Ryan's 300 Gallon Starfire Journal

Tank and all the behind the scenes work looks great. Sorry for some of the losses you have had. On a side note hope the wife and "lil reefer to be" are doing good also.
Tank and all the behind the scenes work looks great. Sorry for some of the losses you have had. On a side note hope the wife and "lil reefer to be" are doing good also.

Thanks! :beer:

Everything is staying pretty steady. I've been really busy with the home life and I am going back to school as well so it is taking a lot of my fish tank time! Im looking forward to about a week from now when I'll have a few very nice additions to the tank!!!

Any the wife and baby are doing better. Were just hoping the baby will keep cooking for another 4 weeks though!!!
Thanks my man! But you have always been my main inspiration!

So how is your rebuild coming along? When your ready for some of your coral back just hit me up and it will be in the mail!
ugh...the rebuild is slowly coming along. just not into it for some reason. maybe this fall/winter i'll get more into it.
Thanks bud! I'm gonna try to get a new video up today or tomorrow...I got a new black background for the tank so there is really good contrast!
Here is a video I shot of the tank w/ my new camera. I tried to get a better resolution but it wouldn't load??? Kinda frustrating, but i'll try to figure out a way to get it to play with more clarity...


Thanks man. I had some other things in there but I lost them... I had a beautiufl 3" Morish Idol that was doing excellent and eating super aggressivly. It was in there with another 2" large angel that is just sick! Anyway, then i got a venustus and flame angel in to pair with the other venustus inthe Display and flame angel in the frag tank. these went into a 20g QT. They got one round of prazi and were doing good. then I ordered another baby large angel and a wrasse so i moved the venustus and flame angel to the 55QT with the Idol and 2" angel. The flame was pretty aggressive w/ the other fish but nothing to alarming. Then i noticed that the venustus died (number 7 for me!) Since both sets of fish had recieved a week of prazi already i added the recommended 1/2 dose of cupramine. by day 2 my wife called me at work to tell me the Idol didn't make it and a day or two later the flame angel died... So i added Carbon and pulled the cupramine because the nitrite and ammonia began to creep up...

So, I think I lost the Idol due to copper but i wasn't going to risk my other fish for the idol no being medicated. I know they dont do well w/ meds but i wasn't going ot risk it.

Anyway, I had the carbon in there for a few days then started the cupramine on the 2" large angel that i still have... Good thing is the other baby large angel and wrasse are still doing good!

And i think im gonna add a pair of true hawaiian flame angels instead of the flame that i currently have in my frag tank!

Oh, and i got some SPS colonies from Divers Den the other day and im pretty excited to see them color up. One is a multicolored tenuis, and anothe is sick light blue hoke! AND i got a sprial coral! Im not sure how to care for it but im pretty excited about it! Im hoping the concoction of foods i feed nightly will suffice!