Ryan's 300 Gallon Starfire Journal


Thanks Buddy!

I need to try again at night with a background on to show all the color and contrast! Oh, I probably need all the lights on too!!!
Hey mate just went through 22 pages of your thread very impressive I'm planning a 300g system at the moment. Some very unique fish compared to the ones in Australia keep up the good work mate.

Sorry I missed your post.

Thanks a ton man! I'd love to make it to Austrailia soon. My sister is thinking of moving to Darwin to work for a while. I've heard some really cool things about Darwin!
Good to meet up at BAYMAC and bs with you and your wife Ryan. Congrats on the tank, its looking sweet :thumbsup: I'll keep an eye on your thread to watch out for some of those updates :)
Good to meet up at BAYMAC and bs with you and your wife Ryan. Congrats on the tank, its looking sweet :thumbsup: I'll keep an eye on your thread to watch out for some of those updates :)

Thanks Man!

It was good catching up with you as well! Im pretty happy with the tank. But as you know there is always room for improvment!!!
Nice photos mate we seem to have the same taste I'm upgrading to a 300g and angels I already have multicolour, African flame back, female bellus and emperor. I have a venustus at the lfs I help out at until the new tank is ready. :beer:
Awesome!!! Where in Australia are you?

I've also got a Venustus coming out of QT in a few weeks. Just make sure that you treat the venustus for parasites and internal bacteria!!!
Great shots Ryan. What is the chalice in the 1st group picture that is dead center partially blue, purple and red?