Okay, so I have a bean animal overflow currently running on a 2 foot cube, its a bit of a test subject for my larger 'in the planning stage' tank. Mine is working well so i hope this helps out someone else seeing what I have set up.
Can you modify it... sure..to a point.. but you will need to retune it.
Its been highlighted before but there are a few critical factors to this set up in the tuning stage which, when you get them dialled in, lead to effortless operation. For me it took about 15 minutes of fluffing about and that was it, done

. But again mine at the moment is about as straight forward as you can get.
If you are brand new to the set up i found it really helps to watch the system start up a few times to try and understand what was happening and in what order, play around with it, plug this line, raise or lower this bit, put a 45 or a 90 bend in siphon line, just to see the effect. I have a much better undertsanding now of what its doing at each stage.
The two return pumps I have had running in this set up have been an eheim 1262 or an OR3500, both at about 3 foot of head so you can do the calc on what sort of flow its pushing into the tank. I think the OR may have had a bit better flow as I tweaked the valve on the main siphon just slightly more open.
I have the siphon bulkhead (1 inch) located 10mm lower (than the standbye pipe) in the wier and the standbye with a 1 inch bulkhead and 1 inch pipe (for both of them) dropping straight into the sump, the dry emergency is 1.25 inch bulkhead and 1.25 inch pipe which dumps on a slight slope (but still straight piece of pipe) into the sump.
Only have one ball valve on the system which is on the primary siphon.
It takes about 45 seconds from start up to settle, the dry emergency kicks in for about 15 seconds at the beginning as the wier tops up. The standbye goes into full siphon for about 15 seconds and then breaks as the wier empties really quickly - by this time the main siphon is at full run and everything settles down
I have the ball valve on the primary siphon every so slightly closed and a trickle running down the standbye pipe. Its starts every time.
For the standbye pipe siphon hose (the thin line coming out of the top of the tee) I just played around with the location ( ie how deep the end of it was located in the wier) until I was happy with how quickly the standbye pipe enagaged as a siphon and then locked it into place. I think there is an ideal height/location mentioned somewhere but I just played with this until i was happy. I had to get the length of the siphon and standbye pipe correct into the sump, from memory its about 15 mm below the sump water surface (for me anyway) for both primary siphon and standbye (this does make a difference on if/how your siphon starts up)
Im not using sanitary tees just oridinary ones.
I know bugger all about fluid dynamics, etc. but I found the system easy to set up and tune, the main website for the bean animal was critical as well as notes and comments form this forum. Its about the only thing I have been able to set up from go to whoa that has actually worked first time around:bounce1:
You can modify the set up for sure, but you will just have to re-tune it according to your requirements, just dont skip over some of the fundamental basics of the set up or ir just won't work.
If you can, set it up in its basic format (drain it into a tub or something:worried

so you know you have a working sytem in an ideal environment, and then change on thing at a time as you modify it to fit your set up.
Be sure to go through the whole start up and shut down procedure as well as simulate blockage of 1 and two pipes each time you make a mod so you know the primary operational reason (ie failsafe) still exists on your modified bean animal set up.
Most of all, have a bit of fun with it, experiment and see what you can get to work for you:fish1: