Reefbreeders/(Evergrow OEM) Fixtures D120/IT20** series

What is the difference between Reef Breeders 32" Photon and the EG IT2080s?
The name. They are both made by EverGrow.

Does the Reef Breeders 32" Photon have the same purple tint as the EG IT2080?
RB & EG may have different led color layouts, but I think they are very similar. And you can do custom led layouts to your own choosing with either one.

What would you recommend for mostly SPS 300 gallon (72x36x27).

How does the Reef Breeders 32" Photon compare to the Radion Pro?
The Radion Pro is twice the price and covers half as much square footage, so you'll spend 4 times as much! The Radion does give you a lot more control of colors with 5 channels (I think). 4 IT2080's = $1800, 4 IT2080's with custom led layouts = $1900, 8 Radion Pros = $7200 even 6 Pros = $5400
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What is the difference between Reef Breeders 32" Photon and the EG IT2080?
The name. They are both made by EverGrow.
I thought I read somewhere that Reef Breeders uses a different LED layout to reduce the purple color by using less reds and neutral whites instead of warm whites. I also thought something else was upgraded too but I can't remember for sure, maybe the fans?

Does anyone else notice this purple hue? If not, where did you purchase the fixture from and what is your LED layout? I can see the purple color in some of the pictures posted but its usually followed by a comment saying that it's not at purple as the picture shows.

I'm trying to get a color similar to a 400W Radium or a 400W 14K Reeflux. Is this even possible with LEDs or am I stuck with purple.
Left Side Tank Before upgrading to ReefBreeders Photon 24:




Right Tank Before:



Ok, so this is the purple that I'm talking about. How do I make it not so purple?
Red and blue when mix as light create purple hued light. A fix could be to remove the reds but i dont suggest that. Violets also contribute to the purple hue. Cover certain leds and just "play" around with it and see what happens.
What LEDs can be used or are available for an IT2080 or 32" Photon?

I know the following are avaiable:
3500K Warm White
4500K Neutral White
6500K Cool White
410nm Violet
450nm Royal Blue
480nm Blue
520nm Green
660nm Red

Is it possible to get the following and if so, where?:
405 Ultra Violet
505nm Cyan
2700K Warm White
525 Green
bump, what happened to this form, it used to be booming.

I think alot of it has to do with the fact that people who purchased these fixtures are content and dont feel the need to tweek things. Posts will pick up much more once the new controllers start coming in. BTW, love my photon 16 with stock array.
I think alot of it has to do with the fact that people who purchased these fixtures are content and dont feel the need to tweek things. Posts will pick up much more once the new controllers start coming in. BTW, love my photon 16 with stock array.
Hey Reeftivo, I think im going to buy a value fixture to see how it does for the first six months with some corals. The thing is that it will be over a 36x18x24 inch tank! Do you know how much spread i would get out of having the light about 8 inches above the water level? this is really just to decide if i will purchase two or go to t5.

Also how is the color temp and the corals doing?
my photon 16 easily covers my 24 x 20 x 20 with minimal shadowing. I'd say that 2 of the 16" value fixtures would cover fine and at 8 inches off the water. You would get great penetration even with 120 optics. Photon 32 with 90 optics would be my choice for you size tank though. As far as color temp, I can only compare it to my MH and the 1kessil A350W led I've owned. The RB fixture has an overall warmer look than the kessil but definately cooler than MH. The colors I get from the RB are not quite MH but come close. The Kessil gave me great greens and some pinks but my orange montis and some cups were brown under the kessil. I have mine set at 65/45 blue to white channels and the flippin thing is POWERFUL. Everything is doing great at that setting and I'm almost scared to crank it up any higher.
Is the color of the corals what you wanted? I am going to do a 3-1 ration of blue to white, i wish they had cyan leds aswell as uv
To me the coral colors are much better than I expected. It has the crisp cool look that the kessil had but the kessil didn't show the reds and oranges well. They appeared more brown with the a350w. The stock array on my photon 16 makes ALL my corals pop.
2013-08-02 21.42.32.jpg

Logan does custom arrays so I'd contact him to see what he can put together for you.
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I wish the cell camera could show the colors that I see but alas! Pics of LED lit tanks never seem to be true renditions of what we as owners actually are seeing in person. I need a better shooter for sure.

Happy reefing

I wish the cell camera could show the colors that I see but alas! Pics of LED lit tanks never seem to be true renditions of what we as owners actually are seeing in person. I need a better shooter for sure.

Happy reefing


It's not just the cell phone camera. All cameras that are just set to an 'auto white balance' will look wrong. It can be made to look 'right' if you have a good white balance control in your camera, but that's more common in high end cameras. Mine is still better in auto than any of the other 5 preset white balance functions, but it's still not what I'd like. And it can be corrected with some work in Photoshop, but then your photos have been 'photoshopped' and who is going to believe they are the 'true' colors?
I'm seeing many people post that "the color isn't as purple/pink in person" but for some reason my fixtures are very purple. Everything in my tank looks like it's covered in bright purple coralline algae, the sand the rock, and the corals. I have to turn down the blue channel to 20% for it to look somewhat normal.

Does anyone else notice this problem or actually prefer the color?
I'm seeing many people post that "the color isn't as purple/pink in person" but for some reason my fixtures are very purple. Everything in my tank looks like it's covered in bright purple coralline algae, the sand the rock, and the corals. I have to turn down the blue channel to 20% for it to look somewhat normal.

Does anyone else notice this problem or actually prefer the color?

Sorry, I do not have that problem with my setup. My tank looks like a Radium with Lumatek.
Sorry, I do not have that problem with my setup. My tank looks like a Radium with Lumatek.

In one of your pictures it looks purple to me... actually your tank looks very similar to what my tank looks like in person. Does your tank looks as purple in person as the picture?

The second picture is the color that I would like to see.


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I have a JBJ 28g Nano and am looking at either the Value LED or the Photon 16 from Reef Breeders. I just can't decide which one to go with and what optics I should use.

Does the extra $100 justify a controller and moon lights?

Being that my JBJ is essentially an 18x18x18 cube, should I go with 90 degree optics so that I don't light up my living room with the lights at a decent height (approx. 8"-10" from water level)?

I will be upgrading to a CADD Lights 50 cube eventually (Maybe a year). Would this light work ok with the 90's at that point? Could I swap to 120 optics at that time?

Thanks for the help.
90 degree are not needed since its 18" deep, thats my opinion. And the controller can allow for ramping the leds up through out the day