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Need help stocking my 93. Here's some details about the tank

93 cube and a deep blue 30 cube sharing a 55 gallon sump. Center section of sump is full of chaeto. Running a reef octopus 150.

30 is just holding some live rock and coral for my wife's 27. So there's nothing really in it.

The 93 is a mixed reef but mostly sps and zoas.

Current inhabitants
2 clowns
Red banded hi fin goby
Harlequin shrimp
2 skunk cleaner shrimp
1 peppermint shrimp

Here's what I'm wanting to add
Copperband butterfly
Red head solon fairy wrasse
Orange back fairy wrasse
Starry blenny
2 red fire fish
2 purple fire fish
3 midget reef chromis
3 Bartlett anthias

Let me know if you think this will work

Tyvm for the input! Other then a watchman are there anyother yellow fish that are more "out and about" that could fit? I believe this is why my daughter loves the lemonpeels. Brightly colored and bold.

Not sure if this helps any options but I am a stay at home mom so I have plenty of time for more "needy" species.
Tyvm for the input! Other then a watchman are there anyother yellow fish that are more "out and about" that could fit? I believe this is why my daughter loves the lemonpeels. Brightly colored and bold.

Not sure if this helps any options but I am a stay at home mom so I have plenty of time for more "needy" species.

Well, a dwarf angel could be maintained by adding multiple feedings including spirulina every day but it would be difficult as these fish are grazers and eat constantly.
Need help stocking my 93. Here's some details about the tank

93 cube and a deep blue 30 cube sharing a 55 gallon sump. Center section of sump is full of chaeto. Running a reef octopus 150.

30 is just holding some live rock and coral for my wife's 27. So there's nothing really in it.

The 93 is a mixed reef but mostly sps and zoas.

Current inhabitants
2 clowns
Red banded hi fin goby
Harlequin shrimp only eats starfish feet
2 skunk cleaner shrimp
1 peppermint shrimp

Here's what I'm wanting to add
Copperband butterfly difficult; may or may not eat in captivity and may or may not be reef safe
Red head solon fairy wrasse
Orange back fairy wrasse
Starry blenny
2 red fire fish You will be able to maintain one firefish long term
2 purple fire fish
3 midget reef chromis may end up with only one long term
3 Bartlett anthias probably need a larger tank

Let me know if you think this will work
You said I'll be able to keep 1 fire fish long term. Meaning either 2 red or 2 purple or only one fire fish at all

One firefish of either species. In the two to four month time frame, one firefish will become dominant and intimidate the remainder so it will hide and starve to death.
Hi snorvich. Can you tell me if I can put two clown fish in my 30 gallon frag tank?

One of the fish is about 4.25"


Depending on species, a pair of clownfish can be homed in a 30 gallon tank. Whether or not those two clownfish will work requires much more information.
Tank is cycling now and am starting to put together a stocking plan. Its a 75 Gal with 75 lbs of rock (not live yet), 40 lbs of pink Fiji rock, 20 Gal sump with a reefoctopus 150. It will probably be a FOWLR tank for the first 6 months or so and I would like to eventually get soft corals and clams going. Not interested in keeping any stony corals in this tank. I would like to purchase these fish as small as possible while still having them be fairly hardy. I'm looking for advice on compatibility with each other and with softies and clams.

Clownfish (ocellaris/percula/TR ocellaris
Engineer/diamond watchman Goby
Flame Angel
Blue Tang
Blue reef chromis
Falco Hawkfish
Snowflake Eel
Picaso Trigger
Tank is cycling now and am starting to put together a stocking plan. Its a 75 Gal with 75 lbs of rock (not live yet), 40 lbs of pink Fiji rock, 20 Gal sump with a reefoctopus 150. It will probably be a FOWLR tank for the first 6 months or so and I would like to eventually get soft corals and clams going. Not interested in keeping any stony corals in this tank. I would like to purchase these fish as small as possible while still having them be fairly hardy. I'm looking for advice on compatibility with each other and with softies and clams.

Clownfish (ocellaris/percula/TR ocellaris
Engineer/diamond watchman Goby
Flame Angel
Blue Tang
Blue reef chromis
Falco Hawkfish
Snowflake Eel
Picaso Trigger

I am sorry, but I do not provide analysis of aggressive fish community tanks. This question should be a separate thread in the aggressive fish forum.
45 gal 2 firefish they been together for 8 months now, one was the dominant one for about 2 weeks but after that they are back to been great to each other and sleep together, 2 nemos, 1 cleaner shrimp and 1 peppermint shrimp, 1 green mandarin, been on there for 6-7 months growing huge everyday, 1 royal gramma, 1 Midas blenny, and a sergeant starfish, I want to add a six line wrasse!?!!?!? Any thoughts? Thanks in advance buddy
45 gal 2 firefish they been together for 8 months now, one was the dominant one for about 2 weeks but after that they are back to been great to each other and sleep together, 2 nemos, 1 cleaner shrimp and 1 peppermint shrimp, 1 green mandarin, been on there for 6-7 months growing huge everyday, 1 royal gramma, 1 Midas blenny, and a sergeant starfish, I want to add a six line wrasse!?!!?!? Any thoughts? Thanks in advance buddy

A sixline wrasse should never be added in a tank with a mandarin. You are one of the few lucky enough to get a bonded pair out of two firefish.
Thanks buddy, would u mind telling me why? Do they both eat copepods? Or other reason? Because my mandarin actually eats frozen food, lucky me right lol
Thanks buddy, would u mind telling me why? Do they both eat copepods? Or other reason? Because my mandarin actually eats frozen food, lucky me right lol

all mandarins eat frozen food. Six line wrasses are a very aggressive fish that aggressively eats copepods and will not be pleased with a mandarin in the same tank.
Hi, I have a mixed SPS and LPS 60 gallon cube, 40 gallon sump 100lbs live rock.
Current tank list
2 ocellaris
1 blue chromis
1 banggai cardinal
1 6 line wrasse
Harlequin shrimp- completely took care of my asterina problem. This is truely a fascinating creature.
1 Blood Red Shrimp
The Cardinal was the last fish added about 8 months ago.

Would you suggest adding any more fish or just keep it how it is?

thank you
Hi, I have a mixed SPS and LPS 60 gallon cube, 40 gallon sump 100lbs live rock.
Current tank list
2 ocellaris
1 blue chromis
1 banggai cardinal
1 6 line wrasse
Harlequin shrimp- completely took care of my asterina problem. This is truely a fascinating creature.
1 Blood Red Shrimp
The Cardinal was the last fish added about 8 months ago.

Would you suggest adding any more fish or just keep it how it is?

thank you

You have capacity for a small fish, but the six line wrasse will preclude many fish from fitting in behaviorally. Unless you plan to remove that six line, I would leave things as they are.
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