66gal - 38" long - fish only
2 months old, currently houses:
1 yellowtail damsel
2 cleaner shrimp
10 small hermit crabs
3 nassarius snails
Eventual plan:
2 percula clowns
1 black axil chromis (have read is hardier than blue/green)
1 anthias (bartlett probably)
1 wrasse (exquisite, carpenters or mccoskers)
1 yellowhead jawfish (or bicolor blenny if 3" of sand is not enough for the jawfish)
1 royal gramma (though I feel the damsel may hassle him, so I'm leaning towards no gramma)
I know the damsel should go later, but I'm new to the hobby and wanted to start with the hardiest fish possible.
If you think this plan is ok, can you suggest an order of addition?
Thanks in advance!
All are hardy. You can help the jawfish if you bury some capped on one end PVC and insure that your substrate includes fine sand, live rock rubble, and empty shells. As you know, the damsel may limit having the G. loretto. Order is not critical with this particular group but in general, it is most aggressive last, least aggressive first.