PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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I have a 75g with 40 lbs live and 40 lbs base. The tank is 1.5 months old and I am brand new to the hobby.
My list of fish that I am currently looking at, at my LFS are
suntail goby
bar goby (maybe 2 of these)
engineer goby
hoevens wrasse
diadema basslet
2 occelaris clownfish
mandarin goby (am waiting for 6 months to a year on that though)
and am thinking about adding others but am not sure what else would work with these guys first.
Am also wanting to do corals down the road but do not want to even get into that until my tank has been up and running for a while.
Any advice will be much appreciated.

Any ideas as to what other fish would work with these?
Hi snorvich. Thanks for this thread - one of the best.

I have a RSM 650 and it has been going for 4 months with live rock. Current critters are

7 turbo snails
5 peppermint shrimp
1 Foxface Rabbitfish
1 Coral Banded shrimp
1 Ocellaris clownfish
1 Bicolor Blenny
5 Blue Chromis
Frags and small soft and LPS corals spread around the tank on the live rock.

I see from previous notes you say Banded shrimp take fish. Am I in trouble here?

I'm in the process of fitting a Hailea Aqua Medic supposedly "Ultrasilent" chiller to keep it below 26oC. I'm considering a refugium, but currently following the Red Sea Reef Care Program so not sure.

I'm about to get more CUC - any thoughts?

I also have three filter feeder type sea cucumbers in a separate tank salvaged from a friend's aquarium when shifted. I've read about Cuke Nukes but wondered if they could be okay in a RSM with no extra power heads.

I appreciate your time snorvich!
Needs excellent lighting and mature tank
Any ideas as to what other fish would work with these?

As those who follow this thread know I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. However I am always happy to reevaluate any stocking plan provided tank size and maturity are also provided.
Hi snorvich. Thanks for this thread - one of the best.

I have a RSM 650 and it has been going for 4 months with live rock. Current critters are

7 turbo snails
5 peppermint shrimp
1 Foxface Rabbitfish
1 Coral Banded shrimp
1 Ocellaris clownfish
1 Bicolor Blenny
5 Blue Chromis
Frags and small soft and LPS corals spread around the tank on the live rock.

I see from previous notes you say Banded shrimp take fish. Am I in trouble here?

I'm in the process of fitting a Hailea Aqua Medic supposedly "Ultrasilent" chiller to keep it below 26oC. I'm considering a refugium, but currently following the Red Sea Reef Care Program so not sure.

I'm about to get more CUC - any thoughts?

I also have three filter feeder type sea cucumbers in a separate tank salvaged from a friend's aquarium when shifted. I've read about Cuke Nukes but wondered if they could be okay in a RSM with no extra power heads.

I appreciate your time snorvich!

I would need to know gallons or tank measurements to evaluate appropriately. (I do not keep track of manufacturer tank designations)
Hello I will be upgrading soon from a 65 to a 90 and am wanting to add one tang. However since I have never owned a tang I wanted advice on a good choice. I read your chart on proper tank size for surgeon fish however I have heard koles can be mean and have wanted a purple tang. Current stock is a maroon , bicolor basselt, stary blenny, 2 dispar anthias. 90 will have eshopp 100 sump, and reef octopus 150 skimmer thanks.
Hello I will be upgrading soon from a 65 to a 90 and am wanting to add one tang. However since I have never owned a tang I wanted advice on a good choice. I read your chart on proper tank size for surgeon fish however I have heard koles can be mean and have wanted a purple tang. Current stock is a maroon , bicolor basselt, stary blenny, 2 dispar anthias. 90 will have eshopp 100 sump, and reef octopus 150 skimmer thanks.

Any tang can be territorial once established. Purples are no exception. A Kole tang would do fine if it is is the last fish added.
Would a purple tang work in a 90?

The ones I recommend are:

Acanthurus tristis - Indian Mimic Surgeonfish
Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis - Chevron Tang
Ctenochaetus striatus - Striated Bristletooth Tang
Ctenochaetus strigosus - Kole's Tang
Ctenochaetus tominiensis - Tomini Tang

Zebrasoma tangs such as the purple really need a bit more room (like 125 gallons) but tank length is the most critical dimension as opposed to gallons


Keep tweaking this list:

120 XH (60x18x26)
EM200 Skimmer
Gyre XF150
40 gallon breeder sump

Occelaris Clowns - (2)
Coral Beauty - Still debating on this one, but for a while will be fish only as the parameters get more stable.
Midas Blenny
Bi-Color Blenny
Purple Firefish
Blue Gudgeon Dartfish - Group of 6
Hi-Fin Red Banded Goby, paird with Pistol Shrimp
Yellow Tang
Yellow Eye Kole Tang (or Bristletooth Tomini or Mimic - but thinking that wouldn't jive well with the Yellow Tang)
Exquisite Fairy Wrasse
Cleaner Shrimp - (2)
Peppermint Shrimp

Keep tweaking this list:

120 XH (60x18x26)
EM200 Skimmer
Gyre XF150
40 gallon breeder sump

Occelaris Clowns - (2)
Coral Beauty - Still debating on this one, but for a while will be fish only as the parameters get more stable.
Midas Blenny
Bi-Color Blenny
Purple Firefish
Blue Gudgeon Dartfish - Group of 6
Hi-Fin Red Banded Goby, paird with Pistol Shrimp
Yellow Tang I do not recommend two tangs in this sized tank; the yellow, especially will be highly territorial once established
Yellow Eye Kole Tang (or Bristletooth Tomini or Mimic - but thinking that wouldn't jive well with the Yellow Tang)
Exquisite Fairy Wrasse
Cleaner Shrimp - (2)
Peppermint Shrimp

fine except as annotated
I have decided to go fowlr with my new 210 and don't want to put the fish I currently have in there because I am afraid they will get eaten. I want to get a 40 breeder this weekend. Would a pair of perculas, starry blenny, tail spot blenny, and 1 chromis be ok long term in the 40?
I have decided to go fowlr with my new 210 and don't want to put the fish I currently have in there because I am afraid they will get eaten. I want to get a 40 breeder this weekend. Would a pair of perculas, starry blenny, tail spot blenny, and 1 chromis be ok long term in the 40?

Yes, should be fine.
hello steve

hello steve

i am new to the hobby, i have been cycling my tank for past 6 wees or so , i have cuc already in the tank and they are going just fine , water is good , i ahve a 36*19*25 tank about 70 gallons, 25 gallon sump. im getting my first pair of fish, mated pair of prec clowns , female is 3inch male is about 2inch, what other fishes can i add to make a nice litle community enviroment, its going to be mixed reef , some stonies yet alot of softies and zoas and other corals. thank you in advance. and how many fish is the max. i love my tank with good amount of fish, im running a asm g3 skimmer fyi also carbon and gfo reators, schooling is plus , alot of color fish also, thanks steve
i am new to the hobby, i have been cycling my tank for past 6 wees or so , i have cuc already in the tank and they are going just fine , water is good , i ahve a 36*19*25 tank about 70 gallons, 25 gallon sump. im getting my first pair of fish, mated pair of prec clowns , female is 3inch male is about 2inch, what other fishes can i add to make a nice litle community enviroment, its going to be mixed reef , some stonies yet alot of softies and zoas and other corals. thank you in advance. and how many fish is the max. i love my tank with good amount of fish, im running a asm g3 skimmer fyi also carbon and gfo reators, schooling is plus , alot of color fish also, thanks steve

Sounds like a nice setup. If you have a top, I am partial to wrasses but as those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. I am always happy to review stocking plans, however, provided tank size and maturity are also provided. The number is impossible to predict as it depends on a large number of factors.
Sounds like a nice setup. If you have a top, I am partial to wrasses but as those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. I am always happy to review stocking plans, however, provided tank size and maturity are also provided. The number is impossible to predict as it depends on a large number of factors.

thank you for quick response, im open to stocking thats why i asked which fishes will be okay in a community mixed reef. i do not have a top but im planning on getting some arcylics for the top. maybe you can help me with suggesions on my fish game plan lol, so mated pair of clowns are in the tank this sunday. how about few wrasses? that you would recommend, also i like goby family , also angel fish family, anthias and cardinal family. for now ? thanks
thank you for quick response, im open to stocking thats why i asked which fishes will be okay in a community mixed reef. i do not have a top but im planning on getting some arcylics for the top. maybe you can help me with suggesions on my fish game plan lol, so mated pair of clowns are in the tank this sunday. how about few wrasses? that you would recommend, also i like goby family , also angel fish family, anthias and cardinal family. for now ? thanks

Sorry, I do not recommend. I only analyze from your plan, reef fish compatibility with your environment and with other tank inhabitants. This is the only thread like this on RC.

I'm starting to finally put fish in this tank. I've had a tribal blenny and a red fire fish forever and I'm adding a flasher wrasse (most likely McCoskers) this week or next. I also have a very small skunk cleaner shrimp. I need something to live in the bottom portion. I have a ton of caves and hidey holes down there, but not a lot of sand. My sandbed is half an inch to an inch and is even bare in a few spots.

I was thinking about a jawfish. What are your thoughts on that with so little sand. Would a shrimp goby (without the shrimp this time) like the YWG or Yasha be better? Would they have any issues with the tribal blenny?
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