Hi guys, quick question.
I'm designing a 30-30-20 cube. I want to be able to run is as a corner tank but also have the freedom to turn it into a standard back-to-the-wall tank if needed. With a regular corner overflow, tank doesn't look great with the corner overflow so I am trying to design a beananimal that will work for both situations.
I want to do an internal ~15 inch weir along one of the back corner walls so it doesn't come all the way to the front viewing pane . I would use 3 1 inch bulk heads with an 2 inches between holes. Is that doable ? I'm afraid that I am miscalculating and will place holes too close to eachother or have some other issue.
Please advise
Thanks !!
Thanks for the reply. I drew up a VERY crude paint rendition of what I want. Please let me know if this is good enough to submit to the builder or I need to alter something?
Not sure if its clear on the picture but:
3 side starfire cube tank. The wall with the holes is regular glass. Its an internal overflow /1 inch bulkheads, 15 inch long weir. I have read that short weirs can cause issues with noise. Is that a big possibility with this set up?
I did not want the overflow box to be attached to the starfire glass so it would end about 1.5-2 inches away from the corner.
I'm at the hardware store and realized that since my 1" bulkheads will be at the bottom I will not be reducing with the 90 street correct? Also, would it be okay just to keep a 1.5" 90 street instead of the 1.25"? Or is this Big no no?
P.S. is this fitting appropriate for the open channel line?
Yup... that will do it![]()
1.5 will be fine.
Ok, for various reasons, mostly due to space behind the tank I have scrapped my original plans for a standard bean overflow. My thoughts now are to go with a center internal overflow and have it plumbed for three 1" bulkheads in the bottom. Then use 1" drains for the full siphon and dry emergency, and 1.25" as the open channel. Is there any reason this would not work, or should I just go with a herbie?
Anyone try growing chaeto in the overflow? There is room, light and flow. Was just wondering if i could utilize the space
Sure, if you want to risk defeating the fail-safes with a hunk of free-spirited cheato and causing a flood...