PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

Hi there. I appreciate your evaluation of my future purchases. Currently I don't have anything in my tank but a couple snails and hermit crabs. My tank just finished cycling and I am looking forward to adding fish and coral. I'm planning to have a mixed reef with cleaner shrimp, coral banded shrimp, and urchins. I will possible add a clam or two in the future.

My tank set-up is a 210 gallon mid-center overflow eurobraced tank. Dimensions are 60"long x 27"deep x 30"tall.

It is connected to a 30 gallon frag tank and a 30 gallon sump. I'm planning to have a few inches of sand in the refugium with different types of macro algae and mangroves. The DT has a rock wall throughout three sides of the tank and around the overflow. I am using Pink Fiji Sand that increases from 2" to 4" in some areas. On average about 3".

My plan is to add each type of fish with a 4 week period between in this order. Is this order correct and can you give me some insight into the mix and quantity as well.


Scissortail Gobies "Dart Fish" x3

Barnacle Blenny x5 (could always do 3 if I am over the tank limit, plan to add a barnacle home for them)

Lawn Mower Blenny

Yellow Stripe Clingfish x2 (with urchins in the tank)

Exquisite Fairy Wrasse

Kauderns Cardinal Fish x2 (bonded)

Orange Clowns (Amphiprion Percula) x2

Bartlett's Anthias x3 (1 male, 2 females)

Orange Shoulder Tang

Sailfin Tang (zebrasoma velifer)

Blue Mandarins x2 (after a year depending on pod population)

Green Target Mandarins x2 (after a year depending on pod population)
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80 gallon 48" x 18" x 22.5" LxWxH
with 29 gallon sump (23 gallons filled).
10gal in sump dedicated to refugium.

I have 135 lb of live rock at my disposal but will transfer probably about 20-25 lb to another tank, and about 15 lb to my refugium

Will be a Reef, probably mixed SPS/LPS but also maybe some other variation.
I definitely want the following:

Flame angelfish
Coral beauty angelfish
Bristletooth tomini tang
Mandarin goby (after several months, as many as it takes..)

And then I'll fill in what room i have left with something from these if I can (or any recommendations?):

Some type of Anthias (more than 1? 3?)
Female Leopard Wrasse (too much resource competition with mandarin?)
goby/pistol pair
Clown or clown pair
Purple firefish (more than 1? 3?)

Then I will also have a few shrimp like fire and scarlet cleaner, hermits and snails and brittle star. Might want to get an urchin of some type..

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Hi there. I appreciate your evaluation of my future purchases. Currently I don't have anything in my tank but a couple snails and hermit crabs. My tank just finished cycling and I am looking forward to adding fish and coral. I'm planning to have a mixed reef with cleaner shrimp, coral banded shrimp, and urchins. I will possible add a clam or two in the future.

My tank set-up is a 210 gallon mid-center overflow eurobraced tank. Dimensions are 60"long x 27"deep x 30"tall.

It is connected to a 30 gallon frag tank and a 30 gallon sump. I'm planning to have a few inches of sand in the refugium with different types of macro algae and mangroves. The DT has a rock wall throughout three sides of the tank and around the overflow. I am using Pink Fiji Sand that increases from 2" to 4" in some areas. On average about 3".

My plan is to add each type of fish with a 4 week period between in this order. Is this order correct and can you give me some insight into the mix and quantity as well.


Plan and order is fine except as annotated

Scissortail Gobies "Dart Fish" x3

Barnacle Blenny x5 (could always do 3 if I am over the tank limit, plan to add a barnacle home for them)

Lawn Mower Blenny

Yellow Stripe Clingfish x2 (with urchins in the tank)

Exquisite Fairy Wrasse

Kauderns Cardinal Fish x2 (bonded)

Orange Clowns (Amphiprion Percula) x2

Bartlett's Anthias x3 (1 male, 2 females)

Orange Shoulder Tang

Sailfin Tang (zebrasoma velifer)

Blue Mandarins x2 (after a year depending on pod population) You will not be able to keep two pairs of mandarins since the males will not allow another male in the tank

Green Target Mandarins x2 (after a year depending on pod population)
80 gallon 48" x 18" x 22.5" LxWxH
with 29 gallon sump (23 gallons filled).
10gal in sump dedicated to refugium.

I have 135 lb of live rock at my disposal but will transfer probably about 20-25 lb to another tank, and about 15 lb to my refugium

Will be a Reef, probably mixed SPS/LPS but also maybe some other variation.
I definitely want the following:

Flame angelfish
Coral beauty angelfish
Bristletooth tomini tang three algae grazers in this sized tank is not a good idea. You could have two dwarf angels (which are not reef safe, by the way) or the tang
Mandarin goby (after several months, as many as it takes..) nine months, normally

And then I'll fill in what room i have left with something from these if I can (or any recommendations?):

Some type of Anthias (more than 1? 3?) in this sized tank, only one; a group needs a larger tank
Female Leopard Wrasse (too much resource competition with mandarin?) yes, in this sized tank, another copepod eater would not work
goby/pistol pair
Clown or clown pair depending on species
Purple firefish (more than 1? 3?) one. Multiples will not work

Then I will also have a few shrimp like fire and scarlet cleaner, hermits and snails and brittle star. Might want to get an urchin of some type..

Thanks snorvich! In the case of the mandarins... Is it possible to put one male and all females, or all females?

In a large tank, it is possible to have one male and one or more females. But there is still the issue of having sufficient copepods and another issue is that some males have clipped dorsal fins and "look like" females. The males however don't look at dorsal fins. :eek1:
In a large tank, it is possible to have one male and one or more females. But there is still the issue of having sufficient copepods and another issue is that some males have clipped dorsal fins and "look like" females. The males however don't look at dorsal fins. :eek1:

Lol... I could see that being a problem. Well, thank you again for reviewing my list for me. I'm very excited to move towards adding fish!
stock for 180

stock for 180

brand new 180, stock will not be added all at ones.

Porch Puffer
Yellow Tang
Blue Tang
some kind of EEL
Humu Picasso trigger

clown triggeradded last and to be the smallest fish in the tank

please suggest more fish if you think they all fit
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brand new 180, stock will not be added all at ones.

Porch Puffer
Yellow Tang
Blue Tang
some kind of EEL
Humu Picasso trigger

clown triggeradded last and to be the smallest fish in the tank

please suggest more fish if you think they all fit

Unfortunately, I do not provide analysis of aggressive fish community tanks. Questions can be posted here.
29 gallon reef

29 gallon reef

current tank has

soft corals, lps , will be adding Tridac clam
a pair of extreme snow onyx clowfish.
3 red hermits
1 sally crab
1 emerald crab
7 turbo snails
6 ness snails

i was thinking about adding 1 or 2 more fish, witch 2 would fit the best

Orchid Dottyback
Pajama Cardinalfish
Royal Gramma Basslet
Chalk Bass
Bicolor Dottyback
Kaudern's Cardinal
Diamond Watchman Goby
current tank has

soft corals, lps , will be adding Tridac clam
a pair of extreme snow onyx clowfish.
3 red hermits
1 sally crab may take fish
1 emerald crab
7 turbo snails
6 ness snails

i was thinking about adding 1 or 2 more fish, witch 2 would fit the best

Orchid Dottyback doable
Pajama Cardinalfish excellent
Royal Gramma Basslet excellent
Chalk Bass doable
Bicolor Dottyback too aggressive
Kaudern's Cardinal excellent, tank raised preferred
Diamond Watchman Goby excellent (with pistol shrimp

Any two of these would work (except the bicolor dottyback
Thank you Steve!

I love those dwarf angels but putting them aside for now how about this:

(1) Tomini Tang
(1) Mandarin (at least 9 months)
(1) Anthias - Bartletts or Carberryi or Resplendent
(1) Yellow tail reef basslet - Liopropoma mitratum
(1) Sunrise dotty back

Any order in particular?

And then maybe try either the flame or coral beauty dwarf angel last. I have a 50 gal tank she can go into
Thank you Steve!

I love those dwarf angels but putting them aside for now how about this:

(1) Tomini Tang last
(1) Mandarin (at least 9 months)
(1) Anthias - Bartletts or Carberryi or Resplendent Carberryi or Resplendent is excellent but need multiple feedings per day
(1) Yellow tail reef basslet - Liopropoma mitratum
(1) Sunrise dotty back the least aggressive dottyback is P. fridmani but even this one may have problems with the mandarin

Any order in particular?

And then maybe try either the flame or coral beauty dwarf angel last. I have a 50 gal tank she can go into

As long as you are aware that they may nip . . .

I have a 60 gallon tank w/ 26 gallon sump, 70 lbs of live rock, 3" sand bed in the DT and in refugium section of the sump, and a Reef Dynamics INS80 protein skimmer. I would like to
add the following fish, and propose adding them in order as below:

3 black axil chromis
1 yellow nose shrimp goby
1 labouti fairy wrasse
1 helfrich's fire fish
1 mccosker's flasher wrasse
1 midas blenny
1 allardi clownfish
1 brazillian flameback angel

It's a pretty 'healthy' bioload, I know- but is it doable?

I have a 60 gallon tank w/ 26 gallon sump, 70 lbs of live rock, 3" sand bed in the DT and in refugium section of the sump, and a Reef Dynamics INS80 protein skimmer. I would like to
add the following fish, and propose adding them in order as below:

3 black axil chromis
1 yellow nose shrimp goby
1 labouti fairy wrasse
1 helfrich's fire fish
1 mccosker's flasher wrasse
1 midas blenny
1 allardi clownfish
1 brazillian flameback angel

It's a pretty 'healthy' bioload, I know- but is it doable?

Crowded. The flasher wrasse may intimidate the firefish in this sized tank; that species of clownfish is on the aggressive side for this sized tank (will eventually become female)
Thanks for your perspective, Steve.

If I pass on the flasher wrasse- and choose a different clown species- would that work?
If I do a clown at all, I was hoping to do something other than a percula or occelaris. Most
others that I might be interested in (cinnamon, saddleback, three banded) seem to be around the same level of aggression as the allardi.

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