Serpentman's 300g upgrade

Hope the Berghias solve it for you.
Can you please give me a link to the supplier of the pulley and cables you're using for your lights.
First, Awesome tank and thread. That tabling acro would be my dream piece. I apologize if it's in here or been answered already but could you please let us know what type of acrylic did you use for the shadow box? (thickness, frosted? Blue? Possible link? Also what material for the faux rocks in between? Did you use hardboard and what paint color did you use? Sorry for all the questions but I'm really interested in the shadow box. Thanks

I had similar issues with copperbands so I spent the extra money and got this guy:


Eats everything but coral right now.
Outstanding thread! Your reef tank is bad a$$, very colorful and healthy. The 300g FOWLR tank is a sweet addition. Good move on not plumbing it into the reef tank.
Been a while since I have updated. The reef has seen better days unfortunately. Everything is still going ok but I've been so busy with a new job and keeping up with the yard projects that basic maintenance like water changes and feeding have been a challenge. I'm gonna wait to see how things progress. However, if life doesn't settle down soon, I may change direction on the reef and convert to softies or FOWLR.

Gonna have to really contemplate this one as I don't want to do anything rash and be without a reef come wintertime.
My vote is no way buddy. Why not just reset it in the winter? Remove all the corals and fish you dont want, re aquascape.
My vote is no way buddy. Why not just reset it in the winter? Remove all the corals and fish you dont want, re aquascape.

I agree. You should lighten up the bioload and extend the time in between water changes. You could do every 2-3wks instead of every week if you're pressed on time.
Hi all, this is the first time I have logged on on RC in over a month so I apologize for the lack of updates. I have been so busy with my new job and some major home renovations that I haven't had time to scratch my a$$. Unfortunately, you would cry if you saw the current state of the tank. Fish are ok but I had a buddy come and get what's left of my SPS. I'm going to use this as an opportunity to correct some wrongs, remove some pests and problem fish and start over once the cold weather hits.

I'll post some pics later. I promise once I get this turned around, it will be like a phoenix rising from the ashes and surpass the original setup...
Sounds like a good plan I am happy you did not give up.How is the new 300 gallon fish only tank doing? Are they both under the weather or only your reef tank? Glad your back!