Still cycling so re-thinking stock list. Can you also suggest an order to be added?
New tank is 4ft by 18 inches front to back and 30 inches tall. I have a 20 gallon sump which will have about 10 gallons in it. 100lbs of live rock will use 75 of it for sure and will try to add the other 25 as room and looks allow. Skimmer Vertex Omega 150, Lighting is 2 kessils a 350W and a 360W. Chiller (I live in the desert), Auto top off, GFO/Carbon reactor if needed. Will have a small 8 inch by 12 inch refuge area in sump also have a medium 4 inch by 20 inch HOB fuge that I might use too.
Flow is two Jebao WP25's along with return sump pump forgot flow on that.
Current tank water quality should be the same in the new tank being set up;
Salinity = 1.025 /// Ammonia=0 /// Nitrite=0 /// Nitrate=0 /// PH=9 /// Temp=79degrees F /// Phosphate = 0.16 (I struggle here) /// KH=9 or 161 /// Calcium=400 /// Mag=1170 (I struggle here too).
Current tank;
Cleaner Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Small 1inch blue green chromis -
Small 1 inch snowflake clown
Variety of snails = Nas, Turbo, Cerith, Netrites?
3 hermit crabs in refuge not in display.
3 headed Duncan
20 head zoa
3 inch round green star polyp.
New tank wish list in addition to the Chromis and clown above;
Pistol Shrimp & Goby Pair I like the Yasha goby and will likely go with a randalls pistol shrimp. fine
Green Coris Wrasse. fine
Fox Face Lo or lawn mower blenny or both.. Would both be too many algae eaters? the fox face is fine, but I would not do any additional algae eaters
Do you know what Tangs could fit in a 105 gallon with corals? the fox face limits algae eaters, so none
Also are their any dwarf angels that could live in a 105 gallon with corals? dwarf angels are not coral safe
Strawberry Basslet.
Gold Midas Blenny or a Tail spot blenny.tail spot is preferred
Last does any anthias work in my 105 gallon tank? one would be fine, a group would not
Would a scooter or mandarin ever work in this tank after mature for a year or is this a huge stock list? After nine months, a scooter should work
Ok I do not plan to have any crabs as I am not a fan of them in general they ate and stole the shells from my snails in my 40 gallon. But I have considered a pom pom crab is this suitable or is it also likely a killer / shell stealer? No, it is not. However, you would rarely, if ever, see it.
Thank you again and out of what is capable in my size tank can you help me with an order they should be introduced?