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Considering getting a lawnmower blenny.

30 Gallon, AquaClear HOB filter, Skimmer, 2 Clarkii Clowns, 1 Diamond Goby, 1 Watchman Goby.

My reasoning for wanting the blenny is to help control algae (specifically hair algae). My concerns are that the 2 gobies (who actually get along) may not allow the blenny to have it's own space since they seem like bottow dwellers similar to gobies. I also plan on adding one more fish after the blenny to finish my display. I'm not sure yet what my final fish will be but I'm worried that if I do get a blenny that I won't be able to add a final fish without overloading.

Total restocking help please

Total restocking help please

My tank has been fallow since March, once June hit I have been way too busy to properly stock with TTM and QT. The summer is soon to be coming to an end and I will have time to restock. I am very excited to get some fish back into the tank. The tank is 80x20x20 aprox 140 Gallons with 200+ gallons in total. I have a QT set up and am equipped for TTM. I really want to get it right this time.

Here is my wish list:

1x McCosker's Flasher Wrasse
1x Golden Rhomboidalis Wrasse
1x Orange-Back Fairy Wrasse AND/OR 1X Ruby Head Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus cf cyanopleura) or Mystery Wrasse or Lineatus Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus lineatus) or Lineatus Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus lineatus)
1X Pink-Streaked Wrasse
1x Yellow Tang
1x Tomini tang or kole tang
5 x (4F+1M) Lytail anthais
3x Randell's anthias or Ignitus Anthias
1 x Borb Anthias
1 x Bartlett's Anthias
1x Redfin wasp
1 x Flame hawk or Long nosed hawk
2x Clowns
1 x spotted mandarin
1 x tailspot or horned blenny
1 x PJ cardinal

I would appreciate some guidance here as I don't really know enough about the Wrasses as in if I could have 2 fairy wrasses and if so which would do best together...
Considering getting a lawnmower blenny.

30 Gallon, AquaClear HOB filter, Skimmer, 2 Clarkii Clowns, 1 Diamond Goby, 1 Watchman Goby.

My reasoning for wanting the blenny is to help control algae (specifically hair algae). My concerns are that the 2 gobies (who actually get along) may not allow the blenny to have it's own space since they seem like bottow dwellers similar to gobies. I also plan on adding one more fish after the blenny to finish my display. I'm not sure yet what my final fish will be but I'm worried that if I do get a blenny that I won't be able to add a final fish without overloading.

Several things: the blenny will not control hair algae; your biggest issue is that the pair of clarkii clowns are very aggressive once sexually mature and will most likely intimidate other fish in this sized tank.
My tank has been fallow since March, once June hit I have been way too busy to properly stock with TTM and QT. The summer is soon to be coming to an end and I will have time to restock. I am very excited to get some fish back into the tank. The tank is 80x20x20 aprox 140 Gallons with 200+ gallons in total. I have a QT set up and am equipped for TTM. I really want to get it right this time.

Here is my wish list:

1x McCosker's Flasher Wrasse
1x Golden Rhomboidalis Wrasse
1x Orange-Back Fairy Wrasse AND/OR 1X Ruby Head Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus cf cyanopleura) or Mystery Wrasse or Lineatus Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus lineatus) or Lineatus Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus lineatus) I do not recommend a mystery wrasse with a mandarin or the fairy wrasses but the others should do ok together
1X Pink-Streaked Wrasse
1x Yellow Tang must be last fish added; however I recommend only one tang in this sized tank
1x Tomini tang or kole tang
5 x (4F+1M) Lytail anthais
3x Randell's anthias or Ignitus Anthias
1 x Borb Anthias
1 x Bartlett's Anthias
1x Redfin wasp
1 x Flame hawk or Long nosed hawk not shrimp safe
2x Clowns depending on species
1 x spotted mandarin after nine months
1 x tailspot or horned blenny
1 x PJ cardinal

I would appreciate some guidance here as I don't really know enough about the Wrasses as in if I could have 2 fairy wrasses and if so which would do best together...
Several things: the blenny will not control hair algae; your biggest issue is that the pair of clarkii clowns are very aggressive once sexually mature and will most likely intimidate other fish in this sized tank.

Good to know about the hair algae. As far as the clowns go, does this mean I should move the gobies or just stick with what I have?
Good to know about the hair algae. As far as the clowns go, does this mean I should move the gobies or just stick with what I have?

Well, once the clownfish start mating they will be pretty hostile towards tank mates in a 30 gallon tank. I personally would find that unappealing.

"I do not recommend a mystery wrasse with a mandarin or the fairy wrasses but the others should do ok together "
I think I will maybe pass on the Mystery Wrasse if it has to be the only Wrasse.....then if I am able to pick 2 other Fairy Wrasses.

2x Clowns------ "depending on species"
right, most likely Picasso or snowflake (ORA)

1 x spotted mandarin------ "after nine months"
I am guessing you say this because of pod population? MY tank has been up for a year and fallow for 4+ months, my pod pop has exploded! I have a 30G fuge tank as well.

Would a good plan be to stock the Anthais and randoms first, then move to Wrasses then to the Tang?
Have a Six Line Wrasse and Fire fish in my DT currently. Want to add a Bicolor Dottyback
, Royal Gramma Basslet or a Midnight/Black Ice Ocellaris Clown fish.

My thought on adding the clown fish is that I don't want it to be too aggressive to the fish I would add after it. What do you think on this option?
"I do not recommend a mystery wrasse with a mandarin or the fairy wrasses but the others should do ok together "
I think I will maybe pass on the Mystery Wrasse if it has to be the only Wrasse.....then if I am able to pick 2 other Fairy Wrasses.


2x Clowns------ "depending on species"
right, most likely Picasso or snowflake (ORA) fine

1 x spotted mandarin------ "after nine months"
I am guessing you say this because of pod population? MY tank has been up for a year and fallow for 4+ months, my pod pop has exploded! I have a 30G fuge tank as well. in that case, you should be fine

Would a good plan be to stock the Anthais and randoms first, then move to Wrasses then to the Tang?

Have a Six Line Wrasse and Fire fish in my DT currently. Want to add a Bicolor Dottyback
, Royal Gramma Basslet or a Midnight/Black Ice Ocellaris Clown fish.

My thought on adding the clown fish is that I don't want it to be too aggressive to the fish I would add after it. What do you think on this option?

I would not do the bicolor dottyback. The six line may become a problem due to aggression going forward. Otherwise, fine.
Hi Steve, I'm ready to add the last few fish to my 55. I have:
Melanurus wrasse
chalk bass
3 chromis

Thinking about:
starry blenny
2 firefish
Tank raised ocellaris

I don't have a skimmer, just a filter sock and I vacuum my sand / blow out the rocks. So far my nutrients stay in check, but I'm worried that each fish I add could push me over capacity. I have a screen top. Also, not a ton of rocks in there ~30# so idk if it'll be enough hiding spots for the firefish and the chromis? The rock has been wet since October, but I upgraded into this tank around January I think.

Tia - this threads awesome!
stocking recommendations

stocking recommendations

This is my first draft for my 120. This is also my proposed stocking order. Thanks for your advice

ocellaris clownfish pair (Amphiprion ocellaris)
possum wrasse (Wetmorella albofasciata)
red velvet fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rubrisquamis)
yellow fin fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus flavidorsalis)
mystery wrasse (Pseudocheilinus ocellatus)
Chalk bass x3 (Serranus tortugarum)
Rainford's Goby (Koumansetta rainfordi)
royal gramma (Gramma loreto)
Allen's damsel (Pomacentrus alleni)
orchid dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani)
two spot bristletooth tang (Ctenochaetus binotatus)
Pacific redstripe hogfish (Bodianus sepiacaudus)
Lyretail Anthias (Pseudanthias squamipinnis)
Genicanthus angel pair(G bellus or G caudovittatus)

The possum wrasse, Genicanthus pair & the tang are the fish I would most like to have in this tank. The others are favorites, but I am really hoping those can work.
Hi Steve, I'm ready to add the last few fish to my 55. I have:
Melanurus wrasse
chalk bass
3 chromis

Thinking about:
starry blenny
2 firefish two will become one over time
Tank raised ocellaris

starting to get a bit heavy for this sized tank

I don't have a skimmer, just a filter sock and I vacuum my sand / blow out the rocks. So far my nutrients stay in check, but I'm worried that each fish I add could push me over capacity. I have a screen top. Also, not a ton of rocks in there ~30# so idk if it'll be enough hiding spots for the firefish and the chromis? The rock has been wet since October, but I upgraded into this tank around January I think.

Tia - this threads awesome!
This is my first draft for my 120. This is also my proposed stocking order. Thanks for your advice

ocellaris clownfish pair (Amphiprion ocellaris)
possum wrasse (Wetmorella albofasciata)
red velvet fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rubrisquamis)
yellow fin fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus flavidorsalis)
mystery wrasse (Pseudocheilinus ocellatus) I would not do a mystery wrasse with the fairy and possum wrasses
Chalk bass x3 (Serranus tortugarum)
Rainford's Goby (Koumansetta rainfordi)
royal gramma (Gramma loreto)
Allen's damsel (Pomacentrus alleni)
orchid dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani)
two spot bristletooth tang (Ctenochaetus binotatus)
Pacific redstripe hogfish (Bodianus sepiacaudus) may be hard on small fish
Lyretail Anthias (Pseudanthias squamipinnis)
Genicanthus angel pair(G bellus or G caudovittatus) difficult only because males are difficult shippers. You could try two females added concurrently and hope that one turns into a male

The possum wrasse, Genicanthus pair & the tang are the fish I would most like to have in this tank. The others are favorites, but I am really hoping those can work.

Your priority fish should work subject to annotations above
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