Alright, first try at this. Generally in order of addition. Brand new 120g aquarium with live rock from TBS being put in this week. After cycle, begin with inverts and proceed as listed. Also plan on adding several different types of coral down the road, so all must be reef safe.
Inverts: hermits kill snails, so pick one or the other
12x Nasssiarius Snails
12x Nerite Snails
12x Trochus Snails
2x Fighting Conch
3x Emerald Crabs I do not recommend as they can take fish when large
5x Emerald Leg Hermits (with plenty of extra shells) extra shells do not stop them from killing snails
5x Scarlet Hermits (with plenty of extra shells) extra shells do not stop them from killing snails
2x Peppermint Shrimp
2x Cleaner Shrimp
1x Long spine urchin later rather than sooner but I prefer pincushion urchin
1x serpent star
1x brittle star
2x Maxima Clam Blue, Aquacultured(Tridacna maxima)depends on lighting
1x Long Tentacle Anemone, Purple (Macrodactyla doreensis) (for the clownfish)
2x Black & White Ocellaris Clownfish, (Amphiprion ocellaris var.)
1x Black Sailfin Blenny (Atrosalarias fuscus)
1x Firefish, Purple (Nemateleotris decora)
1x Bartlett's Anthias (Pseudanthias bartlettorum)
1x Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus solorensis)
1x Blue Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus cyaneus)
1x McCosker's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus mccoskeri)
1x Royal Gramma Basslet (Gramma loreto)
1x Green Mandarin (Synchiropus splendidus) after 9 months
1x Mimic Lemon Peel Tang (Acanthurus pyroferus)
1x Two Spot Bristletooth Tang (Ctenochaetus binotatus)
So, is this too much? Do I still have some room for more small fish? With this being my first tank, it is hard for me to picture whether this will look over-stocked or not. fine except as annotated
Thanks for your help!