DT: 60 Gallon 48x15x15
Sump/Fuge: 60 Gallon 48x15x15
2 Ocellaris Clowns
2 Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
1 Serpent Star
1 Starry Blenny
1 Royal Gramma
1 Diamond Watchman Goby
Any problems? There should be no issues
Hi guys. Great thread!
Looking at a pair of Naked Clowns, Royal Gamma, lawnmower Benny and a purple firefish in a 30G.
Any issues?
Should be fine. Be sure you can feed the blenny
Hi guys! I recently lost all my fish due to ich,
Actually, with the mortality time line you are more likely to have encountered velvet or brook.
and while I patiently wait 4 more weeks until I can add more fish I I'm staring to think about a new stock list. The tank is a 60 gallon reef tank with 80 lbs of live rock and a fluval 406 canister filter. The only fish that I have is a tomini tang who will sit in quarantine for the next 6-10 weeks.
Was he exposed to the parasite you encountered? Has he been treated?
The tank has been set up for just over a year. My goal is to make the tank as peaceful as I can, while being as colorful as possible. I was thinking:
Tomini Tang Needs a larger tank but may work with daily supplemental feeding
Greenbanded Goby
Midas Blenny
Pygmy (Cherub) Angel
Royal Gramma
Two Spot Goby No, needs a larger tank and is a very difficult fish
Manadrin? No, needs a larger tank
Sunburst Anthias No, needs a larger tank
A pair of clowns
Lubbocks Fairy Wrasse
Is this to many fish? And will they be compatible? If so what order would you recommend adding them in? Thanks for all the help!
40G breeder wo sump
Have 2 Ocellaris Clowns
Starry Blenny
Haven't added anything new in over 3 months
Looking to add a Pajama Cardinal and a Royal Gramma or Benggai Cardinal. Looking to do both at once in a 20L qt.
Would I be at my max at that point? I also have a fire shrimp and peppermint.
Thanks for your help Steve
My tank is a 34 gallon Red Sea max 130c:
My stocking List is as follows:
1 bicolor Benny
1 six line wrasse
2 black ice ocelaris clownfish
The sixline wrasse will preclude most tank mates other than the clown goby
Hermits and snails
And lots of coral
My filtration is what came with the tank, but I do 15% weekly water changes so my water quality has been very good despite not having the best mechanical filtration.
In the future fish I am thinking about ( not getting all of course probably only one maybe two)
1 clown goby
1 ruby red dragonet( not to sure about their needs sill researching, are they as picky as other dragonets?) yes and the sixline will prevent that
1 long nose hawkfish( would be last addition) not shrimp or small fish safe
1 yellow candy hog fish not shrimp or small fish safe
1 yasha goby
Maybe an African flame back angel but probably not
Please let me know what you think or if you have any other suggestions![]()
30 gal w/ no sump
Reef octopus bh90 skimmer
30 pounds of rock
Two sicce 2 PH (65x turnover)
Build my LED 14,000k lighting
Zoanthid polys, Duncan corals
6 months old
CUC: two red Scarlett, 2 nassarius, 2 cleaner shrimp, 6 margarita
Livestock: 2 ocellaris clowns and a scooter Blenny
Okay to add a yellow wrasse? Needs a larger tank; I would suggest avoiding an active fish in this sized tank Looking to add a type of active fish that is reef-safe
Would the sixline kill the long nose hawkfish, cause I am fine with not having shrimp to get one
Hi Steve, back again, I have a 55gal with HOB AC70, no sump, HOB skimmer on the way. Going with a drilled 75 w/ 38gal sump next year. Approximately 20-40 lbs live rock, no sand. More rock and a DSB will be added in the next couple of months. After going larger with sump and good lights I'll be adding a RBTA for the Clowns.
Current livestock:
pair of Ocellaris Clowns (just reaching maturity 2" & 2.5")
pair of Pajama Cardinals (1.5-2")
one Neon Dottyback
one Firefish
assorted snails and hermits (need more snails)
The neon dottyback and the pajamas will find new homes. This will leave me with a pair of clowns and the fire fish. My wife insists on a Green Canary Blenny as a replacement for the dottyback.
What I'd like to add:
1 or 2 Skunk cleaner shrimp
a Blood Red Fire shrimp
a Yasha Goby and randall's shrimp pair
a yellow-head jawfish pair
and if possible, a pair of zebra barred dartfish OR a black axil chromis.
Will these coexist peacefully? Bioload is high and would not fill list until upgrade.