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Thanks for the quick response Steve, would I be able to add a Moyer's red draggonette with the flame wrasse?
Thanks for the quick response Steve, would I be able to add a Moyer's red draggonette with the flame wrasse?
90 Gallon Reef tank.
temp 78
nitrates 0
nitrites 0
phosphates 0.02
calcium 450
dkh 6-7
ammonia 0
Specific Gravity 1.025
(if i missed anything let me know)
1.5-2.5inch sand bed
With corals you will also want to test magnesium; not part of this thread, however
current i have 4 skunk cleaners 4 peppermints and 1 fire shrimp. four cleaners may not be long term stable
two golden headed gobbies will create sand storms, deplete sand bed of beneficial organisms, then starve
20 hermits 10 cerith and 10 asrea snails. (extra empty shells) i also have a clam that hitchhiked in attached to a empty shell hermits will kill snails long term
can i get a royal gramma basslet yes
and sand sifting star they will starve long term or what do you recommend for the sand
(this is what i want to get this week)
future what do you think of a dwarf flame angel,
foxface either a fox face or small tang but they should be last fish added
or small tang,
fairy wrasse? a non-aggressive species would be fine
or any suggestions about fish you think would be good email me if youd like that is my private email and i reply quickly with it. thanks a lot.
In what way are you referring with the long term cleaners
Can I supplement the gobbies and star? If not how do you suggest I go about having sand cleaners?
Honestly any livestock suggestions is much appreciated
cleaner shrimp will pair off, but more than two may not work in your sized tank; I do not have suggestions to support golden headed sleeper gobies (plus the sand storms are annoying in a tank with corals) or a sand sifting sea star. There is no need to "clean the sand".
So if I return the gobies level off the sand to a level 1.5-2 inch I should have to worry about it.
Im currently in cycling for my 55 gallon reef mainly sps tank. It has two mp40's and two kessil 360's for lighting. I have a 4 inch sand bed and 75 pounds of rock. It has a 30 gal refugium. The skimmer is a vertex omega 130 rated for 100 gallons if the tank was fully maxed, so I have an overkill skimmer which is good I guess. This is my fish list Ive finally decided on.
1 purple firefish
1 starry blenny
1 flasher wrasse
1 blue/green chrois
1 neon goby
34 gallon mixed reef
Pair of black ice occelaria clowns
Bicolor blenny
Sixline wrasse this will be your biggest problem
Yasha goby paired with pistol shrimp(ik people say nothing with claws but has a pistol ever attacked a a healthy fish?) the type that is commensal should be safe
Long nose hawkfish(ik they eat shrimp but would they eat a pistol shrimp) probably cannot catch it
Ik about the sixline as much of a pain he is he still is an awesome fish but If I did it again I would likely not get another sixline but I still don't want to get rid of this one
But anyway this plan would work best f I put the shrimp goby pair in next and gave them time to setup and than add the hawk later after they have a home right? Cause than they can just hide when the hawk came by
I have a 120 DT. My fish are:
1 - Kaufman kardinal
1 - midas blenny
1 - yellow watchman goby
1 - diamond goby
1 - royal gamma
2 - black chromis
2 - ocel clowns
1 - yellow tang
I was thinking of adding either a labouts wrasse or a bicolor blenny. Would either be ok?
I have a yellow watchman goby w/tiger pistol shrimp and a pink spot goby with another tiger pistol shrimp. I am wondering if I can add a Vrolik's Wrasse? Or will the wrasse eat the pistol shrimps?
Ok, I got some notes a little while back and I have refined my list some according to them. Tank is a 75g w/ 30g sump
Flame Angel and Pygmy Angelfish should be added concurrently after tank is mature
2 x clowns (Black Ice / Snowflake clowns)
Anemone for them to host (Thoughts on an easier one to start with? or Frogspawn?) Please see this. Anemones host (not clownfish)
Firefish Goby only one firefish in this sized tank
Purple Firefish Goby
Yellow watchman
3 x Pistol Shrimp
Orchid Dottyback
Royal Gramma
5 x cardinalfish or Pajamas
Blue Maxima Clam depends on lights
Eventually - 8+ months pod seeding
Mandarin Dragonet
Cleaner Crew pick crabs or snails but not both
2 Pom Pom Crabs
15 Scarlet Reef Hermit Crabs
15 Astraea Turbo Snails
30 Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit Crabs
1 Fighting Conch
3 Peppermint Shrimp
10 Nassarius Snails