Ryan's 300 Gallon Starfire Journal

You have quite the fish wish list, I'm jealouse! That will be a site to see with all those together.
As far as the wrasses go, Im my experience with these guys, I would get the rhomboid first, then lineautis, then the flames.
My rhomboids have always been the most timid of the bunch, and the female flames the most aggressive.
One of my favorites these days is my potters wrasse, incredible color and personality like no other.

WOW! What a great Shot Brad. What camera settings are you using for your fish pictures? They are great!

Ok, I'll add them in that order! The only thing that will hinder my fish list (besides money) is if i can't get the tank cool enough. I have no problem keeping it at 75 right now, but central cali gets up to 100 degree's in the middle summer so i'll want to see how the tank does then before I get the Interruptus. I know the Tinker's and Conspic need cooler also, but from what i've read Im confident I can keep them if i can keep the tank in the 76-77 range.

Also, what should I do w/ the wrasses in terms of numbers? Should I get a trio of one and supermales of the others, Pairs, Trio's???
Do you guys know if the Wroght Iron needs cooler water long term? That is going to be my biggest hurdle in obtaining all of my "want list" fish. I think I can do 74-75, but w/ 4 400 watt halides, I dont think i can get it down to 72 for a bandito...
Here are a couple Full Tank Shots as of today.



Other than that, Im kinda bumbed. I had a trade lined up for 5 fathead Anthias for some of my sps frags. The guy just pm'ed me saying that they just died do to a sulfur denitrator malfunction.... I was really excited about them adding color and movement to the tank! Oh well, maybe now i'll try some ventrallis!
Assuming you don't go above 75F you should be OK with a wrought iron. Sanjay keeps his Bandits even warmer than that and he's had them quite some time now, although I would never recommend it. My Bandit chills in 68-70F water along with a single fathead anthias.

Regarding the multiple fathead anthias, although it does stink they died, I wouldn't really recommend keeping them together. I kept a trio for a while and they were oftly territorial towards one another, never getting along. I consider them more of a mini grouper than a schooling anthias, along with borbonius for the most part (but IME fatheads are tolerate one another less than borbs).

Ventralis wise, purchase as many as you want at once, QT the heck out of them, and pray. They're very finicky, acclimate poorly (for the most part) and long term do best in a dedicated tank. I absolutely love your system but it's likely too busy for ventralis. For something not too common and very colorful you might look into flavoguttatus anthias.
Assuming you don't go above 75F you should be OK with a wrought iron. Sanjay keeps his Bandits even warmer than that and he's had them quite some time now, although I would never recommend it. My Bandit chills in 68-70F water along with a single fathead anthias.

Regarding the multiple fathead anthias, although it does stink they died, I wouldn't really recommend keeping them together. I kept a trio for a while and they were oftly territorial towards one another, never getting along. I consider them more of a mini grouper than a schooling anthias, along with borbonius for the most part (but IME fatheads are tolerate one another less than borbs).

Ventralis wise, purchase as many as you want at once, QT the heck out of them, and pray. They're very finicky, acclimate poorly (for the most part) and long term do best in a dedicated tank. I absolutely love your system but it's likely too busy for ventralis. For something not too common and very colorful you might look into flavoguttatus anthias.

Thanks for the tip on the Wroght Iron! Im confident that I can keep the tank stable at 75.

That seems to be the trend with anthias. Fatheads, borbonius, Bartletts, Dispars, Lyretails! Now I just have 1 Lyretail, although w/ some amazing colors, and 1 dispar, oh and 1 chromis! All of which i started with multiples! I like the flavoguttatus, but im leaning towards more wrasses, instead of anthias. Without the 5 antias, Im comfortable w/ trio's of Rhomboid, Lineatus, and Flames which I think would look Awesome!

I would still love to try 5 Ventrallis, but im not sure I want my money to go there vs. putting it towards something I really want!!!
Nice new FTS Ryan. Are you planning on putting anything on your sandbed?

Thanks Mark! Now I just need to pick up a few things from you and Tim and let her grow in!!! Im hoping with the placement and growth patterns of many of the pieces, it will end up with a very nice overall look!

I would love to litter the sand with lps, but my angels will eat them and that is an expensive meal! This is why I have all the chalices in the frag tank to keep them safe from the Angels!!! However, If you have any Idea's of corals to place lower or on the sand to help fill in a few spots, I would love ot know about it!!!