PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Hi everyone. I have a 90g cycling....just started 2nd week. It's 36x24x24 reef ready with 30 gallon sump underneath with Skimmer, refugium and good amount of live rock. Orbit marine pro led. One power head. Also sand bed but only 2-3 inches. I'm looking for suggestions for my first fish. I'm open to all suggestions but would like to lean towards some that can hang with me as I prove I can maintain consistent parameters. Also what beginning cleanup crew and when to add. Thank you all so much, I'm very excited about my new addiction.

As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. However if you research and create a stocking plan, I will be more than happy to review it for compatibility.

Thanks, Steve. Yes, let me apologize for a seemingly vague request. I've certainly been researching nonstop since purchasing my setup, but to be honest it's been mostly about cycling, chemistry, my equipment and how to maximize its use etc. I didn't want to put the cart (fish) before the horse with my studying. But I certainly have some fish in mind. I can elaborate as we go forward, but I envision paired clowns (variety tbd but would love input as well. I've red a few articles on pairing techniques), blue tang, fox face, wrasse (variety tbd), yellow tang? Then a cleanup crew....which opens other questions about which and how many for my setup. And when to add. I'm sure I have several more weeks at least before anything will happen with stocking...just continuing my info gathering. Thanks to you and any others for your input.
180 gallon 72x24x24 75 gallon sump/fuge

Whitetail Bristletooth Tang
Atlantic blue tang
Foxface lo
Pair of black ice or snowflake clowns
3 pink margin wrasses 1:2 m:f
midas blenny
pair of pink spotted watchman gobies
Gold assessor basslet
Coral Beauty or Flame angel (hopefully i can get one that doesnt bother corals)
DT: 60 Gallon 48x15x15
Sump/Fuge: 60 Gallon 48x15x15
2 Ocellaris Clowns
2 Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
1 Serpent Star
1 Starry Blenny
1 Royal Gramma
1 Diamond Watchman Goby

Any problems?
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180 gallon 72x24x24 75 gallon sump/fuge

Whitetail Bristletooth Tang
Atlantic blue tang
Foxface lo
Pair of black ice or snowflake clowns
3 pink margin wrasses 1:2 m:f
midas blenny
pair of pink spotted watchman gobies
Gold assessor basslet
Coral Beauty or Flame angel (hopefully i can get one that doesnt bother corals)

With four algae grazers, this tank would need to be six months mature or greater. No guarantee on the dwarf angels or for that matter the other algae grazers if there is not sufficient algae as they will eat zooxanthellae if hungry.
With four algae grazers, this tank would need to be six months mature or greater. No guarantee on the dwarf angels or for that matter the other algae grazers if there is not sufficient algae as they will eat zooxanthellae if hungry.

Everything would be compatible though? I can feed multiple times, and feed nori daily. Also I can start with the other fish stocking the tank slowly first as well
Help with livestock

Help with livestock

I'm new to salt water tanks and reef keeping and hoping for some advice. Below, I've outlined my system:

65 Gallon Tank
50 Pounds of Fiji live rock and 2''-3'' sand base
AquaMax Skimmer
Emerald Trigger Sump (30G)
2 Tunze 6055
Neptune Controller
Mag9 Return
BRS GFO/Carbon reactor with MJ pump

I just added my CUC:
6 Scarlet Red Hermit Crabs
7 Astraea Turbo Snail
10 Banded Trochus Snails
1 Scarlet Skunk Shrimp

Below, I've provided my wish list for fish (corals to follow):
2 Semi Picasso Percula Clownfish, Captive-Bred
Rose Bulb Anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor)
Six Line Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia)
Yellow Watchman Goby & Pistol Shrimp Pair
Yellowstriped Cardinalfish (Ostorhinchus cyanosoma)
Sleeper Banded Goby (Amblygobius phalaena)
Coral Beauty Angelfish
Bangaii Cardinal's

While I have many questions, I'll start with my first. Do I add the clowns and rose first? What should I do to prep the tank beforehand (It's only been established for 6 months). Should I add the Goby/Shrimp pair first? Essentially, what should my process/timeline be for livestock additions? I'm totally fine taking my time. My wife joked I was cooking rock in the basement for 3 months while I cured my live rock"¦.so not looking to rush this. Thanks in advance for your feedback and help!
28 Gallon
-Valentini Pufferfish
-Ocellaris Clown

What else should I add? I was thinking a firefish but do you guys have any other ideas?
I have a 20L, no sump, AC70 HOB filter and a couple of powerheads for flow.
Only have a small CUC in there now - 2 nassarius and 2 cerith snails. Thinking of adding:
1 neon blue goby
1 scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp
2 ocellaris clownfish

I plan to add the goby and shrimp first and the clowns about a month later. Any suggestions?

Everything would be compatible though? I can feed multiple times, and feed nori daily. Also I can start with the other fish stocking the tank slowly first as well

Yes. Use an acclimation box with the fairy wrasses. Remember that males are difficult shippers.
I'm new to salt water tanks and reef keeping and hoping for some advice. Below, I've outlined my system:

65 Gallon Tank
50 Pounds of Fiji live rock and 2''-3'' sand base
AquaMax Skimmer
Emerald Trigger Sump (30G)
2 Tunze 6055
Neptune Controller
Mag9 Return
BRS GFO/Carbon reactor with MJ pump

I just added my CUC: crabs kill snails so I would go with one or the other
6 Scarlet Red Hermit Crabs
7 Astraea Turbo Snail
10 Banded Trochus Snails
1 Scarlet Skunk Shrimp

Below, I've provided my wish list for fish (corals to follow):
2 Semi Picasso Percula Clownfish, Captive-Bred
Rose Bulb Anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor) Your clownfish may or may not choose to associate with this anemone (anemones host, clownfish associate);
Six Line Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia) avoid; very aggressive
Yellow Watchman Goby & Pistol Shrimp Pair
Yellowstriped Cardinalfish (Ostorhinchus cyanosoma)
Sleeper Banded Goby (Amblygobius phalaena) I would avoid sleeper gobies as they make sand storms and starve to death longer term
Coral Beauty Angelfish
Bangaii Cardinal's two only, captive bred preferred

While I have many questions, I'll start with my first. Do I add the clowns and rose first? The anemone will need a more mature tank, usually a minimum of six months but ideally about a year What should I do to prep the tank beforehand (It's only been established for 6 months). Should I add the Goby/Shrimp pair first? Essentially, what should my process/timeline be for livestock additions? always most aggressive last, most passive first; in your case the cardinals would be passive but I would not do the sleeper goby or six line at all I'm totally fine taking my time. My wife joked I was cooking rock in the basement for 3 months while I cured my live rock"¦.so not looking to rush this. Thanks in advance for your feedback and help!
28 Gallon
-Valentini Pufferfish
-Ocellaris Clown

What else should I add? I was thinking a firefish but do you guys have any other ideas?

Since I am the only one answering this thread, if you want general comments, start a thread in Reef Fish. A firefish would work.
I have a 20L, no sump, AC70 HOB filter and a couple of powerheads for flow.
Only have a small CUC in there now - 2 nassarius and 2 cerith snails. Thinking of adding:
1 neon blue goby
1 scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp
2 ocellaris clownfish

I plan to add the goby and shrimp first and the clowns about a month later. Any suggestions?


while tank size is marginal for a pair of clowns, it would work. Note that clownfish will not allow cleaning by the neon goby or cleaner shrimp and neon gobies only have a life space of about a year and a half
Yes. Use an acclimation box with the fairy wrasses. Remember that males are difficult shippers.

Great thanks! I'll probably add 1 fish a month(or group), drop the angelfish and add another female wrasse. By the time I get the rest in it should be mature enough to add the least aggressive tang (assuming bristletooth) first, then Not sure of the fox face or Atlantic next. Does this plan sound like it would work efficiently?
Great thanks! I'll probably add 1 fish a month(or group), drop the angelfish and add another female wrasse. By the time I get the rest in it should be mature enough to add the least aggressive tang (assuming bristletooth) first, then Not sure of the fox face or Atlantic next. Does this plan sound like it would work efficiently?

That should be fine. If it were me, I would get three female or juvenile fairy wrasses of differing sizes and let them work it out by adding them concurrently.
That should be fine. If it were me, I would get three female or juvenile fairy wrasses of differing sizes and let them work it out by adding them concurrently.

So if I were to get 4, I'd be better of getting four different sized females, adding them at the same time and letting the biggest turn into the male? Could definitely do that.
Which order to add

Which order to add

The list is:
-Royal Gramma (was thinking first fish, but then idk what order)
-flame angel
-longnose hawkfish
-yellow longnose butterfly
-diamond goby

Also is there any issue with this combo I'm unaware of?
The list is:
-Royal Gramma (was thinking first fish, but then idk what order)
-flame angel
-longnose hawkfish
-yellow longnose butterfly
-diamond goby

Also is there any issue with this combo I'm unaware of?

Please provide tank size and maturity
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