Serpentman's 300g upgrade

DT coming along real nice I just love the depth of the tank I bet the pictures really don't do justice to the depth, must look sick in person. Thanks for the update.
Lovely tank you have. I see you have a packed frag tank. What Tunze pumps are you using and how many. Also what lighting are you using?
Lovely tank you have. I see you have a packed frag tank. What Tunze pumps are you using and how many. Also what lighting are you using?

Thanks. Yeah, the frag tank is getting a bit full. I suspect some pests so I'm at a crossroads for a while. Until I get things smoothed out, I won't sell off stuff. I'm using 2 x 6101's, 2 x 6105's and 1 x 6125

Lighting on the main display is 3 x 250W Pheonix 14K, 72 RB Cree LEDs. The frag tank is 8 x 54W T5s

Jeff, went through your whole thread, congrats on the great tank.

Keep up the good work, take care.

Can you show a pic of the outside front of tank? What did you do with the space in front above the rim?

Good eye. Right now there is a large piece of styrofoam wedged up there. I'm planning to finish the trim and install a fake panel sometime in Oct. Once I do, I'll post some pics.
Sorry Dr. Harry, I missed your post. There is a MONSTER 4" bulkhead between the two tanks.


Saw this thread and was really inspired:

I really thought this was a cool idea. Aside from a huge piece of acrylic sheet, I had everything I needed so I thought I'd give it a go. Here is are some preliminary results. I used a VHO for the light because I was short a T5 endcap. Once I can swing by the LFS and grab one, I plan to switch it out as its not quite as intense as I'd like. Also, you can see the bulb under the tank trim. Also will work on the rock forms behind to make a little more lifelike. I was very impressed. The pop it adds to the tank can't accurately show in a pic.



Nice work, as usual Jeff. Love that background...such an incredible effect and I'm sure in person it's stunning.
Yes she has a real nice thread you did a fine job with the concept. It makes your tank look more alive,deeper and seems to give off a warmer feeling. Great job!
Thanks everyone. I still need to tweak things a little bit. I'm going to play around with "rocks" in the background to make it look a little more natural.

Also, want to swap out the light for a T5 with a reflector so I can angle the light better. Will post more pics once I get it done.

Also, still need to trim the front of the tank out.....can anyone say procrastination.....
New to this forum and this is one of the first threads I found, read it cover to cover. Thanks for the inspiration! Subscribed.
Thanks, I was snapping photos of individual corals and can't believe how much it difference it makes in the background.

Update: Not much going on. Placed a large order for 25 Peppermint shrimp to finally deal with my continuous aptasia issue. Also, added a pair of Harlequin Shrimp last week. Within 15min, they each were running around with asterina stars in their claws.
My recent additions. As you can see, they are busy munching Asterina stars. I figure, given the hundreds I have system wide, I can sustain these guys. If not, I'll plan to feed them chocolate chip stars.


Updated fish stock list:

Main Display:
1 - Vlamingi Tang (Naso vlamingii)
1 - Blue Morpho Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus)
4 - Yellow Tangs (Zebrasoma flavescens)
1 - Bristletooth Tang (Ctenochaetus cf. striatus)
1 - Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum)
3 - Ocellaris Clowns (Amphiprion ocellaris)
1 - Black Combtooth Blenny (Ecsenius namiyei)
1 - Royal Gramma (Gramma loreto)
1 - Strawberry pseudochromis (Pseudochromis porphyreus)
1 - 6-line Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia)
1 - Yellow Choris Wrasse (Halichoeres chrysus)
7 - Blue/Green Chromis (Chromis viridis)
1 - Red Scooter Blenny (Synchiropus marmoratus)
1 - Mandarin Dragonet (Synchiropus splendidus)
1 - Unknown Anthias
Jeff, I really like the background. It is amazing how the Harlequin shrimp attack the Asterina stars. By the looks of them you wouldn't think they would attack anything. They look so fragile and frilly. Lol
I need to stop by and check things out.
Thanks dude. The harlequin's are really strange. Although I don't see them much, when they're out, they are not very intimidated.

You are definitely welcome anytime. No invite necessary!