Premium Member
The "black tubing" was on the original standpipe setup. It was some kind of pool and spa tubing and was a PITA. The standpipes on the current setup are extended into the sump (another bend to go back to vertical).
The "black tubing" was on the original standpipe setup. It was some kind of pool and spa tubing and was a PITA. The standpipes on the current setup are extended into the sump (another bend to go back to vertical).
Great wealth of info on this thread – thanks guys! After going through all the pages, I’m pretty sure I have all the details. However, does anybody see any issues with 2 specifics of my planned setup:
Tank: 420g (75x36x36) with full C2C weir and external overflow box. Overflow box roughly 75”L x 5”W x 6”T. (4) 1.5” bulkhead drains on bottom/floor of overflow box (not back side like typically depicted). The 4 drains will be configured as 1 Siphon, 1 Open Channel and 2 Emergency drains with 1.5” PVC throughout to sump. About 40” head height. Reeflo Hammerhead as return pump with 6 dual loc-line returns.
Question 1: Any issues/diasadavanges with just using inlet guard/screen on siphon (no elbow), tee/elbow/cap/tubing completely INSIDE the overflow box for open channel and just straight pipe for the 2 emergency drains?
Bottom line, I don't see any point to doing this in the first place.
Question 2: Any issue/disadvantage with siphon drain being one of the drains near the end of the tank (16” from tank end) vs. more center located drains (12” from center line)? My design vision being that the end drain has the straightest shot to the sump drain bulkhead – less horizontal travel. I have a little concern that END siphon drain might/could pull water through the weir unevenly. I don’t think that’s the case if I keep a little water drop/fall as it exits the weir and into the overflow box… however, if I was sure I wouldn’t be asking the question.
I think you may be a little confused here. Nothing "pulls" water over the weir. The driving force for the waterfall, is the head height above the top edge of the weir, and gravity...
Where the weir is is important. Full length of the tank is best. Where the pipes are, makes no difference.
Design changes cost less than PVC changes! Thanks.
Bottom line, I don't see any point to doing this in the first place.
Thanks for the response.
Is there a specific piece/area you are talking about here? Not sure I'm following you. Several of those changes are required to have a BA overflow (open channel & emergency). Intake screen is clearly optional and I could run the open channel air line starting under the box (vs. inside), but that would take up a ton of clearance in the back.
Yes, water over the weir ... DT Head and gravity. I was thinking about that wrong.
Yes again, 1.5" is close to the turnover I want. Tank is already drilled to that size. Is it possible or feasible to run 2 of my drains as siphons since I have 4? Or does that make leveling and dialing them in near impossible? Obviously, I'd need to have both or 1 dialed in.
Thanks for the feedback!
Here is the current design on my 400g build (Reeflo Hammerhead Gold):
I am cutting the holes in the C2C today or tomorrow and would like to gravity feed the skimmer with the surface water and its higher organic content. Would having a 4th drain to the skimmer effect the Bean Animal performance? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Yes, you can place the valve close to the sump.... as far as the back to back 90's, it is never a great idea... but they will likely serve the purpose for the emergency. No way to bring them under the bracing with 45's?