Tank: Perfecto 120 XH (60x18x26)
Sump: 40G Breeder, Refugium TBD?
Skimmer: Tunze 9410 or BM Hero 180
Rock: 75lbs Pukani
Looking at:
Bangai Cardinals (Group of 3-5)
Blue Spotted Watchman Goby - with paired shrimp
Hi Fin Red Banded Goby - with paired shrimp
Coral Beauty Angel
Pair of Ocellaris Clowns (2)
One Spot Foxface
Royal Gramma
Yellow Tang
Mystery Wrasse
Previously all the above were ok, except recommending 1M, 1-2F of cardinalfish.
Bi-Color Blenny
Maybe replace Bengaii Cardinal with a school of Yellow Striped Cardinal?
Remove Helfrichi Firefish..Replacing with Purple Firefish
Maybe a Kole Tang or Powder Blue - Think both would be ok with the yellow Tang.
Sump: 40G Breeder, Refugium TBD?
Skimmer: Tunze 9410 or BM Hero 180
Rock: 75lbs Pukani
Looking at:
Bangai Cardinals (Group of 3-5)
Blue Spotted Watchman Goby - with paired shrimp
Hi Fin Red Banded Goby - with paired shrimp
Coral Beauty Angel
Pair of Ocellaris Clowns (2)
One Spot Foxface
Royal Gramma
Yellow Tang
Mystery Wrasse
Previously all the above were ok, except recommending 1M, 1-2F of cardinalfish.
Bi-Color Blenny
Maybe replace Bengaii Cardinal with a school of Yellow Striped Cardinal?
Remove Helfrichi Firefish..Replacing with Purple Firefish
Maybe a Kole Tang or Powder Blue - Think both would be ok with the yellow Tang.