My wife would like to add a larger fish to my original selection. (More color) So, I have researched this topic for several hours now. Everything that I have found cant fit in my tank or is not reef safe. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Originally Posted by Glenndav View Post
Red Sea C-Series Max 130
One Koralia 900/240 power head
40 lbs. of live sand (black)
40 lbs. of life rock
All levels have been perfect according to my test and the local FS.
My plan is to increase the size of my CUC over time but not replace any of the RHC.
3 Red Hermit Crabs
4 Nassarius Snail
6 Astrea Snail
2 Cleaner Shrimp
Currently stocked:
1 pair of Ocellaris Clownfish
Future ideas/plans: (more research is needed)
Pearly Jawfish or Pinkbar Goby fine
1 pair of Banggai Cardinal fine
Midas Blenny fine
1 pair of Firefish Goby or Purple Firefish Goby one firefish; pairs will not work unless you know how to sex them
Frogspawn (less than one inch plug)
Green Pipe Organ (less than one inch plug)
Future ideas/plans: (more research is needed)
Feather Duster, Blood Red Discosoma Mushroom, Kryptonite Candy Cane, Red Flowerpot, Eagle Eye Zoanthids, Radioactive Zoanthids, Pom Pom Xenia Coral, Colt Coral, Kenya tree Coral
For me, my plans continue to changed / developed (by small degrees) as I re-enter this hobby. So any advice and/or comments would be greatly appreciated.