New member
Considering getting a lawnmower blenny.
30 Gallon, AquaClear HOB filter, Skimmer, 2 Clarkii Clowns, 1 Diamond Goby, 1 Watchman Goby.
My reasoning for wanting the blenny is to help control algae (specifically hair algae). My concerns are that the 2 gobies (who actually get along) may not allow the blenny to have it's own space since they seem like bottow dwellers similar to gobies. I also plan on adding one more fish after the blenny to finish my display. I'm not sure yet what my final fish will be but I'm worried that if I do get a blenny that I won't be able to add a final fish without overloading.
30 Gallon, AquaClear HOB filter, Skimmer, 2 Clarkii Clowns, 1 Diamond Goby, 1 Watchman Goby.
My reasoning for wanting the blenny is to help control algae (specifically hair algae). My concerns are that the 2 gobies (who actually get along) may not allow the blenny to have it's own space since they seem like bottow dwellers similar to gobies. I also plan on adding one more fish after the blenny to finish my display. I'm not sure yet what my final fish will be but I'm worried that if I do get a blenny that I won't be able to add a final fish without overloading.