Reeferhead's 60gal Softie/Jawfish Build

Love the pics!!! I need to get some colorful stuff instead of all this drab stuff:lol:
Love the pics!!! I need to get some colorful stuff instead of all this drab stuff:lol:

Whatever Dave, you got lots of colorful stuff. I know because I have a lot of it :lol:

As far as the softies are concerned, I think a lot of the color I'm getting comes from the right combination of T5 lighting.

This tank has 4 ATI Blue Plus, 1 ATI True Actinic, and 1 KZ Figi Purple

The colors were never this rich when I had them under MH (DE 14k Pheonix and VHO actinics).

I'm going to bring my camera along on Thursday if you don't mind me getting my hands wet in your tank?
I added a couple new shrimps and a few more zoas and rics. I need to find a good aiptasia solution for both tanks. I ordered 12 peppermint shrimp from LA about a month ago and only one remains alive today. :( The tank should see jawfish again around April.
Buy a tiny kleins to clean it out. My zoas were ok, but my war coral and chalices weren't.

The Kleins is the only thing that worked for me. He dip nip at my toadstool's and kenya trees, and a little acro.

I have one for sale but he's pretty big.
I need a fish I can cycle back and forth between both tanks. I was thinking about a klein's or perhaps one of those aiptasia eating filefish. Anyone have experience with them?
I had one that I traded to MrDsmack. It never bothered my coral and I think it took care of his aptasia in a few weeks. It was a little one but had a big appetite! Ate majonos also.
Yes it cleaned the tank up in less than 2 weeks. I tried it in the 135 and he was close to dead due to a bully lavender tang. Its back in the 58 now, and I dont think its doing the job. I think its now spoiled on the mysis that I have to feed, sea horses AGAIN.
I seems like I'm going to get some coral picking (or eating) by either fish. I have enough tanks that I can move a coral or two around easily enough to avoid predation. I'm a bit more worried about the tiny shrimps in the jawfish tank. I wonder if one of these fish is more likely to go after them? The jawfish never gave them a second look even though I'm sure they could have fit them in their mouth if they wanted to.
My Kleins left my shrimp alone but he wasn't tiny. I did the same thing, had to take a maze coral out of the DT. When I put it in the Kleins went straight for it.

On another note I have found something weird out about my Klein's Butterfly. I think he eats bryopsis? I put a rock that had some on it, into my frag tank where he is. The next day all the bryposis was gone. I'm not sure if the tomato clown ate it or what. Somebody had to cuz it vanished. Strange, I know.
I picked up a matted filefish from Velko today its in QT right now and destined for the big tank. I don't trust it with my shrimp. As for the jawfish tank, I'm going to try and zap as many as I can with Aiptasia X and hope the one peppermint shrimp I have left can clean up the rest. We shall see.
Tank looks fantastic with all the red colors! I really like the Yuma too, where did you score that one?