Back in February you reviewed my initial stocking plan for my 75 gallon DT/30 gallon sump tank.
Thus far I have added
Midas blenny
Diamond watchman goby
Kole tang
2 occ clowns
1 skunk cleaner shrimp
Various snails and hermits
1 clam
I would like to add one more fish and have been considering the following
Flame or potters angel but worried about coral nipping they are not coral safe
Copperband butterfly but worried about inverts/anemone and difficulty feeding they eat copepods and your mandarin will be unable to compete.
Leopard wrasse - mandarin doing well with copepods and eating frozen my sis, would the wrasse outcompete for the pods or eat the amphipods the mandarin doesn't touch? In this tank size a leopard wrasse and mandarin will not work together
Mostly seeing if I am at my max right now. I don't want to just add a fish for the sake of adding another fish but want one that really catches my eye and then see if it would work with my current tank.
I also just finished cycling a 20 gallon high for my kids
After some initial research they would like
1 helfrichi firefish
2 tank bred banggai or spotted cardinal fish - prefers the spotted
1 small goby - possibly Randall's, orange clown, or yellow watchman
Would this tank be overstocked? marginally. You could have a small docile fish instead of the cardinals, however.
It complete it initial cycle about a month ago and currently houses 2 nassarius snails and 1 turbo snail. I plan to add some macroalgaes (botryocladia, halymenia and codium) and leathers/mushrooms. I also plan to run the tank a little cooler at 76-78 degrees. Is this an issue with any of these fish? If so I can forget the codium and run at 78-80 degrees.
Thanks again for your advise!