Serpentman's 300g upgrade

One another note, after losing 2 more copperbanded butterflies in QT, I've decided to go another route to remove my aptasia plague. I just placed an order for some berghia nudibranchs.

Because they are very expensive, I'm starting with 15 and am going to try an culture them. Because I have wrasses, I'll also need a sufficient breeding population to sustain losses. Fingers crossed. If successful, it should take about 4-6mos for complete eradication....
I was going to go that route and may supplement with one. However, In certain areas, they have absolutely overtaken the rocks.
Stunning tanks Jeff.

I can't remember your fish list, but will peppermint shrimp not work for you? I had 2 clean up a sizeable aptasia investation, I see some in the fuge now but none in the display...
One another note, after losing 2 more copperbanded butterflies in QT, I've decided to go another route to remove my aptasia plague. I just placed an order for some berghia nudibranchs.

Because they are very expensive, I'm starting with 15 and am going to try an culture them. Because I have wrasses, I'll also need a sufficient breeding population to sustain losses. Fingers crossed. If successful, it should take about 4-6mos for complete eradication....

Jeff - we can recommend the Leatherjacket file fish. We have had two of them, and they are aiptasia killers for sure. Depending on the specimen, they will also chew on some other corals, so you need to watch that, but they will absolutely mow through your aiptasias.
funny you mention this, i just picked up 3 peppermint shrimp today to help keep the aiptasia down. However, I hear they are slow and may only target the smaller ones. I have lots at the moment and probably 20 monster ones
Berghia's are set to arrive tomorrow morning. I'm crossing my fingers that this will work.

Jeff - we can recommend the Leatherjacket file fish. We have had two of them, and they are aiptasia killers for sure. Depending on the specimen, they will also chew on some other corals, so you need to watch that, but they will absolutely mow through your aiptasias.

I'll definitely keep that in mind if the berghia's don't work out. My sps growth seems relatively sustainable so the occasional nip wouldn't be an issue. However, if they really go at it, my only concern would be getting them out.

funny you mention this, i just picked up 3 peppermint shrimp today to help keep the aiptasia down. However, I hear they are slow and may only target the smaller ones. I have lots at the moment and probably 20 monster ones

I've had very mixed results with peppermints. I have 3 in my 46g cube in my office that absolutely obliterated the aptasia I had in there. However, I have 25 in my 300g that haven't so much as made the slightest dent. I figure they have too many other possible food alternatives whereas the cube is very nutrient poor. Unfortunately, peppermints are also very fond of berghi nudibranchs so lets hope they give them as much attention as they are currently giving the aptasia.

Dude you are the man! :smokin:

I don't know about that, lol. Whatever I buy usually costs me double. My wife has an affinity for shiny things....
Berghia's are set to arrive tomorrow morning. I'm crossing my fingers that this will work.

I'll definitely keep that in mind if the berghia's don't work out. My sps growth seems relatively sustainable so the occasional nip wouldn't be an issue. However, if they really go at it, my only concern would be getting them out.

I've had very mixed results with peppermints. I have 3 in my 46g cube in my office that absolutely obliterated the aptasia I had in there. However, I have 25 in my 300g that haven't so much as made the slightest dent. I figure they have too many other possible food alternatives whereas the cube is very nutrient poor. Unfortunately, peppermints are also very fond of berghi nudibranchs so lets hope they give them as much attention as they are currently giving the aptasia.

I don't know about that, lol. Whatever I buy usually costs me double. My wife has an affinity for shiny things....

LMAO mine too!

I did not know that about the nudis, i will have to remove the shrimps to a frag system or something before I go the next step- nudis!
Thanks! Yes, I will most certainly defer to Mr. Saxby. However, to even be compared is an honor. If you provide the plane ticket, I'd be more than happy to help, ;).

I shall keep that in mind. Good luck with the aiptasia invasion. I had the misfortune of going through one such invasion on a 120G tank and ended up having to tear the tank down and remove the infested rocks.
I wouldn't mind a couple more species type tanks around the house but I keep hearing "no more tanks!". With that being said, I have card blanche as long as they stay in the basement....

I don't know about that, lol. Whatever I buy usually costs me double. My wife has an affinity for shiny things....

I think it's really cool the fact that you want to set up even more tanks on top of the two 300g systems! I'd like to setup a fish only as well. Looks like you're swimming in saltwater. :fish1: Nice job.
The berghia's arrived today. They took about 1-1/2 hours to acclimate but everything looks good. In fact, a couple of them laid eggs while in transit. I take that as a positive sign....
Where exactly in NE ohio are you? I will be travelling to Pioneer Ohio in the next couple months, Is that close to you at all?

Hey, Jeff maybe you could help me out. Seeing that you have a PM collection cup for skimmate, do you happen to know if it would be alright to cap off the vent where the hole is? I don't fully trust the ping pong ball as a check valve and know how those can fail.
Because each of my skimmers pull a lot of air, they each have vented lids so relying on the ball trap in the waste container will not work. Therefore, in my main skimmer's waste container, I have a float switch with the polarity reversed mounted on the lid. If the waste gets too high, it shuts off the main pump.

Although this is a different manufacturer, here is an example:
Because each of my skimmers pull a lot of air, they each have vented lids so relying on the ball trap in the waste container will not work. Therefore, in my main skimmer's waste container, I have a float switch with the polarity reversed mounted on the lid. If the waste gets too high, it shuts off the main pump.

Although this is a different manufacturer, here is an example:

Awesome, that helps out and could definitely rely on that. What's a good source for float switches?