PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Tank Info:

120 Gallon 48"x24"x24"
Live Rock
Live Sand


Flame Angelfish
Coral Beauty
Yellow Tang three tangs in a tank your size is not going to be stable
Blue Hippo Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Ocellaris Clownfish x2
Blue/Green Reef Chromis x3 will winnow down to one
Kaudren's Cardinal x3 is not stable. If you have a male plus female, two will survive, otherwise just one
Firefish x2 If a mated pair, it will work, otherwise, long term only one will survive
Foxface Lo yet another largish algae grazer
Barlett's Anthias
Regal Angelfish another largish algae grazer
Lawnmower Blenny

This thread is about fish compatibility both with the environment you are providing and with each other. You have some problems in your fish list as mentioned above and your bioload is high relative to tank size


Cerith Snails
Turbo Snails
Nerite Snails
Nassarius Snails
Trochus Snails
Blue Leg Hermit Crabs I would avoid as they will kill your snails for their shells
Red Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Blood Red Fire Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Blue Tuxedo Urchin

I might add these below, any input?

Lettuce Nudibranch
Reed Reef Lobster not fish safe
Emerald Crab not fish safe
Strawberry Crab not fish safe
Margarita Snails
Fighting Conchs
If you want me to review the revised list, please resubmit


Flame Angelfish
Coral Beauty
Yellow Tang
Ocellaris Clownfish (pair)
Blue/Green Reef Chromis
Barlett's Anthias
Kaudren's Cardinal x2
Lawnmower Blenny
Firefish (pair)

Maybe Fish-

Foxface Lo
Regal Angelfish

Since I'm going to grow chaeto in my fuge could I provide suppliments of it for them?


Cerith Snails x?
Turbo Snails x?
Nassarius Snails x?
Trochus Snails x?
Nerite Snails x?
Red Skunk Cleaner Shrimp x1
Blood Red Fire Shrimp x1
Peppermint Shrimp x1
Blue Tuxedo Urchin x1

Maybe Inverts-

Lettuce Nudibranch
Blue Leg Hermit Crabs

If I provide empty shells would they still attack the snails for shells?

Thanks again, sorry I'm a newbie to all this, but I also don't wanna :deadhorse:

Flame Angelfish
Coral Beauty
Yellow Tang
Ocellaris Clownfish (pair)
Blue/Green Reef Chromis
Barlett's Anthias
Kaudren's Cardinal x2 Be sure you get a male + female
Lawnmower Blenny
Firefish (pair) Be sure you get a male + female

Maybe Fish-

Foxface Lo
Regal Angelfish more difficult

Since I'm going to grow chaeto in my fuge could I provide suppliments of it for them?

If you grow gracilaria, you could feed it but chaeto would be less desirable


Cerith Snails x?
Turbo Snails x?
Nassarius Snails x?
Trochus Snails x?
Nerite Snails x?
Red Skunk Cleaner Shrimp x1 x2
Blood Red Fire Shrimp x1
Peppermint Shrimp x1
Blue Tuxedo Urchin x1 cool animal but knocks stuff over and will eat coraline algae

Maybe Inverts-

Lettuce Nudibranch
Blue Leg Hermit Crabs

If I provide empty shells would they still attack the snails for shells?

Unfortunately yes. I strongly suggest a variety of snails and fight conch rather than hermit crabs

Thanks again, sorry I'm a newbie to all this, but I also don't wanna :deadhorse:

Much better. If you do further research and want additional information, feel free to resubmit
57 gallon tank 36x18x21
Reef tank
30 lbs sand
45 lbs dry rock
Sump w/ protein skimmer, fuge, gfo/carbon reactors

Still cycling, but these were what I was looking at stocking with..

Tomato Clown x2 or Pink Skunk Clown x2
Six Line Wrasse
Auriga Butterflyfish ? (I read not reef compatible)
Flame Angelfish
Green Mandarin
Yellowtail Damselfish x3

Orange Sea Star
Blue Banded Coral Shrimp
Maxima Clam
Black long spine urchin

Assorted cleanup crew? Turbo Snails.. etc. (any other suggestions here to go with the other inverts?)

Will this be too much? If so, how many of what should I get? What should be introduced first/last?

Okay thanks again. I replaced the Blue Leg Hermits with Fighting Conchs, can you give a guestimation of how many of each of these I would need?:

Cerith Snails x???
Turbo Snails x???
Nassarius Snails x???
Trochus Snails x???
Nerite Snails x???
Fighting Conchs x???
Okay thanks again. I replaced the Blue Leg Hermits with Fighting Conchs, can you give a guestimation of how many of each of these I would need?:

Cerith Snails x??? 4
Turbo Snails x??? 4
Nassarius Snails x??? 4
Trochus Snails x??? 4
Nerite Snails x??? 4
Fighting Conchs x??? 1

But these are guesses and not really what this thread is about
57 gallon tank 36x18x21
Reef tank
30 lbs sand
45 lbs dry rock
Sump w/ protein skimmer, fuge, gfo/carbon reactors

Still cycling, but these were what I was looking at stocking with..

Tomato Clown x2 or Pink Skunk Clown x2 Both will be very aggressive once sexually mature
Six Line Wrasse A very aggressive fish
Auriga Butterflyfish ? (I read not reef compatible) Not coral safe
Flame Angelfish
Green Mandarin No, your tank is really too small plus you have another copepod eater; it would starve
Yellowtail Damselfish x3 Aggressive

Orange Sea Star will starve
Blue Banded Coral Shrimp can take fish
Maxima Clam if you have sufficient lights but only after tank is mature
Black long spine urchin may knock stuff over plus will eat coraline algae

Assorted cleanup crew? Turbo Snails.. etc. (any other suggestions here to go with the other inverts?)

you need a wide variety of snails, but I would avoid hermit crabs

Will this be too much? If so, how many of what should I get? What should be introduced first/last?

Most peaceful first, most aggressive last. But I would modify the list and avoid the aggressive fish on it

Is it ok to house different species of firefish together?

Currently have 2- Nemateleotris magnifica (guessing a m/f combo, they stay together-no fighting)

Would love to add 2-(M/F) - Nemateleotris decora

Just love the personalities of the firefish. :)

Tank is a 125g 6ft tank. Community fish & shrimp & snails

What (if any) species of clown fish would not become aggressive as it gets sexually mature?

Since the green mandarin won't work, what was the other copepod eater I had on my list?

What other small tank species would you recommend that would work together?

On another note: if you tank only had aggressive fish and no passive fish, would that list (Tomato clown, six line wrasse, yellow tail damsel) be a problem together?
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Is it ok to house different species of firefish together?

Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer for that. In a long tank, where there can be two different territories, it can work. A six foot tank is not a clear situation, but I would guess probably not. If you still want to try, introduce the new ones on the opposite side of the tank. Firefish have a small territory and if there is no perceived overlap, it may work.

Currently have 2- Nemateleotris magnifica (guessing a m/f combo, they stay together-no fighting)

Time will tell. If you have exceeded a year, then you have a bonded pair, which eventually may mate if they perceive you have a friendly environment.

Would love to add 2-(M/F) - Nemateleotris decora

Just love the personalities of the firefish. :)

So do I. One of my favorites

Tank is a 125g 6ft tank. Community fish & shrimp & snails
What (if any) species of clown fish would not become aggressive as it gets sexually mature?

None. It is simply a matter of degree. GSM clowns for example, will want to control about 50 gallons of tank space, whereas A. percula will want to control about 25-30 gallons of tank space

Since the green mandarin won't work, what was the other copepod eater I had on my list?

A sixline wrasse

What other small tank species would you recommend that would work together?

On another note: if you tank only had aggressive fish and no passive fish, would that list (Tomato clown, six line wrasse, yellow tail damsel) be a problem together?

Fish that have their territories truncated by other fish's territories will eliminate those fish or try to.
I just want to thank you in advance for your hard work and dedication--you've helped hundreds of reefkeepers and even more fish !!!:beer:

I am upgrading from a 29 gallon tank to a 120 with a 40 gallon fuge. Lots of LR.

I'm slowly moving my fish from the smaller to larger tank.

Currently I have:

2 Bengali Cardinals
1 Pajama Cardinal
1 Flame Angle
1 Diamond Goby
2 Ocellarus Clowns

I'm thinking about buying the following and would appreciate your advice. I'm looking for colorful less-shy fish that will get along with what I already have.

Kole Tang
Comet (Marine Betta)
One Spot Foxface
(maybe in a year once tank more established) A pair of tank raised Ora Mandarins

What do you think ?

Thanks !
I just want to thank you in advance for your hard work and dedication--you've helped hundreds of reefkeepers and even more fish !!!:beer:

Thanks much, nice words are always appreciated.

I am upgrading from a 29 gallon tank to a 120 with a 40 gallon fuge. Lots of LR.

I'm slowly moving my fish from the smaller to larger tank.

Currently I have:

2 Bengali Cardinals
1 Pajama Cardinal
1 Flame Angle
1 Diamond Goby
2 Ocellarus Clowns

I'm thinking about buying the following and would appreciate your advice. I'm looking for colorful less-shy fish that will get along with what I already have.

Kole Tang I think you will like this one, also consider a chevron (same family, similar characteristics)
Comet (Marine Betta) I dislike these fish because they are very cryptic and do eat small fish
One Spot Foxface
(maybe in a year once tank more established) A pair of tank raised Ora Mandarins ORA mandarins have mixed results, however in your sized tank, wild caught should do well IF and ONLY IF you get healthy ones. Simply wait until the tank is sufficiently mature. They come in all the time to most LFS, just find ones that are actively hunting/eating copepods.

What do you think ?

Thanks !
is it hard to tell if they are a pair ?

is it hard to tell if they are a pair ?

Great. I really don't want such a shy fish, I'll nix the comet.

Instead of the comet, maybe a fairy or flasher wrasse or both if I can build a cover ?

If I find a couple of mandarins in the store in the same tank, can I assume they are a pair or at least compatible ? Is it hard to tell male from female for the uninitiated ?

Great. I really don't want such a shy fish, I'll nix the comet.

Instead of the comet, maybe a fairy or flasher wrasse or both if I can build a cover ?

I suggest a pair of flasher wrasses (the male will court the female. BUT you must have a cover with 1/4 inch holes as they are prolific jumpers.

If I find a couple of mandarins in the store in the same tank, can I assume they are a pair or at least compatible ? Is it hard to tell male from female for the uninitiated ?

Easy. The dorsal fin (the fin on the top) will be rounded for females, spiked for males. Mandarins in good stores are kept normally in a tank with chaeto algae and sometimes live rock. Make sure the mandarins are "hunting" that is pecking on the chaeto or live rock rather than just sitting there. Most wild caught mandarins will eat frozen, but that is not sufficient for their long term maintenance. Your 40 gallon refugium and tank maturity should be sufficient.

good afternoon wanted to get your thoughts on adding 3 fish.

What I have

125 gal tank with 100 gal sump and 35 gal refugium
pair saddleback clowns
sailfin blenny
yellow wrasse
3 scissortail goby
3 firefish goby
1 dragon goby
4 green chromis
1 flame angel
2 bangaii cardinals

what I want to add
sailfin tang
hippo tang
bi-colored foxface

what do you think?
good afternoon wanted to get your thoughts on adding 3 fish.

What I have

125 gal tank with 100 gal sump and 35 gal refugium
pair saddleback clowns
sailfin blenny
yellow wrasse
3 scissortail goby
3 firefish goby Will end up with at most two, and only then if they are a M+F. Firefish do not like conspecifics
1 dragon goby
4 green chromis will end with at most two
1 flame angel
2 bangaii cardinals must be a M+F pair or you will end up with one

what I want to add
sailfin tang too large for your tank
hippo tang too large for your tank
bi-colored foxface

what do you think?
Ok Steve,

Time for a resubmit.. can you also advise as to order of introduction?
# indicates what I think should be...?

40g long (hoping to get as many tank bred fish as i can)

Hopefully all will be juvies if possible
1 black and white TB occelaris #4
1 orange and white TB occelaris #4
1 zebra dart goby #1
1 TB neon goby #2
1 TB yellow watchman goby + pistol shrimp #3
1 coral beauty #5

snails (no hermits/crabs at least not intentionally)
1 peppermint shrimp
1-2 cleaner shrimp
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