Thanks Beananimal and all YOU who invent, explain, modify, teach - HELP for newbies like us to become experts like you. The main point I got reading lots at this forum is that all of us (except maybe cynics) just enjoy what we do - the process - and get happy when success comes finally.
I am new to this hobby (though enjoying already fully) and I'm a little confused. I've ordered 170g tank (84"*19,7*23,6"water level) and it is already has been built with square corner overflow (consisting of two walls) the water coming from beneath the first wall up to the top the second wall and then pouring from the second wall into the box(second wall is 1" below the first one). The inner box size is 7"*7" with 2,5" hole at the bottom.
An overflow, is supposed to allow surface water, were organics collect, to be skimmed off, and sent down the drain to be processed. If the overflow draws water from under a baffle, then it is not providing this function, even though it goes up and over the second baffle. Surface skimming, is the only function of an overflow. The drains handle the rest. If i understand you correctly, this over flow is not properly designed.
1. As I understand it is best to use the bottom bulkhead narrowing it from 2,5" to 1,5" pipe and then to 1" downside elbow for the open channel.
I would say, the most efficient open channel, would be 1.5" all the way from the top, including the elbow, all the way down into the sump. All the diameter changes, cause additional turbulence in the line, and that is what we are trying to avoid. 1" being impractical for use as an open channel.
2. Can I put several side holes at this open channel pipe as it comes from bottom for the reason of deepness of the overflow box - 19" (as it is mentioned in the thread otherwise bottom water will not well circulate to the sump)?
No, this will allow too much water to flow in the open channel, defeating the whole purpose of this stand pipe. When adjusted properly, the open channel has very little flow in it. This keeps it silent, bubble free, and provides the self adjustment capability of the system.
3. At what level should I drill side glass for siphon. I've read that at beananimal's setup (considering his is L style) it is 4,25" from the top of the ovelflow to the center of pipe. Another setup similiar to mine is 8" below the water line but still water covers top of the downside elbow several inches. As I understand it is regulated by closing valve much more than it would be closed if the pipe was taller. Is it OK or it restricts system too much. What level is optimal considering that too big distance between top of the overflow and water will give noise which is not a point for this system at all.
The valve does control the water level in the overflow. This level is set after the siphon kicks in, and is raised by closing the valve slowly, till water just flows in the open channel. *Generally* this will place the water level in the overflow above the down turned elbow center line, usually not much above the top of the down turned elbow. If the water level is several inches above the elbows, I would wonder what is not adjusted right. Holes drilled in glass must be at minimum 1 hole diameter from the edges of the glass, and from each other. Since, the water level in the tank will generally be 1" below the top edge of the glass (bottom of the trim in a rimmed tank,) this will probably place the hole somewhat lower than 1 hole diameter, which is good. Since you want some drop from the tank water level, to the level in the overflow box, but not more than a few inches, and considering the water level in the overflow will be ~ top of the elbows, it becomes simple to calculate the hole placement, by assembling your plumbing and measuring. It is not necessarily going to be the same in different tanks, unless designed exactly the same. Regardless that the overflow is full tank height, these holes are going to be relatively close to the top of the tank, and flow in the lower regions of the box will be limited.
Thanks all. This hobby is magnificent. It becomes BIG part of your life.