We are all using 90 degree optics, but I am getting some 120 degree lenses to use on the moonlights and all the leds that aren't blue or white (i.e. UV, violet, reds and green). I also have the light moved a bit forward and tipped toward the back just a bit. The sand at the front of the tank is well lit and there is almost no light spillage out the front glass. However, I have a rock wall up the back of the tank and it goes almost to the water surface. The upper few inches of the wall are not well lit and I can't raise the light inside the canopy any more. So I will be putting 120 degree lenses on most of the back row of leds and probably even on some of the 2nd row. With the light shining down more than a MH (with lots of reflected light) there are some shadows. My personal feeling is the tank looks like it's a 'cleaner' white than the MH (maybe less yellow than the MH 10K) and like when you photoshop a picture, the tank has more 'contrast' because of the little bit of shadowing. I like it a lot better.