol shrimp

5x zebra (ADDED)
10x red scarlett
5x emerald

Star Fish:
1x Sand sifting starfish.
1x burgundy linkia starfish

Sea Urchin & invertebrates :
1x Tuxedo
1x sea hare (ADDED)

1x Naso Tang
1x Achillies Tang
1x Hippo (regal) Tang
1x Yellow Tang

2x Blue Throat Trigger Pair

General Fish List:
1x ocellaris clownfish pair (ADDED)
5x Pyramide Butterflyfish
1x Cowfish
7x anthias Bartlett (ADDED)
10x blue reef chromis
2x Swiss guard basslet
1x Purple firefish pair
1x Yasha goby pair
1x Mandarin Pair
1x Bicolor blenny pair

Now on Saturday my clowns and anthias will be added to my DT after 6 1/2 weeks of qt (2-3 days of observation, 2 weeks prazy, 4 weeks copper)

now i need to add my second batch of fish, what do you recommend from that list?

ideally i would like to add

40 gallon long QT - 2 inch Hippo tang + 3 inch naso
20 gallon QT ??? -

Thank you
Hi Snorvich,

can i mix a engineer goby with a pair of yasha goby and a candy stripe pistol?

i also read that your engineer was quite the murderer.

thank you!

Actually, I provided analysis of your original plan and see nothing has changed which involves certain problems. Perhaps you would do better with general comments by posting here. I do not keep engineer gobies because they are so messy and rearrange aquascaping.
Actually, I provided analysis of your original plan and see nothing has changed which involves certain problems. Perhaps you would do better with general comments by posting here. I do not keep engineer gobies because they are so messy and rearrange aquascaping.

what do you mean nothing has changed with my original plan? why would i even bother asking if i did not listen, the reason i am on this site and even more on this particular thread is because i do listen, i only quoted my original post as a reference, my list has been changed based on your recommendation.

i did not want to go over it again as you told me what needed to be changed

here is my list based with your new recommendation.

display 265g
sump 125g
display age 3 months
lots of flow

2x Cleaner shrimp (ADDED)
2x Blood Shrimp
4x Peppermint shrimp
1x candy stripped pistol shrimp

already added
5x zebra (ADDED) cant even find them in my DT

Sea Urchin & invertebrates :
1x Tuxedo will add when tank is 12 months old
1x sea hare (ADDED) (returned to lfs) did not want to risk the ink

1x Naso Tang
1x Achillies Tang
1x Hippo (regal) Tang
1x Yellow Tang must be last fish added

General Fish List:
1x ocellaris clownfish pair (ADDED)
5x Pyramide Butterflyfish
7x anthias Bartlett (ADDED)
10x green reef chromis
2x Swiss guard basslet
1x Purple firefish
1x Yasha goby pair
1x Mandarin will add when tank is 1 year old
1x Bicolor blenny pair
7x sunbursth anthias
1x engineer goby

again i really respect everything you write on this forum, and i would like your input, so if you could please tell me your input on my new list it would be appreciated
Thanks snorvich! You have pretty much eliminated all the fish I want to add :D :(

looks like I will need to look into a future 300gallon in order to keep them
Thanks snorvich! You have pretty much eliminated all the fish I want to add :D :(

looks like I will need to look into a future 300gallon in order to keep them

LOL. That is how I ended up with a 240 gallon and a 350 gallon tank. I knew what I wanted and had to have tanks to accommodate.
Im sorry i confused you with Paul B., his engineer was the murderer not yours,

PaulB and I agree on some things and are totally in disagreement on some others. But he is right about Engineer Gobies and that has been my experience as well. Your group of Reef Chromis will become one over time. In general, despite the volume of your tank, the length of the tank is not really suitable to the tangs you have planned.
I guess the engineer is out! Also I did not know the green and blue chromis are the same, I need to go find other species!

As for the tangs, if I take out the yellow will it be fine? Or are you saying no tangs at all?
I guess the engineer is out! Also I did not know the green and blue chromis are the same, I need to go find other species!

As for the tangs, if I take out the yellow will it be fine? Or are you saying no tangs at all?

No, I am not saying that at all. Naso Tang and hepatus tangs need a longer tank than a seven foot tank; the yellow once established will make it difficult to add certain other fish because it is highly territorial.
Set up: 125g w/ lifereef 150s w/ bioreactor, GAC, and 20" refugium--about 150g total volume before rock. Will have 1-2" sand, 150lbs rock (100 dry and 50 liverock-fiji/buna/kaelini).

Plan to be a mixed tank w/ softies and sps. Snails for CUC and cleaner shrimp.

Planned fish list:

Regal angel
Powder blue tang
Kole yellow eye tang
Green mandarin
Red mandarin (if two can be kept)
Black axil chromis (3)
Bartlett's Anthias (3)
6 line Wrasse
False percula clown (or 2)

Will set up next month and probably not start fish stocking for 6 months or so. List may change a little--still need to mesh w/ my son's list when I get home (think he wants a blenny or two). Also, was planning of getting most from

Is this too heavy? Any order of intro suggestions (besides the tangs at the same time). Was planning the chromis and anthias first, then the regal angel before everything else).
Set up: 125g w/ lifereef 150s w/ bioreactor, GAC, and 20" refugium--about 150g total volume before rock. Will have 1-2" sand, 150lbs rock (100 dry and 50 liverock-fiji/buna/kaelini).

Plan to be a mixed tank w/ softies and sps. Snails for CUC and cleaner shrimp.

Planned fish list:

Regal angel difficult; best chance is red sea endemic; not necessarily reef safe
Powder blue tang I would not try to do two tangs, three grazers in this sized tank
Kole yellow eye tang
Green mandarin not compatible with six line wrasse
Red mandarin (if two can be kept)
Black axil chromis (3) will become one over time
Bartlett's Anthias (3)
6 line Wrasse not compatible with mandarins or many other small fish
False percula clown (or 2)

Will set up next month and probably not start fish stocking for 6 months or so. List may change a little--still need to mesh w/ my son's list when I get home (think he wants a blenny or two). Also, was planning of getting most from

Is this too heavy? Any order of intro suggestions (besides the tangs at the same time). Was planning the chromis and anthias first, then the regal angel before everything else).
Thanks. So w/out the regal angel, would two tangs work? I like the regal but not sure I am ready for that price fish w/ the difficulty of acclimation success. Been 12 yrs since I had a tank and this is supposed to be an education process for my son--so easier fish is better for him to start.
Thanks. So w/out the regal angel, would two tangs work? I like the regal but not sure I am ready for that price fish w/ the difficulty of acclimation success. Been 12 yrs since I had a tank and this is supposed to be an education process for my son--so easier fish is better for him to start.

Yes. Considering it is a learning experience for your son, I would definitely not try a Regal Angel.
My current livestock in 75G tank

My current livestock in 75G tank

I have following fish in 75G reef tank, 4Ft X 2ft X 1.5ft. Two wave makers, sump with liverock in the middle, BH 2000 HOB skimmer, 6 T5 fixture with 3 blue and 3 white T5.

1 ) Fox Face
2) Sailfin Tang
3) True Precula
4) Blue spotted Goby
5) Stary Blenny
6) Bangai Cardinal
7) Neon Dottyback ( Orange flame colored)
8) Coral banded Shrimp
9) 2 Emerald Crabs
10) 4 Damsels ( 2 yellow, 1 Domino, 1 Blue Yellow Tail)
11) Chocloate Chip Star fish
12 ) Green brittle star
13) Flame Angel fish
14) Flame Scallop

They are all doing fine without fighting with each other. I am not planning on adding anything else, wanted to make sure if I need to get rid off anything unsafe. I know I can always get rid off damsels, but hard to catch without disturbing the rocks.
I'm setting up a new 180 gallon (72"x24"x24" w/ canopy) mixed reef tank once I move next month. My equipment includes reef octopus regal INT 170SSS skimmer, a couple vortechs, radions for lighting, chiller, GFO and carbon reactors, ATO, etc... I'll probably end up with ~ 200lbs live rock in the display, ~ 30lbs in the refugium, and a 3" sand bed. I'm looking to create a tank with a lot of diversity in color and behavior.

The fish I'm considering right now include:

-Tail Spot Blenny
-Royal Gramma
-Neon Blue Goby (Pair)
-Yasha Goby (Pair)
-Blue Spotted Jawfish (Pair)
-True Percula Clownfish (Pair)
-Flame Fairy Wrasse
-Exquisite Fairy Wrasse
-Lineatus Fairy Wrasse
-Leopard Wrasse (may sub for a Halichoeres species)
-Yellow Longnose Butterflyfish
-Blue Hippo Tang
-Schooling Bannerfish
-Majestic Angelfish
-Purple Tang
-Blue Mandarin Dragonet (Pair)
I have following fish in 75G reef tank, 4Ft X 2ft X 1.5ft. Two wave makers, sump with liverock in the middle, BH 2000 HOB skimmer, 6 T5 fixture with 3 blue and 3 white T5.

1 ) Fox Face
2) Sailfin Tang needs a much larger tank
3) True Precula
4) Blue spotted Goby
5) Stary Blenny
6) Bangai Cardinal
7) Neon Dottyback ( Orange flame colored) will limit tank mates going forward
8) Coral banded Shrimp can take fish
9) 2 Emerald Crabs not fish safe when they mature
10) 4 Damsels ( 2 yellow, 1 Domino, 1 Blue Yellow Tail) will limit tank mates going forward
11) Chocloate Chip Star fish not reef safe
12 ) Green brittle star not fish safe
13) Flame Angel fish
14) Flame Scallop difficult

They are all doing fine without fighting with each other. I am not planning on adding anything else, wanted to make sure if I need to get rid off anything unsafe. I know I can always get rid off damsels, but hard to catch without disturbing the rocks.
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