I am new to the hobby and have learned so much just by watching this thread. Even though it has at times pointed out my mistakes

I am just trying to get it right.
Here is what I have.........
40 gallon innovative marine with ATO, filter socks, and tune 9004 skimmer
1 yellow goby and pistol shrimp pair
1 royal gramma
1 very small yellow corps wrasse
1 starry blenny
1 matted file fish
I also have 10 hermits, 2 urchins
your tank size is probably too small for two , one crab, and 2 snails
crab? crabs are opportunistic feeders and are generally not a good idea.
all have been living very peacefully for months. Can I add more fish?
I was thinking about a fuzzy dwarf lion fish?
they eat fish; are there some fish you do not like in your tank? :twitch:
or maybe a chalk bass?
should be fine
Thanks again and I am just trying to get this right