I've got a reef setup in a 29 biocube with a maxijet 1200, fluval ps1 skimmer, 3 white led strips, 2 blue, aqueon pro 40 heater, 30 lbs live rock set up for 8 months
current stock:
2 Picasso clowns
frogspawn, hairy mushroom, green star, trumpet, zoas, nepthea
CUC: be aware that hermits kill snails
3 astrea snails
8 hermit crabs
3 nessarius snails
1 brittle star green brittle stars eat fish
fish under consideration:
watchman goby excellent; with pistol shrimp
Six line wrasse very aggressive; not recommended, especially in a small tank
striped blenny excellent
or flame/cherub angel needs larger tank
cleaner shrimp excellent; however does not feed on fish parasites
or any other suggestions you may have as those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons; however I am always happy to reanalyze stocking plans as long as tank size and plan are provided