PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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I'm about ready to start cycling my 40 breeder and would like to make sure my intended fish list (and the order I plan on adding them) will be ok. I'm planning on not running a skimmer for now (may get one if I decide to go SPS) but will have 2/3 of a 20 long as a DSB with algae plus about 50 lbs live rock for filtration.

Intended fish list and purchase order:
Nemateleotris Magnifica "Firefish"
Serranus Tortugarum "Chalk Bass" may make lunch out of your clown goby.
Sphaeramia Nematoptera "Pajama Cardinal" (pair)
Gobiodon Okinawae "Yellow Clown Goby" (Can I add one of these earlier before having much coral in the tank?)
Amphiprion Ocellaris "Ocellaris Clownfish" (pair)


fine, except as annotated
Ok. Just out of curiosity, is it because the Chalk Bass gets bigger than I think or because they're more aggressive than what I've read? I thought they were a little smaller and less aggressive than Ocellaris clowns. I don't have any experience with either, just going off of what others have written.

Thanks again!
Steve, another subtle revision...please confirm.
Tank is 210 g 6'x2'x2.5'high. shallow sand bed, plenty of rock? with corals (softies, sps, and lps) 40 gallon sump, radion LED lighting.
current fish:
pajama cardinal x2
bicolor angel
flame back angel

Potential future fish possible list:
McCosker's Flasher Wrasse
Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse Terminal Phase Male
Royal Flasher Wrasse Terminal Phase Male
McCosker's Wrasse Terminal Phase Male

chevron tang
Achilles tang
mandarin goby (later)
copperband butterfly

thanks in advance,
Ok. Just out of curiosity, is it because the Chalk Bass gets bigger than I think or because they're more aggressive than what I've read? I thought they were a little smaller and less aggressive than Ocellaris clowns. I don't have any experience with either, just going off of what others have written.

Thanks again!

They are carnivores. It may work, I just get nervous with carnivores around small shrimp or small fish. They reach about 3 inches. I cannot compare to A. ocellaris because clownfish are primarily aggressive once bonded and mating.
Steve, another subtle revision...please confirm.
Tank is 210 g 6'x2'x2.5'high. shallow sand bed, plenty of rock? with corals (softies, sps, and lps) 40 gallon sump, radion LED lighting.
current fish:
pajama cardinal x2
bicolor angel
flame back angel

Potential future fish possible list:
McCosker's Flasher Wrasse
Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse Terminal Phase Male
Royal Flasher Wrasse Terminal Phase Male
McCosker's Wrasse Terminal Phase Male

chevron tang
Achilles tang add last
mandarin goby (later)
copperband butterfly

thanks in advance,

Fine. Only potential issue is that you must acclimate the copperband and make sure it is aggressively eating before introducing into the community tank. They do best with gentle tank mates, the Achilles may make it nervous.
90 Fish Add

90 Fish Add

90 Gallon Adds
90 gallon with sump, 15 gl refg, plenty of rock and skimmer.
1-Coral Beauty Angelfish
1-Kelo Yellow Tang
1-One Spot Foxface
1-Blue/Green Chromis
1-Diamond Watchman Goby
3-Rock Flower Anemone
Clean up crew

1-Six Line Wrasse
1-Sunburst Anthias

Thanks for the help.
Advice on Stocklist

Advice on Stocklist

Hello All,

I am new to RC, and kind of new to saltwater. I tried saltwater 2 years ago and I could not keep fish alive due to ICH, and I didn't have the patience, so I went back to freshwater. Well, I decided to come back to saltwater because of the beautiful species of fish and corals that saltwater provides. My wife encouraged me to come back to saltwater also. Long story short, I need some advice on my stocklist, whether it's good or bad. My equipment consist of 120 gallon (4x2x2) with 30 gallon sump, Aqua Euro USA Classic 250skimmer, 200 micron socks, and 100lbs of live rock(so far, plan to add more). The tank has been setup and running about 3.5 months now with no fish. Also have 20 gallon long QT, with a Cascade 700 canister filter. Both tanks are running Rea Sea Pro Salt at 1.025, 8.3 PH, and 76 degrees. My wishlist is as follows:

1. Coral Beauty Angel
2. Flame Hawkfish
3. Foxface
4. Kole Tang
5. Yellow Tang
6. Melanurus Wrasse
7. Cream Angel
8. Bluethroat Trigger
9. Midas Blenny

I know the rule of thumb is you cannot have the best of both worlds, it's either FOWLR or Reef Tank. With this stocklist, I wanted to also know if I could get away with adding couple LPS and Mushrooms just for a little color and movement along the rocks. Thank you all for your advice and inputs.
90 Gallon Adds
90 gallon with sump, 15 gl refg, plenty of rock and skimmer.
1-Coral Beauty Angelfish
1-Kelo Yellow Tang
1-One Spot Foxface
1-Blue/Green Chromis
1-Diamond Watchman Goby
3-Rock Flower Anemone can eat fish
Clean up crew

1-Six Line Wrasse will limit tank mates going forward
1-Sunburst Anthias

Thanks for the help.

fine except as annotated
Hello All,

I am new to RC, and kind of new to saltwater. I tried saltwater 2 years ago and I could not keep fish alive due to ICH, and I didn't have the patience, so I went back to freshwater. Well, I decided to come back to saltwater because of the beautiful species of fish and corals that saltwater provides. My wife encouraged me to come back to saltwater also. Long story short, I need some advice on my stocklist, whether it's good or bad. My equipment consist of 120 gallon (4x2x2) with 30 gallon sump, Aqua Euro USA Classic 250skimmer, 200 micron socks, and 100lbs of live rock(so far, plan to add more). The tank has been setup and running about 3.5 months now with no fish. Also have 20 gallon long QT, with a Cascade 700 canister filter. Both tanks are running Rea Sea Pro Salt at 1.025, 8.3 PH, and 76 degrees. My wishlist is as follows:

1. Coral Beauty Angel algae grazer
2. Flame Hawkfish not shrimp safe
3. Foxface algae grazer
4. Kole Tang algae grazer
5. Yellow Tang three large grazers and two small algae grazers in this sized tank is not long term stable. Yellow tang must be added last in any case
6. Melanurus Wrasse
7. Cream Angel algae grazer
8. Bluethroat Trigger
9. Midas Blenny

I know the rule of thumb is you cannot have the best of both worlds, it's either FOWLR or Reef Tank. With this stocklist, I wanted to also know if I could get away with adding couple LPS and Mushrooms just for a little color and movement along the rocks. Thank you all for your advice and inputs.

LPS in this tank with this stocking would not work; mushrooms would be fine.
My tank is 320g with about an 80g sump. My husband wants a puffer. I'm wondering about your opinion of a Valentini? I know they eat snails and hermits. However, as my snails and hermits are caught in tide pools, I see this as akin to feeding mice to a snake, or guppies to a lionfish. I am ok with that.
My setup contains mostly lps and soft corals, and..
2x false percs
African flameback angel
Purple tang
Red firefish
Mated pair of purple firefish
2 tidepool gobies
2 tidepool damsels who are soon to be banished to the sump
Golden spotted rabbitfish
3 chromis who school nicely
2 neon gobies

Also, I have a chance to get a tamarin wrasse who is eating pellets. No mouth damage, nice fat specimen. My pod population is excellent.

I think that I will add maybe two more fish, and leave room for anthias in a year or so, once I'm more confident working with this size tank.
My tank is 320g with about an 80g sump. My husband wants a puffer. I'm wondering about your opinion of a Valentini? I know they eat snails and hermits. However, as my snails and hermits are caught in tide pools, I see this as akin to feeding mice to a snake, or guppies to a lionfish. I am ok with that.

As long as you do not mind the removal of clean up crew or shrimp, you should be fine. Use a collander to transfer rather than a net. They need something hard for their teeth.

My setup contains mostly lps and soft corals, and..
2x false percs
African flameback angel
Purple tang
Red firefish
Mated pair of purple firefish
2 tidepool gobies
2 tidepool damsels who are soon to be banished to the sump
Golden spotted rabbitfish
3 chromis who school nicely
2 neon gobies

Also, I have a chance to get a tamarin wrasse who is eating pellets. No mouth damage, nice fat specimen. My pod population is excellent. I would go for it; no behavioral issues with current population. Anampses femininus?

I think that I will add maybe two more fish, and leave room for anthias in a year or so, once I'm more confident working with this size tank.

Anthias are excellent but do best with multiple small feedings daily. Resplendent or Carberryi were my choices.
Not sure of the Latin name. It's a yellow tail tamarin wrasse, one of those exquisite black with white spots and a shimmering of blue. I'd drooled over these wrasses for ages.

Any feeding advice for the Valentini? I am lucky that I can easily and legally collect things like mussels or oysters every day if I choose (I can send my toddler. He goes to the beach every day and would love a job to help with the tank)

I'm.waiting on the anthias so I can do them justice. I'll bother you about that at some point. When I'm ready, which may be in a year. :-)
66gal - 38" long - fish only

2 months old, currently houses:
1 yellowtail damsel
2 cleaner shrimp
10 small hermit crabs
3 nassarius snails

Eventual plan:
2 percula clowns
1 black axil chromis (have read is hardier than blue/green)
1 anthias (bartlett probably)
1 wrasse (exquisite, carpenters or mccoskers)
1 yellowhead jawfish (or bicolor blenny if 3" of sand is not enough for the jawfish)

Hello again. You already said this plan was fine. Just wanted to ask if you see any problem adding a barnacle blenny and clown goby to this mix?

Not sure of the Latin name. It's a yellow tail tamarin wrasse, one of those exquisite black with white spots and a shimmering of blue. I'd drooled over these wrasses for ages.

Go for it but check for mouth damage.

Any feeding advice for the Valentini? I am lucky that I can easily and legally collect things like mussels or oysters every day if I choose (I can send my toddler. He goes to the beach every day and would love a job to help with the tank)

shrimp with shell on would work. They are basically a carnivore but need to keep their teeth sharpened occasionally.

I'm.waiting on the anthias so I can do them justice. I'll bother you about that at some point. When I'm ready, which may be in a year. :-)

I am always here. :wave:
Hello again. You already said this plan was fine. Just wanted to ask if you see any problem adding a barnacle blenny and clown goby to this mix?


Barnacle blennies need a barnacle (easily obtained) and the clown goby is also fine.
You're the bomb diggity. Thanks. My husband will bless your name for ages.

I've seen this tamarin wrasse, and seen him eat small pellets. He grazes for pods constantly. His mouth is undamaged. I think he's going to be in my qt pretty soon!! Very exciting stuff. In the meantime, I'm going to get lights for my fuge, to boost pod population in anticipation of a heavy pod feeder.
Anthias are excellent but do best with multiple small feedings daily. Resplendent or Carberryi were my choices.

Would you mind explaining why you prefer those 2 anthias? I'll be adding a single fish at some point, and am having trouble choosing. Was leaning Bartlett's, but I really have no idea how to make the choice between so many beautiful fish.
Ok, I didn't Qt my last fish and got ich. Killed all but 2 of my fish. I've learned my lesson and will always Qt my new fish. So looking forward to when the tank is done being fallow and stocking new fish.

Currently have in Qt:
Pajama Cardinal
Blue/Green Chromis

Was thinking about:

Midas Blenny
Clown Goby
2 False Perclula Clownfish
Royal Gramma

Would this work? Thinking of stocking in this order

Pajama Cardinal and Blue/Green Chromis
Clown Goby
Midas Blenny
Royal Gramma
2 False Perclula Clownfish
Revised planned stocklist:

6 ft. 125 gallons, about 200 lbs. live rock

pair of false percula clowns (already have these)

1 serpent starfish (already have this)

1 six line wrasse (possibly add last, or better to just not add, understanding I'd probably not be able to add more fish after this one?)

1 watchman goby

1 green banded goby

1 royal gramma basslet

1 powder blue tang (not be confused with blue tang)

1 azure damsel

1 yellowtail damsel

1 Rolland's or Starcki damsel

Group of peppermint shrimp

1 coral banded shrimp

As-yet-to-be-determined clean up crew

As far as I can tell, there is not really an angelfish, butterfly or foxface/rabbit species that can be truly considered "reef safe". Am I incorrect in that? If so, I'll keep researching. Thanks again!

Would you mind explaining why you prefer those 2 anthias? I'll be adding a single fish at some point, and am having trouble choosing. Was leaning Bartlett's, but I really have no idea how to make the choice between so many beautiful fish.

Unfortunately, that is really beyond the scope of this thread which is not a discussion thread. For a discussion of anthias species and care requirements, best to start a thread of your own in Reef Fish. I made that recommendation above based on her experience level and tank size.
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