Serpentman's 300g upgrade

On another note, things are hanging precariously on the precipice of potential disaster. I have several SPS colonies that are STN'ing and a few softies look bad. I've narrowed down to several causes which I believe have added up.

A nitrate swing which I am addressing. A rapid drop in pH which was due to closing up the house to run our home AC and potential parasites :(. Ultimately not a good time to change lights anyway. I am taking measures to deal with all of the above and will also be firing up a QT system in the event things really go south.

Hi, how are you going to fix the nitrate problem? Is there another way beside water change?
Jeff, sorry to hear about the's always something to keep us on our toes!
Terry & I were up your way this weekend - we stayed in Mentor, and were over in Painesville a few days. Isn't that close to where you guys are? We meant to get you a message so we could come by and check out your setup in person, but the time just flew by!
Hi, how are you going to fix the nitrate problem? Is there another way beside water change?

I am doing water changes and have installed a sulfur dinitrator. The sulfur denitrator will help bring levels down by converting NO3 to N2.

Jeff, sorry to hear about the's always something to keep us on our toes!
Terry & I were up your way this weekend - we stayed in Mentor, and were over in Painesville a few days. Isn't that close to where you guys are? We meant to get you a message so we could come by and check out your setup in person, but the time just flew by!

So far its only effected a couple of pieces (fingers crossed). I cleaned my pumps too as I think it was a combo of water quality and reduced flow.

Referencing your trip, Painesville is only 10mi from here. If you are in the area again don't hesitate to drop a dime. You're more than welcome to stop out.
First off I want to say you have a great looking aquarium and awesome all around set up. I am planning on setting up to 250 gal model and had a few questions for you.
If you had to redo your stand would you build the ledge on the back again?

What size pvc did you use to set up your herbie drains? Not real familiar with that set up, does each herbie drain independently to the sump or do they both plumb into one common line to the sump?(hope that makes sense)

What are your water levels like in the 75 gal sump, both running and with all power off? I would think with all the surface water and the extra water from the overflow it would pretty much fill the sump to max capacity.

I might have missed it when I read your thread but are you feeding the Reeflo 250 of the return pump or directly of the drain?

And lastly, is there anything you would have done differently in any part of your set up?

Thanks Chris
Looks good as always! The L.E.D. light rack looks good also, I hope you get the nitrate resolved. I lost my Efflo's when mine shot up.
I'll be interested to see the long term success with LED's. The setup looks great!
Quite honestly, I am kinda getting cold feet. I've got some issues with water chemistry so I am bit apprehensive about introducing another change. Also, was looking at what I think I need and am not sure if it makes sense.

With the VHO's removed my power consumption is ~750W. With the current LED configuration, I would be 400W. With another 150W worth of LEDs, I would be at 550W. Its getting tough. I may break the array down and use them on another system to test their longer term viability. So many options....
well, I for one would like to say "thank you" for diving into the LED issue and building out an array. That whole universe of lighting is near mind-boggling to me, as I'm looking to do an DIY project. between the power source, drivers, learning about the various LEDs themselves, and then worrying about light spread and correcting that with the use of optics (which there is a subset universe of as well), the whole dealie is daunting. I love your tank setup, so I know that I'd like to mimic whatever sort of array you'd end up building and running. Do whatever's best for your livestock, but I'll selfishly vote that you soldier on w/ the display tank array. plus 200W of power savings is still nothing to sneeze at!

Thanks again for a great thread. -Tech
Well, a couple of things have happened. First, I pulled the plug on the current LED array. I'm probably crazy considering the money involved. However, in order to get this array functional, it will take another $5-700. Right now I have too many expenses that have popped up in addition to some new projects (more to follow) that it will be considerable time before I can invest more in the LED project. Therefore, I have decided to go with an LED/MH hybrid system. Basically, I'm replacing all my VHO's with LED's which should work well.

Also, found the source of my nitrates. Just noticed last night that I'm missing my large Sohal Tang....duh! He was a big fish and his departure is obviously causing problems. This also explains the rapid crash in my ORP which went from 425 to 325. As much as I'll miss him, I very concerned that 1 death had such a profound effect on my system. Consequently, I'm going to work on reducing my bioload. I'm putting together a 75g FOWLR for my eel and some other fish and also working a 25x25 cube for my office for nems, etc. That tank will be lit exclusively with LEDs. Its coming along nicely. I'll post pics soon.
It's been a while since my last update. I installed the MH/LED hybrid light. Basically, the LED's are for supplementation and increase the PAR in the front/back 6" of the tank. They look awesome and really make the corals pop. My FTS didn't come out so I'll try again today.



Been battling like mad here to keep the tank together. When I lost my sohal, my nitrates spiked and my SPS colonies were STN'ing like mad. I would say 60-70% showed some form of STN or another. Two colonies were completely wiped out and a couple are teetering. So, I took some action. I set up a 75g FOWLR to remove the eel and some fish. It's pretty bare bones (tank, skimmer and heater). The VHO light is there temporarily until I can rig a NO setup.


And, I started another project for my office. I picked up this cube (25"x25"x18") at for ~$100 (undrilled and unpainted). This will basically be a nem/clown tank but will also allow me to bank some of my higher end corals here. To keep down on power, it will be lit by 1 x LED array (65W).


This also gave me an opportunity to play with my father's day gifts (table saw and nail guns) ;) It's amazing a difference the right tools make. I made the stand and canopy last night. Will fabricate a door and trim it this weekend. I can now also move forward with finishing the front of my main display!

I'll try to get some updated shots tonight after dark. The shots come out lousy with the light shining in from the window.

noobtothereef, I did put plants in there to help with CO2, however, I'm not sure if they help.

Here are some updated shots for the stand for my little cube. I don't think it came out too bad for a couple of days work....
Trimmed out stand.
