Serpentman's 300g upgrade

wow your tank just keeps geting better every day stuning.

What is the pink (almost looks like plate coral) on the right side?

Thanks man. Although I need to quit screwing around with my LEDs and stop neglecting the tank. I just noticed a coral STN'ing on me. The plating coral is a soli.

I've pretty much neglected all my duties this weekend and worked on this. It's now 95% done. The wiring is completed, however I discovered I made one critical error in construction of the rack. The aluminum angle I used on the long runs is too thin and sags considerably. It's an easy fix but I will need to reinforce it before I can do anything else. Here's the pics:


I may have missed it in the thread but how many blues are you running on 1 meanwell? It looks like 16 to 1 meanwell, if so what model meanwell and do you see any issues with that many leds to a driver? Also, what model meanwell for the whites?

I hope you and your wife are feeling better.
I may have missed it in the thread but how many blues are you running on 1 meanwell? It looks like 16 to 1 meanwell, if so what model meanwell and do you see any issues with that many leds to a driver? Also, what model meanwell for the whites?

I hope you and your wife are feeling better.

I am running 12 LEDs per MW (LPC-35-700W). I am using the same for blues and whites. I have run the entire unit (144 LEDs) for 2 days, 8hrs per day to test for issues. So far there have been none.

What optics did you use for the xpg's and from where did you get them?

I am using the 60 degree optics for the XPGs. I purchased them from I'm not thrilled with them though as they took some modification to get them to mount.
I am running 12 LEDs per MW (LPC-35-700W). I am using the same for blues and whites. I have run the entire unit (144 LEDs) for 2 days, 8hrs per day to test for issues. So far there have been none.

I am using the 60 degree optics for the XPGs. I purchased them from I'm not thrilled with them though as they took some modification to get them to mount.

Do you have some XR-E and XP-G on the same MW then or am I miss counting the MW's?

I put my order in at rapid last night so that's why I am bugging you so much.

Thanks for the info and the willingness to share.
It's no problem. Each array of 24 is broken down into 12 blues on one circuit and 8 whites/4 blues on the other.
On a completely unrelated topic, it looks like my bioload is catching up to me. I ended up picking up some rock from a buddy of mine as well as a large zebra moray. I think there was some die off and well, the zebra is a nitrate factory in and of itself. Eventually, he is going into his own setup. However, in the meantime, I have to deal with him.

I lost a small SPS colony over the weekend and have some cyano appearing. When I finally tested for nitrates, they have spiked higher than their normal 5ppm. It's hard to tell exactly how high they are because of the kit I'm using. However, I think they are somewhere between 15-25ppm. Fortunately, I have been prepared for this eventuality and installed this.

Shouldn't you add some Ca reactor media above the Sulfur to help witht he low PH coming out of it?
Was considering the use of one on my system but still hesitating.
I've read mixed opinions on the necessity of a calcium carbonate media. I'm going to keep a close eye on things to see if there are any negative pH effects. If so, I will run the effluent through some media.
On a completely unrelated topic, it looks like my bioload is catching up to me. I ended up picking up some rock from a buddy of mine as well as a large zebra moray. I think there was some die off and well, the zebra is a nitrate factory in and of itself. Eventually, he is going into his own setup. However, in the meantime, I have to deal with him.

I lost a small SPS colony over the weekend and have some cyano appearing. When I finally tested for nitrates, they have spiked higher than their normal 5ppm. It's hard to tell exactly how high they are because of the kit I'm using. However, I think they are somewhere between 15-25ppm. Fortunately, I have been prepared for this eventuality and installed this.


Very interested in this. Please be sure to update us on this reactor. Where did you buy this unit?
I will definitely keep you posted. The unit is actually a DIY job. A friend of mine made the body and flanges for me and I put the plumbing in place.
Well, I finally tried out the entire LED system on my display. Initial results were encouraging. However, unfortunately, I have determined that the rack as it is built will not be sufficient so additional LEDs will be necessary before I am completely comfortable with the swith-out. Although the PAR wasn't quite the same as my MH's in the higher areas, I was happier with the LED penetration. What is obvious is that the spacing between arrays leaves me with horrible shadows (see below). I will add small mini arrays mounted on U-channel to fill in the dead spots in between. In all, I think I will need an additional 36 LED's. Since the budget is currently limited, I will have to put those on hold for a month or two. Filling in with T5's would also be an option.



On another note, things are hanging precariously on the precipice of potential disaster. I have several SPS colonies that are STN'ing and a few softies look bad. I've narrowed down to several causes which I believe have added up.

A nitrate swing which I am addressing. A rapid drop in pH which was due to closing up the house to run our home AC and potential parasites :(. Ultimately not a good time to change lights anyway. I am taking measures to deal with all of the above and will also be firing up a QT system in the event things really go south.
I have two options you could try out for the shadowing problem. Since you are using 60 degree optics all around you might be able to raise the fixture some more and not lose too much PAR as your beams of light are becoming closer to parallel. How high up is the fixture now?

Second, a low budget option would be to throw some 80 degree optics on just on your outside edge LEDs. 80 degree optics have a lot more spread, but they still focus the light enough to have PAR levels suitable for SPS growth.

If neither of those work individually, a combination of the two might. It would also be nice to have a few u-channel fixtures in the middle to really customize the placement of light, but as you said that is a budget thing.
Actually, I did use 80's on the ends between fixtures. The fixture on the left is also angled in. I tried raising which did help but felt the sacrifice in PAR was unacceptable. In the "dead spots" PAR is around 80 which is too low for my liking. Also, if you look at the green stag on the left and the milli on the far right, under MH's those are around 650 PAR. The LED's were around 400 which I felt was acceptable. However, when I raised them they dropped to around 300. It's promising but not quite there yet...
if you were to throw a ball figure out there how much you think youve spend on all this. just wondering! but very impressive set up none the less