PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Hey my buddy had to go over sees so he gave me his anemone and lights but I forgot to ask him what kind it was because he was in such a hurry can anyone help with id
Tank is 210 g 6'x2'x2.5'high. shallow sand bed, plenty of rock? with corals (softies, sps, and lps) 40 gallon sump, radion LED lighting.
current fish:
pajama cardinal x2
bicolor angel
flame back angel

Potential future fish:
flasher wrasses (how many would be acceptable?)
possible list:
McCosker's Flasher Wrasse
Eightline Flasher Wrasse
Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse Terminal Phase Male
Blue Flasher Wrasse Terminal Phase Male
Royal Flasher Wrasse Terminal Phase Male
Linespot Flasher Wrasse Terminal Phase Male

Blue hippo tang
Achilles tang
mandarin goby
copperband butterfly

thanks in advance,

in addition to the above, would it be possible to add a long nose hawkfish and a pair of ocellaris
Hi Steve...

Probablly this is out of the scope of this thread but if possible i will like to know is there any fish or invert that is reefsafe and will eat little stars???

my LFS has a ruby red dragonet that I really want to pick up its a male about an inch long. how do I go about QTin this thing? it will prob only eat live food and obviously my QT won't have any of that. they do sell live zoo plankton that he might do I go about this?
Hi Steve...

Probablly this is out of the scope of this thread but if possible i will like to know is there any fish or invert that is reefsafe and will eat little stars???


Harlequin shrimp will eat asterina stars. However it will starve to death unless you feed it starfish legs.
my LFS has a ruby red dragonet that I really want to pick up its a male about an inch long. how do I go about QTin this thing? it will prob only eat live food and obviously my QT won't have any of that. they do sell live zoo plankton that he might do I go about this?

They would eat nutramar ova and will eat copepods if available. If you do not have a copepod competitor (in your 125 gallon tank), you could sustain them, but if you do (such as a six line wrasse), they would not survive.
I have a 14 gallon biocube with live rock and built in back filter.I want to get a midnight clownfish,misbar clownfish,yellow clown goby,and a pygmy angelfish.

I have a 14 gallon biocube with live rock and built in back filter.I want to get a midnight clownfish,misbar clownfish,yellow clown goby,and a pygmy angelfish.


Unfortunately, your tank is too small even for a pair of clownfish long term. A Pygmy angel would need a much larger tank.
They would eat nutramar ova and will eat copepods if available. If you do not have a copepod competitor (in your 125 gallon tank), you could sustain them, but if you do (such as a six line wrasse), they would not survive.

my concern is really in the QT. how do you keep it alive in quarantine for 6 weeks without a live food source. would zoo plankton work? he is very small and don't think he could eat a pod as of now.
What about the clown goby.And I went to ATM and and they said the most fish I could have is 4 and they said a pygmy angelfish would be fine!!!!!!!!!:fun2:

After their statement about a pygmy angelfish, their credibility is not very high. You cannot have 4 fish in that sized tank unless all are tiny and not behavioral problems.
66gal - 38" long - fish only

2 months old, currently houses:
1 yellowtail damsel
2 cleaner shrimp
10 small hermit crabs
3 nassarius snails

Eventual plan:
2 percula clowns
1 black axil chromis (have read is hardier than blue/green)
1 anthias (bartlett probably)
1 wrasse (exquisite, carpenters or mccoskers)
1 yellowhead jawfish (or bicolor blenny if 3" of sand is not enough for the jawfish)
1 royal gramma (though I feel the damsel may hassle him, so I'm leaning towards no gramma)

I know the damsel should go later, but I'm new to the hobby and wanted to start with the hardiest fish possible.

If you think this plan is ok, can you suggest an order of addition?

Thanks in advance!
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