That is for sure, and that doesn't include the rediculously crazy last month...
My dad was in the hospital the same time as my pregnant wife last month. 20 minutes before my son was born, I heard the hospital call a code Blue on my dad a few floors above my wife. I barely made it back to my wifes room to see my son born who wasn't breathing or moving and ended up in the NICU for a week! And that isn't even all of it! Friggin Crazy month and its not over... Oh, and 2 hours after that i came home to eat only to find 20 gallon on the floor from the tank!
Yeah, I saw the Conspic taking BITES out of one of my big sps colonies but with all the angels in there I havn't seen any real harm done... He is very worth it!
Awsome build dude, I just read thru the 24 pages of your thread. Very very nice, wish I could build something like that. :thumbsup:
great video, thanks for sharing. might I ask how big the orange shoulder and naso tang are? they look to be on the larger side, but I may be suffering from lack of perspective.
They are both around 6" maybe a little more. The Orange shoulder, Blond Naso and Conspic are all around the same size but dont show any real aggresion!
There are a decent amount of fish in there but there is very little rock for that size tank. There is around 6" behind and around 8" in front of the rock plus quite a bit of open space in the rockwork itself!
Sorry to hear about the conspic eating the corals, thats no buenoI remembering standing with Tim in front of his tank when his regal was ripping out polyps. His corals did not repond too well to that.
Ryan, do you think all of your QT loss may be due to overmedicating? I just started my tank over and I do plan to treat my new fish but all of the fish you've lost in the process concerns me...