PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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i figured a 60 cube would be ok for a mandarin? ill keep doing research on it, to see what kinda care i would have to provide.

so flame hawks will eat all shrimp?

a 60 cube is marginal at best for a mandarin. Flame Hawks will eat many different types of shrimp.
IMO, all species of chromis will become one over time

Thanks, Steve. I knew you said this about a lot of chromis, but I hadn't seen much about the Vanderbilt. I certainly don't want to watch a death match in my living room, so I'm marking them off my list. At least it helps narrow down my choices!
I want to FULLY stock my 34G w/8G Sump and Protein Skimmer.
What would you add to this?
Clownfish Pair

As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. I am always happy to analyze stocking plan provided tank size and stocking plan are provided. All clownfish are not created equal, I would need to know species of clownfish.
Alright, first try at this. Generally in order of addition. Brand new 120g aquarium with live rock from TBS being put in this week. After cycle, begin with inverts and proceed as listed. Also plan on adding several different types of coral down the road, so all must be reef safe.

12x Nasssiarius Snails
12x Nerite Snails
12x Trochus Snails
2x Fighting Conch
3x Emerald Crabs
5x Emerald Leg Hermits (with plenty of extra shells)
5x Scarlet Hermits (with plenty of extra shells)
2x Peppermint Shrimp
2x Cleaner Shrimp
1x Long spine urchin
1x serpent star
1x brittle star
2x Maxima Clam Blue, Aquacultured(Tridacna maxima)
1x Long Tentacle Anemone, Purple (Macrodactyla doreensis) (for the clownfish)

2x Black & White Ocellaris Clownfish, (Amphiprion ocellaris var.)
1x Black Sailfin Blenny (Atrosalarias fuscus)
1x Firefish, Purple (Nemateleotris decora)
1x Bartlett's Anthias (Pseudanthias bartlettorum)
1x Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus solorensis)
1x Blue Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus cyaneus)
1x McCosker's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus mccoskeri)
1x Royal Gramma Basslet (Gramma loreto)
1x Green Mandarin (Synchiropus splendidus)
1x Mimic Lemon Peel Tang (Acanthurus pyroferus)
1x Two Spot Bristletooth Tang (Ctenochaetus binotatus)

So, is this too much? Do I still have some room for more small fish? With this being my first tank, it is hard for me to picture whether this will look over-stocked or not.

Thanks for your help!
Alright, first try at this. Generally in order of addition. Brand new 120g aquarium with live rock from TBS being put in this week. After cycle, begin with inverts and proceed as listed. Also plan on adding several different types of coral down the road, so all must be reef safe.

Inverts: hermits kill snails, so pick one or the other
12x Nasssiarius Snails
12x Nerite Snails
12x Trochus Snails
2x Fighting Conch
3x Emerald Crabs I do not recommend as they can take fish when large
5x Emerald Leg Hermits (with plenty of extra shells) extra shells do not stop them from killing snails
5x Scarlet Hermits (with plenty of extra shells) extra shells do not stop them from killing snails
2x Peppermint Shrimp
2x Cleaner Shrimp
1x Long spine urchin later rather than sooner but I prefer pincushion urchin
1x serpent star
1x brittle star
2x Maxima Clam Blue, Aquacultured(Tridacna maxima)depends on lighting
1x Long Tentacle Anemone, Purple (Macrodactyla doreensis) (for the clownfish)

2x Black & White Ocellaris Clownfish, (Amphiprion ocellaris var.)
1x Black Sailfin Blenny (Atrosalarias fuscus)
1x Firefish, Purple (Nemateleotris decora)
1x Bartlett's Anthias (Pseudanthias bartlettorum)
1x Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus solorensis)
1x Blue Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus cyaneus)
1x McCosker's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus mccoskeri)
1x Royal Gramma Basslet (Gramma loreto)
1x Green Mandarin (Synchiropus splendidus) after 9 months
1x Mimic Lemon Peel Tang (Acanthurus pyroferus)
1x Two Spot Bristletooth Tang (Ctenochaetus binotatus)

So, is this too much? Do I still have some room for more small fish? With this being my first tank, it is hard for me to picture whether this will look over-stocked or not. fine except as annotated

Thanks for your help!
Looking at tankmates for a possible dwarf zebra lionfish tank. I do not currently have this tank set up. It's entirely a future build. I have ideas and would appreciate some input. I'm looking at a 50-55 gal tank as far as size is concerned at the moment that I have laying around. Or a upgrade to a 100-125 gal tank later on.

Possible tankmates;

- Snowflake eel
- Foxface rabbitfish
- maroon clownfish or maybe other options in clownfish that will be large enough to avoid being eaten
- flame angel

Ideally what I'm looking for is something colorful, interesting to watch and capable of co-existing. I have heard that basically as long as it doesn't fit in the lionfish's mouth and isn't going to try and eat their fins that it should be fine. So if I could get some input? Is it worth doing a eel or would a convict goby be just as good? Instead of a flame angel could I do a type of angel that's blue in color? I saw one in my local fish store the other day but forgot the name and didn't ask their opinions on keeping it with lions.
Looking at tankmates for a possible dwarf zebra lionfish tank. I do not currently have this tank set up. It's entirely a future build. I have ideas and would appreciate some input. I'm looking at a 50-55 gal tank as far as size is concerned at the moment that I have laying around. Or a upgrade to a 100-125 gal tank later on.

Possible tankmates;

- Snowflake eel
- Foxface rabbitfish
- maroon clownfish or maybe other options in clownfish that will be large enough to avoid being eaten
- flame angel

Ideally what I'm looking for is something colorful, interesting to watch and capable of co-existing. I have heard that basically as long as it doesn't fit in the lionfish's mouth and isn't going to try and eat their fins that it should be fine. So if I could get some input? Is it worth doing a eel or would a convict goby be just as good? Instead of a flame angel could I do a type of angel that's blue in color? I saw one in my local fish store the other day but forgot the name and didn't ask their opinions on keeping it with lions.

Unfortunately I do not provide analysis of aggressive fish community tanks. Best results would be to post a question in the aggressive fish forum.


So, I'm assuming a group of hermits can't keep my glass clean, so I will probably end up just going with snails. Kind of disappointing, I think my kids would have enjoyed watching them.

As for lighting, I have a MaxSpect Razor 320w on my 48x24x24 tank. Would that be enough for the clams? Do you suggest I put them up towards the light, or in the sand?

On the Mandarin, would it be ok to put him in after the tangs? Should the tangs go in at the same time as each other, or is separate ok?

Any particular reason on the pincushion urchin? Safety for me?

Thank you so much for your help!

So, I'm assuming a group of hermits can't keep my glass clean, so I will probably end up just going with snails. Kind of disappointing, I think my kids would have enjoyed watching them.

As for lighting, I have a MaxSpect Razor 320w on my 48x24x24 tank. Would that be enough for the clams? Do you suggest I put them up towards the light, or in the sand?

On the Mandarin, would it be ok to put him in after the tangs? Should the tangs go in at the same time as each other, or is separate ok?

the mandarin can go in after the tang as they do not reside in the same ecological niche.

Any particular reason on the pincushion urchin? Safety for me? right. Tuxedo urchins are excellent but should be added a few months down the line.

Thank you so much for your help!

Always a pleasure. Note that questions other than about marine fish compatibility should be in their own thread for general answers.
Is this ok?

Is this ok?

Steve and everyone else..........

And thanks for your input.

I currently have a Innovative Marine 40 gallon with a small yellow coris wrasse, yellow goby, royal gramma, and a matted file fish.

Can I add a........

Dwarf angel? If so, can I pick any from live aquaria? I really like the potters.

Black sailfin blenny or starry blenny ( as i understand it their personalities are the same but the sailfin stays a bit smaller?)

any other good choices

Thanks again

I would like to add two Black Ice clowns as well as the Royal Gramma at the same time. Any issues with this?

the six line wrasse would be a problem. When posing a question in this thread please include your tank size and stocking plan in the body since the signature part does not copy over when I quote.
Steve and everyone else..........

I am the only person who answers this thread; for general opinions, start your own thread in Reef Fish or New to the Hobby.

And thanks for your input.

I currently have a Innovative Marine 40 gallon with a small yellow coris wrasse needs a larger tank, yellow goby, royal gramma, and a matted file fish.

Can I add a........

Dwarf angel? No. Needs a larger tank If so, can I pick any from live aquaria? I really like the potters.

Black sailfin blenny or starry blenny ( as i understand it their personalities are the same but the sailfin stays a bit smaller?) yes. However fish size is not the only determining factor

any other good choices

Thanks again

90g well established filled with mature rock, 50g sump 1/2 full of mature rock.
stocking wishes as fallow's
Blue Eyed Dottieback
Black Cap Basslet
Flame Hawkish
Red Spotted Blenny
Mandarin - tank has tons of pod's
would like a Aussie tusk?
Or maybe a Flame angel
worried about the Basslet and Dottieback compatibility
90g well established filled with mature rock, 50g sump 1/2 full of mature rock.
stocking wishes as fallow's
Blue Eyed Dottieback aggressive; avoid
Black Cap Basslet
Flame Hawkish not shrimp safe
Red Spotted Blenny not coral/clam safe
Mandarin - tank has tons of pod's
would like a Aussie tusk? eats small fish
Or maybe a Flame angel
worried about the Basslet and Dottieback compatibility
Hi I currently have a large diamond goby, 2 percula clowns and 2 cleaner shrimp. My tank has been stable since march of this year.

I assume I can add Blue axil chromis correct? The second part of my question is how many can I add? I would like to add 5 but I am concerned about the impact on my bio-load. Thanks in advance
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