PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Just set up my 120 gallon, 75 gallon sump. Im wondering what the first fish purchases i should make would be. I can't leave the fish store this weekend without a pair of clowns for my GF though. What would a good tank mate be in a 30gallon QT tank for the 5-6week stay??
Just set up my 120 gallon, 75 gallon sump. Im wondering what the first fish purchases i should make would be. I can't leave the fish store this weekend without a pair of clowns for my GF though. What would a good tank mate be in a 30gallon QT tank for the 5-6week stay??

The general "rule" is most passive first, most aggressive last. However, I do not make recommendations for a variety of reasons, although I am happy to analyze stocking plans as long as tank size and maturity are also provided.
I have a 120g display, 75g sump. The tank is a week old with 55lbs of 1 year old live rock straight from a tank and i have 100lbs of dry rock in as well. however, i have a 30g quarantine tank that they will be in for 5 weeks.
When I put them in the display the tank, it will be almost two months old.

We really want a pair of clowns to start off, we were thinking getting a foxface with them or a fire fish and a dotty back also.
I have a 120g display, 75g sump. The tank is a week old with 55lbs of 1 year old live rock straight from a tank and i have 100lbs of dry rock in as well. however, i have a 30g quarantine tank that they will be in for 5 weeks.
When I put them in the display the tank, it will be almost two months old.

We really want a pair of clowns to start off, we were thinking getting a foxface with them or a fire fish and a dotty back also.

A dottyback is not a good idea as it is very aggressive. A firefish should be introduced early on. A foxface needs a more mature tank as it is an algae grazer. I suggest going more slowly rather than adding groups of fish.
Hi Steve!

I have a 155 bowfront, over a year old. Had a massive re-boot after an epic GHA outbreak. Re-dedicated myself to the tank, levels are all good, GFO is controlling the phosphate now. Sadly I lost a couple of my original fish. Tank currently has -

-3 Ocellarus clowns that have been together for 5 years
-1 lawnmower blenny
-1 large PJ Cardinal

When I added the lawnmower blenny, I asked if it would be okay with my existing bicolor blenny and diamond goby. You said they would (and you were right).

would like to add another bicolor blenny, but just wanted to double check that now the lawnmower blenny is well established, will it have a problem with a bicolor being introduced?

I think they are different enough in their areas of habitation, I just want to check first. I loved the personality of my bi-color.
Hi Steve -

I was able to convince the wife to let me have another tank. YES!

It will be a 75g. 48inch x 15 x 25.

Since I have my Reef tank going, i want to focus on non-reef compatible fish, although still getting clowns since my wife loves them.

- 1 or 2 Percula or Ocellaris
- Flame angel
- Coral beauty (if I can have 2dwarfs in a 75)
- 1 puffer (Either saddle valentini or blue spotted)
- Picasso trigger fish (conflicting min tank size info)

Would this work?

Presumably, triggerfish will not work so I would be willing to remove from list but wanted to check with you.
Hi Steve!

I have a 155 bowfront, over a year old. Had a massive re-boot after an epic GHA outbreak. Re-dedicated myself to the tank, levels are all good, GFO is controlling the phosphate now. Sadly I lost a couple of my original fish. Tank currently has -

-3 Ocellarus clowns that have been together for 5 years
-1 lawnmower blenny
-1 large PJ Cardinal

When I added the lawnmower blenny, I asked if it would be okay with my existing bicolor blenny and diamond goby. You said they would (and you were right).

would like to add another bicolor blenny, but just wanted to double check that now the lawnmower blenny is well established, will it have a problem with a bicolor being introduced?

I think they are different enough in their areas of habitation, I just want to check first. I loved the personality of my bi-color.

It should be fine in this sized tank.
Hi Steve -

I was able to convince the wife to let me have another tank. YES!

It will be a 75g. 48inch x 15 x 25.

Since I have my Reef tank going, i want to focus on non-reef compatible fish, although still getting clowns since my wife loves them.

- 1 or 2 Percula or Ocellaris
- Flame angel
- Coral beauty (if I can have 2dwarfs in a 75)
- 1 puffer (Either saddle valentini or blue spotted)
- Picasso trigger fish (conflicting min tank size info)

Would this work?

Presumably, triggerfish will not work so I would be willing to remove from list but wanted to check with you.

Sorry, I do not provide analysis of aggressive fish community tanks. A Picasso trigger needs a much larger tank, however.
I have a 90g mixed reef tank (w/40 gallon sump) that is about 3 months old. Up until now I only have coral in it as well as a few cucs, brittle stars, and urchins. I have two peppermint shrimp as well.

I am going to quarantine a few fish to start slowly adding them in. My list is as follows:

Flame or Potter's angel
Scopus or Sailfin Tang or Purple Tang
Fire fish
Sixline wrasse
Midas Blenny
Scooter Blenny (long term after 1 year minimum)

How is this list? I figured I should add the wrasse, fire fish, and the Midas first so that the larger fish don't take over. Thoughts? Any other suggestions / substitutions I should consider?

I have also considered the following....Perhaps a Kole Tang instead of the above Tangs listed and perhaps a Fairy Wrasse instead of the sixline.


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I have a 439.9Litre tank (116.2 gallons) Have not set up tank yet or have a filter am also looking for recommendations on that, all the information I've been reading is very conflicting. I didn't know how many fish could go in a tank of that size. I'd love clown fish, tangs, a puffer, some wrasse and a pseudochromis... or two. Any info on what I should or shouldn't get and how many would be awesome. thanks :)
75g. 48inch x 15 x 25.

- 2 Percula or Ocellaris
- Flame angel
- Coral beauty
- Saddle valentini or blue spotted puffer

I think these are peaceful mates? Would this work in a 75?
I have a 90g mixed reef tank (w/40 gallon sump) that is about 3 months old. Up until now I only have coral in it as well as a few cucs, brittle stars, and urchins. I have two peppermint shrimp as well.

I am going to quarantine a few fish to start slowly adding them in. My list is as follows:

Flame or Potter's angel not coral safe
Scopus or Sailfin Tang or Purple Tang needs a larger tank
Fire fish
Sixline wrasse aggressive, will intimidate the firefish
Midas Blenny
Scooter Blenny (long term after 1 year minimum)

How is this list? I figured I should add the wrasse, fire fish, and the Midas first so that the larger fish don't take over. Thoughts? Any other suggestions / substitutions I should consider?

I have also considered the following....Perhaps a Kole Tang instead of the above Tangs listed and perhaps a Fairy Wrasse instead of the sixline. those alternatives would be desirable and preferred


I have a 439.9Litre tank (116.2 gallons) Have not set up tank yet or have a filter am also looking for recommendations on that, all the information I've been reading is very conflicting. I didn't know how many fish could go in a tank of that size. I'd love clown fish, tangs, a puffer, some wrasse and a pseudochromis... or two. Any info on what I should or shouldn't get and how many would be awesome. thanks :)

I am happy to analyze your stocking list but would need specific species as the requirement will vary.
Thanks Steve. I know that pygmy angels are hit or miss for reefs. Are there any that you feel it is worth the risk?


Thanks Steve. I know that pygmy angels are hit or miss for reefs. Are there any that you feel it is worth the risk?



Highly subjective. Some are worse. I value my corals over pygmy angels. I have large tanks and do keep an adult Imperator in one with no issues; however SPS rather than LPS.
56 Gal mixed reef. Barebottom, 65 lbs live rock.

Currently have:
Falco Hawkfish
Unidentified combtooth blenny

Would like in the future:
Candy Hogfish
2 Clowns
One of the psuedochromis or dottybacks
Banggi Cardinal
Im currently in cycling for my 55 gallon reef mainly sps tank. It has two mp40's and two kessil 360's for lighting. I have a 4 inch sand bed and 75 pounds of rock. It has a 30 gal refugium. The skimmer is a vertex omega 130 rated for 100 gallons if the tank was fully maxed, so I have an overkill skimmer which is good I guess. This is my fish list Ive finally decided on.

1 purple firefish
1 starry blenny
1 flasher wrasse
1 blue/green chrois
1 neon goby

Fine. However be sure to quarantine as chromis are highly susceptible to uronema marinum

Instead of getting a chromis then can I get 1 snowflake clownfish and 1 black ice clownfish?
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