I currently have a 90 gallon reef with various LPS and soft corals.
Tank has been running 6 months with no new additions for two months.
Fish and inverts include:
Percula clown
Bangaii cardinal
McCrosker wrasse
Purple firefish
Skunk cleaner shrimp
Looking to add:
Ignitus anthia
Yellow coris wrasse
Red lined wrasse
Eventually add
Green mandarin you will have too many copepod eaters for this fish in this sized tank
Black cap basslet
Any concerns with my plans? fine except as noted
Ok great - thank you !
Would a royal gramma or a Pygmy wrasse (the Tanaka would be at the top of my list but kids would get first choice) be a suitable substitute for the cardinals?
Carberryi are superb and I would always opt for them instead of bartlett's. But remember anthias need multiple feedings per day.
Would my tank be able to support 3 carberryi?
Sure.It is infeasible for me to go backwards. In order to do a proper analysis, I need complete stocking plan and tank size.
90g 48x18x24 mixed reef (but mostly SPS)
kole yellow eye tang
pair of ocellaris clowns
McCosker's wrassse
Lubbock's fairy wrasse
yellow coris wrasse
tailspot blenny
yellow watchman/tiger pistol pair
2 cleaner shrimp
I have recently (last week) started a 75 gallon reef tank. I have around 65 pounds of live rock, a Zoanthid, a Blue cup, and a snake polyps, with one small blue tang, a sailfin tang, and a female clownfish. Looking to add more fish, are there any that would benefit my tank, or just suggestions for some good looking fish that would be compatible? Thanks!*
I attached a picture of the clownfish, was not sure of the type. And I was told to introduce a male carefully, to see if the female would accept him or not
My tank has been established for about 8 months now. I have a 90 gallon display with a 30 gallon sump, a lot of live rock, live sand, protein skimmer, and UV sterilizer. Until recently, the tank chemistry has been very stable, but for a few weeks I've been having an issue with high nitrates and I'm wondering if my tank is overstocked. This is what I have in there right now:
-2 ocellaris clowns
-1 melanarus wrasse
-1 marble wrasse
-3 four-striped damsels very aggressive
-1 scissortail goby
-1 sleeper banded goby
-1 foxface rabbitfish *
-1 coral beauty *
-1 six-bar angel *
-1 coral banded shrimp can take fish
-1 sand-sifting starfish
-1 BTA
-a whole bunch of turbo snails and hermit crabs
* are the fish which graze; that is they eat a lot and poop a lot.
The six-bar angel was the most recent addition, and I think that may be where my nitrate problem is coming from. Right now it is relatively small (5 inches?), and I know it will get really big (along with the foxface and marble wrasse), but I plan to either upgrade to a bigger tank or sell them back to the LFS when they get big. The foxface and marble wrasse are both pretty small right now, about 4 inches each.
In terms of what I have in my tank now, not what I will have in there after everyone is full grown, does this sound overstocked? I've been doing weekly 30% water changes lately and the nitrates are still really high, usually between 40-80. I think I know the answer, but I'm really new to the hobby and I'm just now getting to the point where I may have reached maximum capacity (I've been adding fish pretty slowly). All of my other chemistry is completely normal.
Starting a 125 gallon 6 ft tank with a 40 gallon sump. This will be a reef tank.
2 ocellaris clown fish
1 royal gramma
1 copperband butterfly
1 Yellow Clown Goby
1 Green Clown Goby
1 Yellow Tang
1 Yellow Eye Kole Tang
1 Powder Blue Tang
1 Green Mandarin
?maybe a huma Picasso trigger? aggressive and needs a larger tank
Thank you for your input.
Lawnmower blennies are ugly :sad2:
You are reinforcing why I never make suggestions.
Bwahahahaaaaaaa!!! :lolspin:
If I DO put one in my tank, can I still fit a showcase fish? Some sort of pygmy angel? Or will that UGLY blenny put me at my limit?
60gal cube, pair of clowns, diamond watchman goby, mccaskers wrasse, 2 cleaners, 1 peppermint, CUC...