Small male and female Hoeven's Wrasse (Halichoeres melanurus) introduced with small male and female McCosker's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus mccoskeri), into a two year old 65 gallon"¦GTG??
marginal, but should be ok.
Small male and female Hoeven's Wrasse (Halichoeres melanurus) introduced with small male and female McCosker's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus mccoskeri), into a two year old 65 gallon"¦GTG??
150 gallon Acrylic Mixed Reef Tank (60 x 24 x 24)
220lbs of live rock
160lbs of live sand
Sump with protein skimmer
Refugium with Chaeto
432w Full Spectrum LEDs
This tank is going to be set up at our school in a hallway and we are open to lots of feedback! This list was generated by our science club students. We are particularly interested in compatibility and possible numbers of each fish.
Orange Striped Prawn Goby
High Fin Red Banded Goby
Yellow Eye Kole Tang
Starry Blenny
Zebra Barred Dartfish
Firefish (Red or Purple)
Dispar Anthias
Red Belted Anthias
Lyretail Anthias
Royal Gramma Basslet
Read headed solon fairy wrasse ***
Pair Ocellaris or Percula Clownfish
Spotted Cardinal
Blue Reef Chromis
Black and White Chromis
Green Mandarin Dragonet (Spring)
Bubble Tip Anemone (Winter)
Sea Hare (supplemental feeding)
Peppermint Shrimp
Tiger Tail Sea Cucumber
Electric Blue Hermit Crab
Pistol/Snapping Shrimp
Hey Steve,
How are Lubbock's and Longfin Fairy Wrasses for coloration and aggression? Do they do well in male/female pairs?
C. solorensis can be aggressive, longfin can be aggressive. Lubbock's are also aggressive. None are as bad as C. scottorum.
Would we be better off looking at Paracheilinus species?
Give us your size of tank, and type of water treatment (filter/live rock, sump y/n?) and tell us what you propose to buy--- But I have just read two really sad posts from people whose lfs sold them impossible-to-keep-alive creatures that are sadly dead or dying right this moment.
We can't answer without info, so describe your system (best yet, fill in those questions in My Profile under My RC, and give detail the way us old hands do)---and we'll be ever so glad to tell you whether your fish will have a good life in your tank.
Hi,do you think a lawnmower blenny and a shrimp goby would be intimidated by each other?tank 55gallons,40 kilos rock.ty Paul.
This thread has been split. You can see the original thread here:
Hi,do you think a lawnmower blenny and a shrimp goby would be intimidated by each other?tank 55gallons,40 kilos rock.ty Paul.
I want to get a yellowtail damsel.
This time I'll ask the RC group for opinion before making more purchase mistakes. This thread is not answered by the group, just me. If you want group opinion, post your own thread in reef fish.
From doing some research already printed, can they be aggressive based on their individual personalities or based on the tank environment that they are introduced to?? -Is it a hit or miss or is it fairly predictable? They are aggressive, especially in a small tank such as yours.
Any feeding issues?
Male or female preferences?
Amy unique characteristics that I should know about?
My existing setup:
Fish: 2 Ocellaris Clownfish, 1 Green Mandarin will be difficult to impossible to maintain this fish long term in this sized tank. , 1 Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp, 1 Fire Shrimp, 1 Corral Banded Shrimp can take fish, 1 Arrow Crab can take fish, 2 Peppermint Shrimp plus bunch of Bristle Worms and CUC.
Reef: 50 lb. Sand, 70 lb. Rock, Frog Spawn, Button Polyps, Mushrooms, Kenya Trees, Feather Star, and recently, several aiptasias. . . :-(.
Tank: 50g hex, overflow, 20um filter, 23 gal sump, 2 pumps, 3 in-tank circulators, 5 UH fluorescent, chiller 650, heater 150W, skimmer 65, I got it on 7/18/2014 but it is established for over 15 years!!
BTW, Getting the Green Mandarin and Feather Star was an ignorant rookie mistake on my part. . . .
Thank you in advance!!! Tom
No problem.
THANK YOU STEVE!!!! I'll be back with more questions when the time comes
Ha!! I got a question already!!!
So, What would you recommend as my next easy-to-take-care-of (idiot-proof), yet shiny, colorfull and fun to watch (not hiding behind the rocks) fish for my tank????
As those who follow this thread know, I never make recommendations for a variety of reasons. But, as I said above, feel free to check back with any compatibility issues.
Fish: 2 Ocellaris Clownfish, 1 Green Mandarin, 1 Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp, 1 Fire Shrimp, 1 Corral Banded Shrimp, 1 Arrow Crab, 2 Peppermint Shrimp plus bunch of Bristle Worms and CUC.
Reef: 50 lb. Sand, 70 lb. Rock, Frog Spawn, Button Polyps, Mushrooms, Kenya Trees, Feather Star, and recently, several aiptasias. . . :-(.
Tank: 50g hex, overflow, 20um filter, 23 gal sump, 2 pumps, 3 in-tank circulators, 5 UH fluorescent, chiller 650, heater 150W, skimmer 65, I got it on 7/18/2014 but it is established for over 15 years!!
BTW, Getting the Green Mandarin and Feather Star was an ignorant rookie mistake on my part. . . .
I have a 75 G ******* that I would like to transition to reef. Right now my water parameters are as close to perfect as I have ever seen;
temp 78, sg 1.026 ph 8 nh3 0.25 no3 and no2 both 0
I have what should be an aggressive lot - but due to the large amount of live rock and ample space to hide and swim through, I rarely see aggressive behavior. Fish are:
green mandarin, a pair of green spotted puffers, a purple psuedochromis, a percula clown, and a bunch of damsels - 3 stripe, 4 stripe, domino, velvet and an azure.
I also have a purple tip anemone and a brittle star. The cleanup crew is an assortment of hermits and snails.
I added some ornamental macro algaes and the hermits are having a field day!
I realize that eventually some of these fish are going to have to find new homes as they mature, but it was a nice assortment to get started with. I have 2 questions.
The first is the cleanup crew... the guy I spoke to over at liveaquaria said nothing in my mix should be as predatory as it is... but something has eaten all the larger hermits, the shrimp, the fighting conch, and an assortment of other hermits and snails. I have yet to catch the culprit(s) but the thing that throws me is that the remaining hermits are a fraction of the size of the ones that were killed. most of this happened within the first 2 weeks of them being in the tank. Not really a question there, but wondering what your thoughts were...
As I transition to corals - something I've never done, what would you advise as a good assortment of colorful easy to care for corals?
I have a 400L tank (105g I think) it's the aquareef 400 with added on chiller and uv filter,
It's still not established an in the process of cycling and not yet ready for fish I am still planning out what I want and the best order to add them in , also if I am looking like over stocking or not. And any fish on my list not suited to a newbie or a difficult
So far my wish list looks like
1x blue sided fairy wrasse
1x filamented flasher wrasse
1x helfrichi firefish
1x African clown wrasse or Dragon wrasse
1x purple tang you are planning 3 algae grazers, your tank is not large enough
1x flame angel
2x blue green chromis will become one over time; be sure to quarantine as they are susceptible to uronema marinum
1x long nose hawkfish or falco hawk
1x fox face rabbit fish rabbit fish need larger tanks
1x Catalina goby needs cooler temperatures; will not work in normal temperatures that people keep their tanks
1x blue linckia will starve in this sized tank in the long run
The following fish I already have so the above would need to be compatible with them or if u think I should rehome?
1x coral beauty- I already have this fish but the shop people said it would be okay with a flame angel with enough hiding places?
2x adult ocellaris clown fish
1x banggai cardinal
1x snowflake eel (if he survives) currently about 15cm and in the new cycling tank
Ok Steve. I', ready with several fish for you to consider: Spotted and Kaudern's Cardinals.
1. Should I get one at a time or both at once?
2. Them being docile, will they stress out over living with 2 clowns?
3. Am I reaching the bio-load limit with this size tank?
4. If #3 is a "NO", can I get 3 or 4 cardinals? -My kids want a school of fish over singles but I don't want the tank to be too crowded. . .
Thank you for your consideration. Tom