I've been searching the forums, hoping to find the answer already - but alas I have not.
I have a 40 gallon breeder with a coast-to-coast overflow feeding a 30 gallon sump. I estimate total water volume to be at ~50 gallons. I'm not sure on the weight of my rock, but I have plenty. It's a mixed reef that is 5 months old, started from the teardown of my 29 gallon that had been up for 2 years.
I currenlty have 2 pajama cardinals, and an ocellaris clown. I have a flame angel on order (I know they can be risky with LPS especially). Right now everyone hides except at feeding time, and I was thinking I might need some dither fish... green chromises, maybe. The question I have is is a shoal of 3 too few, or a shoal of 6 too many?
Chromis will winnow down their number until there is only one left. Any group of chromis would not do well in your sized tank.
Aside from the aforementioned, I would like to get a ranfords goby, and a couple firefish down the road.
a rainfords goby should do fine. Firefish must be a mated pair to have more than one
I'm completely at a loss as to what would be too much in my tank. I have a huge sump, run a Reef Octopus 110DNWB, filtersock, and Chemi-Pure Elite. I'm confident in my life support system, but still don't want to get close to overcrowding my tank.
Thanks in advance, all!