Yea, I know JIm., but how many times have I heard - "I wish I had drilled more holes"... I tend to over-do by what most folks agree is adequate. But - I will tell you that on the 360 I set up, water movement is well distributed, without any of the critters being "blown around".
I don't like powerheads - of anykind - and with the flow potentials that I plan into a tank, they are never needed.
I may start a tank build thread on this one.... I have asked they Perfecto folks to get a short video clip of the water laser cutting the riuses in the front and rear panes of glass. That would be something that some here may not have seen before.
This started out as a customers tank ( I help Dave at the Asheville Aqurium on some custom installs and so on)..... After a lot of "back and forth" between the husband and wife, he finally did what any real man does.... gave in to her, and gave up his deposit on the tank HA!!
So, since I have worked on this for months, and really have a space where I can put it, I bought it.