Reeferhead's 60gal Softie/Jawfish Build

That yuma looks awesome. Great color and great photos :thumbsup:

Thanks Daniel

Any opinions on nudibranch(sp) for the aiptasia.

I don't have experience with them but I've read its best to get a few and hope they reproduce. Two downsides I see... once the aiptasia are gone they starve and they can easily get chewed up in powerheads.

Tank looks fantastic with all the red colors! I really like the Yuma too, where did you score that one?

Thanks Dave, I got the yuma at the last swap from the same guy I got my bleeding heart scolymia. I can't remember the vendor's name though. Its doing great and already has a few babies so I may work it into the CDP in the distant future. I can keep you in mind for one if you like?
Heck yeah:) I have a yuma in my frag tank that is blue, grey and green, nothing fancy, but it is doing well. Do they prefer lower lighting?
I can't speak for all but both the yumas I have seem to be doing great at the bottom, about 100-150 PAR and fairly low flow. I used to have the green ones in my old tank much higher and they never did well... put them low in this tank and they're doing awesome.
I picked up a matted filefish from Velko today its in QT right now and destined for the big tank. I don't trust it with my shrimp. As for the jawfish tank, I'm going to try and zap as many as I can with Aiptasia X and hope the one peppermint shrimp I have left can clean up the rest. We shall see.

Has your matted filefish made it in either tank? How is that battle going?
Has your matted filefish made it in either tank? How is that battle going?

He's still in the quarantine tank. I qt a minimum of three weeks for every fish. He's eating really well though. I'll likely put him in the 150 in a couple weeks.

As for the 60, I'm hitting the aips I see with Aiptasia RX when I see them, something I probably need to do again today. This tank isn't as hard to treat by hand as the 150. Plus, as the SPS in the 150 grow in, its going to be that much harder to deal with. Since the 60 is all shrooms and zoas, its not too complicated to get a couple here and there.

BTW, I still don't think the peppermint shrimp is pulling his weight. :rolleyes:
I swapped out one of the ATI Blue+ for a ATI ProColor, which is a very red bulb. Everything started growing like mad almost immediately but I don't like the colors nearly as well, a bit washed out and the tank looks pink.
Yep, and its 1 year warranty just expired, so that sucks even more.

How do you blow up an oven? I hope your not cook'n meth over there in Washington, MO. :lol:
Yep, and its 1 year warranty just expired, so that sucks even more.

How do you blow up an oven? I hope your not cook'n meth over there in Washington, MO. :lol:

Haha, there has been a ton of news stories on meth lab busts out here.:uzi: No I have all my teeth.

The lower element just blew up sparks and fire, I can't complain, it came with the house and it was old when we moved in, probably at least close to 20 years old.

The wife was wanting a new one, since its the only applicance that does'nt match, god forbid. :lol2:
Well... it will be at least 3 months before my 150 sees fish again but hopefully if things go as planned I'll have 9 jawfish in this tank on Friday! :D
Sweet gad to see you got the little guys and are adding them! Sorry to hear about your 150 man that sucks!