It appears it is about time for me to hop in here:
RE: the reefkeeper and a water level sensor - Yes, that is a reasonable safety measure. But it is outside of the context of the original design criteria. The goal was to present an overflow system that required no moving mechanical or electrical mechansims or external logic to render the system safe in the event of common (and most uncommon) modes of standpipe failure.
RE: Probability of failure - Recently (a few monts back) I was pulled out of bed by the Warden (she gets up at 5:30 to prepare for work) and told that "something was making a terrible noise in the fish room". I arrived downstairs to find my Scopas Tang wedged under (sucked-to) the siphon intake. He must have jumped into the overflow, as the new tang in the tank had been harassing him. As Murphy would have it, the event (likely the thrasing fish) dislodged a piece of GHA covered egg-crate guarding that was then sucked onto open channel standpipe, as it was likely under almost full siphon. The emergency drain was actually taking 20% or more of the flow in an oscillating cycle. No water in the floor.

erformanec Objective - While your objective was to increase capacity (performance) the implementation (like it or not) did decrease safety.
So back to the original purpose of this design. I can not, under any circumstances afford to have the Warden come downstairs to a puddle on the floor...
Will your "modified" setup work. Yes, it likely will, even with a reduced capacity dry emergency. What is the probability that it will fail to the point of causing a flood? The chances are extremely tiny. That said, the design breaks the design criteria and most of the back and forth here is likely an effort to make that clear to those following along.
In other words, there are infinite ways to construct a standpipe system and end up with "odds" that meet your design epectations or criteria. It is important to remember that this design was proposed as an easy to build, very broad bandwidth setup that, if built as published, would provide most end users an extremely safe and quiet overflow system, without the need for calculation, modification, or guessing. This thread is sprinkled with questions and problems from those who have modified the design without considering (or maybe understanding) the consequences. You keep seeing "as published" becuase the design is tried and tested, with expected results.
Enjoy your new system!