Would a third goby be possible alongside the firefish and citron goby or possibly a different small fish?
Would a third goby be possible alongside the firefish and citron goby or possibly a different small fish?
Hi steve, if you don't mind I'll run my stocking plan by you, again..
Mccoskers wrasse, will have a lid
vrolik wrasse
White tail bristletooth tang
Coral Beauty or flame angel
Mandarin or leopard wrasse down the road 1-2 years away, will have a 10 gal refuge
75 gallon stock 48x18x21
20L sump
Hi. I'm planning on getting ...
40 gallon breeder tank from petco
About 40 lb of live rock (has blister worms)
6 green chromis
2 turbo snails
3 skunk shrimp
And possibly either a pencil urchin or a common starfish.
I'm not going to get it for a few months yet, but I thought I'd research until then. I come from a freshwater background and have always wanted a saltwater tank.
I want to try coral, but I feel that I should wait until the tank stabilizes.
I'd also like to use a canister (along with live rock) for filteration. My lfs told me that it would be okay, since the tank won't be that big.
On a side note, I might decide to go with a 55 gallon. I think the 40g might be a little small. The thing is, it will be in an apartment and I'm concerned about the weight. Someone told me that if they allow waterbeds, then a fish tank should be fine.
Going back to filteration, I wouldn't mind trying other methods. I was thinking if possible trying a refugum...I think that's what they were. The separate tank with live rock and baffles.
If I do get coral, the lighting I plan on going with is the Marquis T5HO.
So please tell me what you think and what improvements I need.
Thanks. About compatibility, could the starfish work with turbo snails?
I just set up a 100 gallon soon to be reef tank do you think the following stock list would be compatible and not overstock the tank? I am aware some of the fish may not be 100% invert safe. Thanks for all the help!
Red Stripe Angel
Black Cap Basslet
Striped Blenny
Pair of saddleback clowns
Court Jester Goby
Hi Fin Red Banded Goby
Longnose Hawkfish
Pacific Redstripe Hogfish
Yellow Tang
Neon Dottyback
After further research I have changed a few fish hopefully this list will be better then the prior one. Sorry for the confusion and thanks for the help.
Red Stripe Angel If you are planning corals, this fish is problematic
Orchid Dottyback
Striped Blenny
Pair of clowns
Court Jester Goby
Hi Fin Red Banded Goby
Pacific Redstripe Hogfish too aggressive, avoid
Yellow Tang very marginal in this sized tank
Hey all, ive a 135gal (72"×24"18") panoramic, down grade, mixed reef.
My current captives;
anemones, 2 H. Mag & 1 S. Haddoni
2x maroon clowns (not mated but doing the dance)
3x pink skunk clowns, (2?)male & female *male is 2", other two are still < 1.5"
1× six line wrasse
1x blue/green chromi (figi) that acts like a reg. damsel
1× sailfin tang, aka 'Sea Cow' bc we think she has 6 stomachs
100lbs+ LR
60lbs sands (2" bottom give or take)
Refugium/Sump w/10lbs sand & LR rubble mix
rlss skimmer
25w uv sterilizer
2× canisters for renew/phosguard
We are working on re-homing the sailfin tang, dont really want to but she makes it difficult to feed the others without overfeeding. I know the clowns will all become more aggressive as they mature and will re-home them if needed but again we dont really want to, you know, being attached and all.
My questions are; will 6 foot long tank + filtration be adequate for current captives? What main issues do you think may arrise? If re-homing has to be done, whom would be the best option to balance out bio load or territory?
No. The maroon clownfish will eventually kill the others. The sailfin tang needs an 8 foot 240 gallon tank. The six line wrasse will severely limit tank mates going forward.
Lastly if more fish can be added, what fish would be recommended?
First saltwater tank...
I have been setting up 220 gallon mixed reef with 200lb base rock and seeded with 50lb of live rock
The tank has been up for about a month and a half.
I have 75 gallon sump with a skimz monster protein skimmer and area for a refugium.
Right now I have 2 blue damsels, 2 clownfish, and a few hermit crabs.
I am planning on making an order from liveaquaria (I found much cheaper places but I hear that liveaquaria is the most reliable) excellent company
possibly another pair of clownfish only one pair of clownfish even in your sized tank; it might work, but usually will not
6 black axial chromis
2 bicolor blenny
2 firefish gobys Only one will last past 4 months
1 yellow tang should be last fish added
1 blue tang Ideally add concurrently with the yellow tang
other inverts such as shrimp and some chaeto for the refugium
I love the look of the blonde nano tang but that gets awfully large.
I haven't added any coral or anemones. Still have a ton of research to do on those. Also considering a 160$ cleaner package from reef cleaners http://reefcleaners.org/index.php?o...mart_product_id=268&virtuemart_category_id=20. Would that be a good buy?
Is there more room to add in the future or would this be my limit? You would certainly have "room" but I would strongly suggest the tangs be the last fish added since once they are established, they will be very territorial. Bioload is not the issue, behavioral compatibility is much more important.
Thanks! I do about a 40 percent water change every 2 weeks
Probably more than you need to do
Hi steve, will this work? Tank is a 75 gal display with a 20l sump, have a 10 gal QT
1 Vroliks Wrasse may out compete the leopard wrasse for food; not invert safe
1 Mccoskers Wrasse
1 Pearlscale Butterfly
1 Leopard Wrasse (After 6-12 months)
1 Regal Angel (Planning to get a small specimen, since they don't grow much?)
1 starry blenny
I know the tank size for the regal is small, but some experiences on here only show them growing to 4" in 10 years.. Thoughts?