PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Hey snorvich,

I posted here a while before but circumstances have changed and I have a new list. Can you please review? I would really appreciate it! I am starting up a 50b mixed reef.

Here is my aquascape:

-Clownfish Pair (A. Ocellaris)
-Midas Blenny
-Court Jester Goby
-Royal Gramma
-Cleaner Shrimp and Fire Shrimp or 2 Cleaner Shrimp

Hey snorvich,

I posted here a while before but circumstances have changed and I have a new list. Can you please review? I would really appreciate it! I am starting up a 50b mixed reef.

Here is my aquascape:

-Clownfish Pair (A. Ocellaris)
-Midas Blenny
-Court Jester Goby
-Royal Gramma
-Cleaner Shrimp and Fire Shrimp or 2 Cleaner Shrimp


Fish list is fine. Shrimp are serial hermaphrodites so two of either would work.
I recently decided to start fresh on the stock list for my 60 gallon reef that has been set up for one year. The dimensions of the tank are 48x12.5x24 I was wondering of the following fish would be compatible and wouldn't cause the tank to be over stocked

Tomini tang
Greenbanded Goby
Midas Blenny
Cherub/Pygmy Angel
Tanakas Pygmy Wrasse
Swalsei Basslet
Royal Gramma Basslet
Pink Skunk Clownfish
Orange Skunk Clownfish
Thanks for the help and taking the time to do this for everyone!
I recently decided to start fresh on the stock list for my 60 gallon reef that has been set up for one year. The dimensions of the tank are 48x12.5x24 I was wondering of the following fish would be compatible and wouldn't cause the tank to be over stocked

Tomini tang marginal in this sized tank
Greenbanded Goby
Midas Blenny
Cherub/Pygmy Angel aggressive
Tanakas Pygmy Wrasse
Swalsei Basslet
Royal Gramma Basslet
Pink Skunk Clownfish aggressive
Orange Skunk Clownfish aggressive
Thanks for the help and taking the time to do this for everyone!

may be a bit on the heavy side stocking wise, but probably ok

Thanks! Do you think there is a possibility that the clowns would pair up, I'm not looking to breed them but I liked how my pair of ocellairs used to swim and interact together.
Thanks! Do you think there is a possibility that the clowns would pair up, I'm not looking to breed them but I liked how my pair of ocellairs used to swim and interact together.

physical appearance is not essential but the same species is critical. You must acquire two tiny clownfish that have not begun sexual differentiation for this to occur. Keep in mind that a bonded pair, especially in one of the more aggressive species, is more aggressive.
Hi Steve ~

First, thank you for all the time you dedicate to responding in this thread. I've learned a bit from following along occasionally... much appreciated.

I have a 75G w/29G sump that has been cycled for a couple months, with a snail-only CUC, 2 Ocellaris clowns and various LPS coral frags (frogspawn, hammer, acan, candycane, favia). You reviewed a list of fish additions for me previously, but (as is likely typical) I'm changing it up a little and would like your thoughts on the following, in order of intended addition:

2 x Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) - added to tank last Saturday after TTM and 2-week QT
Lawnmower Blenny (Salarias fasciatus)
Firefish Goby (Nemateleotris magnifica)
Royal Gramma (Gramma loreto)
White Banded Possum Wrasse (Wetmorella albofasciata)
Exquisite Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus exquisitus)

Can I quarantine any of the remaining fish together? (Clowns were together through TTM in 5/10 gallons, followed by 10 gallon QT.)

Thanks again!
Hi Steve ~

First, thank you for all the time you dedicate to responding in this thread. I've learned a bit from following along occasionally... much appreciated.

I have a 75G w/29G sump that has been cycled for a couple months, with a snail-only CUC, 2 Ocellaris clowns and various LPS coral frags (frogspawn, hammer, acan, candycane, favia). You reviewed a list of fish additions for me previously, but (as is likely typical) I'm changing it up a little and would like your thoughts on the following, in order of intended addition:

2 x Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) - added to tank last Saturday after TTM and 2-week QT
Lawnmower Blenny (Salarias fasciatus)
Firefish Goby (Nemateleotris magnifica)
Royal Gramma (Gramma loreto)
White Banded Possum Wrasse (Wetmorella albofasciata)
Exquisite Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus exquisitus)

Can I quarantine any of the remaining fish together? (Clowns were together through TTM in 5/10 gallons, followed by 10 gallon QT.)

Thanks again!

Hi Shana, the stocking plan is excellent. Any fish or combination thereof could be combined in TTM but I probably would do the exquisite fairy wrasse separately.
Hello folks.

I have a 40 breeder, 36x18x16. No sump. HOB filter, HOB protien skimmer, 2 1150 hydro ph, 1 tunze 6025 ph. 4 coral life t5 (2 actinic), single metal halide. 30 pounds of dry rock, 5 pounds live rock. Live rock put in 1week after dry rock and water. I am in the 8th week. Coralline algae now growing in spots on all dry rock. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite,0 nitrate. 4 snails, 8 blue leg hermits. Dendrophyllia with 2 heads, one other u identified polyp, and a plating mo tiptoes, both show signs of growth and healthy.

I have a short fish list.
Flame hawkish
3 pajama cardinals
1 banggai Cardinal

Up coming coral additions are palythoa, Rastas zoa, and a elegance coral down the road.
I am concerned about the bio load with 5 fish. The cardinals can be adjusted number wise, though I want the flame hawkfis has the centerpiece.

Thanks for the help
Hello folks.

I have a 40 breeder, 36x18x16. No sump. HOB filter, HOB protien skimmer, 2 1150 hydro ph, 1 tunze 6025 ph. 4 coral life t5 (2 actinic), single metal halide. 30 pounds of dry rock, 5 pounds live rock. Live rock put in 1week after dry rock and water. I am in the 8th week. Coralline algae now growing in spots on all dry rock. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite,0 nitrate. 4 snails, 8 blue leg hermits. Dendrophyllia with 2 heads, one other u identified polyp, and a plating mo tiptoes, both show signs of growth and healthy.

I have a short fish list.
Flame hawkish
3 pajama cardinals
1 banggai Cardinal

Up coming coral additions are palythoa, Rastas zoa, and a elegance coral down the road.
I am concerned about the bio load with 5 fish. The cardinals can be adjusted number wise, though I want the flame hawkfis has the centerpiece.

Thanks for the help

behavioral issues are fine; with this number of fish I would wait until the biological filtration matures.
PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

Hey snorvich, I posted In here a while ago and I've returned to get my fish wish list approved, this is for my 75 gallon that is starting its cycle this week.

2 skunk cleaner shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis)

2 peppermint shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni)

1 royal gramma (gramma loreto)

1 yellow clown goby (Gobiodon okinawae)

2 ocellaris clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)

1 blue flasher wrasse (Paracheilinus cyaneus)

1 filamented flasher wrasse (Paracheilinus filamentosus)

1 linespot flasher wrasse (Paracheilinus lineopunctatus)

1 bicolor blenny (Ecsenius bicolor)

I would be introducing fish in this order or should I change it around a little bit, thx
Hey snorvich, I posted In here a while ago and I've returned to get my fish wish list approved, this is for my 75 gallon that is starting its cycle this week.

2 skunk cleaner shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis)

2 peppermint shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni)

1 royal gramma (gramma loreto)

1 yellow clown goby (Gobiodon okinawae)

2 ocellaris clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)

1 blue flasher wrasse (Paracheilinus cyaneus)

1 filamented flasher wrasse (Paracheilinus filamentosus)

1 linespot flasher wrasse (Paracheilinus lineopunctatus)

1 bicolor blenny (Ecsenius bicolor)

I would be introducing fish in this order or should I change it around a little bit, thx

Fish list is fine, order is fine. You have some prolific jumpers so a 1/4 inch mesh top will be required.
I have a 75g with 40 lbs live and 40 lbs base. The tank is 1.5 months old and I am brand new to the hobby.
My list of fish that I am currently looking at, at my LFS are
suntail goby
bar goby (maybe 2 of these)
engineer goby
hoevens wrasse
diadema basslet
2 occelaris clownfish
mandarin goby (am waiting for 6 months to a year on that though)
and am thinking about adding others but am not sure what else would work with these guys first.
Am also wanting to do corals down the road but do not want to even get into that until my tank has been up and running for a while.
Any advice will be much appreciated.
I have a 75g with 40 lbs live and 40 lbs base. The tank is 1.5 months old and I am brand new to the hobby.
My list of fish that I am currently looking at, at my LFS are
suntail goby
bar goby (maybe 2 of these) one would work
engineer goby I do not recommend especiallly if corals are a possibility
hoevens wrasse
diadema basslet gorgeous but very aggressive and would not mix well with planned tank mates
2 occelaris clownfish
mandarin goby (am waiting for 6 months to a year on that though)
and am thinking about adding others but am not sure what else would work with these guys first.
Am also wanting to do corals down the road but do not want to even get into that until my tank has been up and running for a while.
Any advice will be much appreciated.

Fine except as annotated

Originally Posted by Aqualoon View Post
Can I add a Kole Yellow Eye Tang?

Current Stock:

2 x Clown (regular clowns)
1 x Green Chromis
1 x Bi Color Angel
1 x Clown Gobby
1 x Royal Gramma Basslets
1 x Cleaner Shrimp
10 x Cerith Snails
2 x Pincushion Urchin

Basically I want to get something else that has some size to it (like the Bi-Color Angel).

Assuming the 72 gallon tank is mature, it should be ok; the angel may make a bit of a fuss since the tang occupies the same ecological niche

Instead of a Kole Tang could I add a Flame Angel? My LFS has a Flame where as I would be put on a waiting list for the Kole. Or a One Spot Foxface? (looking to only add 1 of these 3 and want to add something that gets a bit bigger with some color).
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Instead of a Kole Tang could I add a Flame Angel? My LFS has a Flame where as I would be put on a waiting list for the Kole. Or a One Spot Foxface? (looking to only add 1 of these 3 and want to add something that gets a bit bigger with some color).

Any one of the three would work fine.
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