This is the question you asked:
You are looking for a bottom end pump solution, based on cost, rather than what is actually good for your system. But a 9.5 is not the pump for a 200 gallon + tank. Sorry.
To answer your second question about the "flow capability" of a bean system, with 1" bulkheads, and 1.5" pipe it has a very wide "bandwidth" maxing out at ~1500 gph with a 24" drop, better at 36" which is more "average." Going above that, You need larger bulkheads: 1.5".
As for the rest, your information is way outdated, mentioning a 300watt pump is needed to do the job an 85watt pump will do, seems like "loading the deck" for some reason, unmentioned.!dc-pump/vstc3=dc10000ii
Coming out of a basement, if that be the case, you will need a pump with "guts" which the mag drive pumps don't have either.
But like I said, pump questions should be posted elsewhere....