How closed is your siphon valve? The bulkhead size doesn't matter if the valve is 10% closed or more. The valve should be the constraining feature of the system. If your valve is fully open and not able to handle enough flow then increasing the valve size alone may assist, as even fully open a valve is a significant reduction in internal diameter. If enlarging the valve still doesn't give you enough flow then the bulkhead is near certain to be your limiting factor. Go with the valve first because it may work but if not it will be used after you drill the larger hole anyway.
I have the main siphon fully open as is the trickle drain.
I have my return wide open to the tank and am adjusting the flow by setting the head pressure relief (1/2" line returning back to the sump from the pump).
I did a test and closed the trickle drain 100% and the main siphon plus the emergency drain handled the flow at its current rate. So I believe the system is draining at the maximum rate just fine. If both primary and secondary drains were blocked it would probably be trouble but the likelihood of that seems remote short of never maintaining the system.
Is there an easy way to calculate how much actual flow is going through?
I just ran a simple test. I have my sump graduated in 1 gallon markings. I turned off the return and approximately 2.5 gallons drained back into the sump. I started the pump and did a very scientific count (one thousand 1, one thousand 2) until the sump was back to its operating level. I counted to 10. that's 15 gallons per minute and 900 gallons per hour. Now I am sure I am off a little but even if it was 2 gallons that would be ~720 GPH. Does this sound right? mind you that this is running at the maximum safe level that the system can handle with one drain clogged.
I could be wrong, but I didn't think the airline tubing was to placed underwater.
On my overflow it is sticking straight up in the air, above the highest point of the water in the tank.
My overflow has been running silent for over a year now, except when a snail decides to take a ride.
The siphon airline tubing is supposed to be placed in the overflow above the water line so that in case of a clog or something related and the water level rises, the airline tubing becomes submerged turning the siphon channel into a full drain. If I'm not mistaken.
When my tubing is submerged, my flow rate doesn't change at all. Siphon channel is wide open.
Hi guys,
Trying to trouble shoot my bean animal overflow, but having a problem with the siphon drain. Everything is air tight and sealed well as far as the air line tubing is concerned. I'm pretty sure it is anyway. When the air line tubing is submerged in the water, the flow rate of the siphon does not increase into a full drain (far right). The pipe leading into the sump from the siphon is barely submerged maybe a quarter inch in the sump. Here are pictures to help. 1.5 inch PVC with a 900 gph return pump if that helps at all.
Please HELP!!!!
Build Thread:
What I see, in looking over your build thread:
1) You have the siphon feeding the skimmer, and the open channel feeding the fuge. This is somewhat incorrect, as under normal operating conditions, there is insufficient flow through the open channel (when the system is adjusted properly) to support flow requirements for a fuge (which are higher than myth and legend would have you believe eg. full tank flow is not a bad idea.) Both the siphon and open channel, due to the interaction between them, should drain into the same body of water, to avoid head pressure differences, hence operation under certain conditions, eg. the siphon and open channel should both drain into the same section of the sump. Feed the fuge with a branch from the return pump.
2) You have a gate valve, and a ball valve in the siphon line? Why? Only the gate valve is needed, the ball valve being just a waste of money.
3) In order to test the operation of the open channel, both the siphon and dry emergency must be shut off. Although you can shut off the siphon, I see no means to shut off the dry emergency, therefore the open channel will not 'increase' its flow rate, when the air vent line is submerged, becasue the flow is being shared with the dry emergency.
4) I would: swap the positions of the dry emergency and the open channel, and configure the drain lines to be as nearly identical as possible. You have a lot of supurfluous 45s in the lines that could easily be eliminated, making it less likely that there be an air leak, and reduce the friction losses in the lines. Also the ball valve should be removed, it is just another restriction in the drain line. Temporarily attach the ball valve to the dry emergency to give the open channel a test for proper operation.
Placement of the air vent line inlet: the inlet should be above the normal operating water level of the overflow, and higher than the inlet to the dry emergency. If the vent inlet is too low, the entire system will not function properly. The open channel is a system self-adjust mechanism, and it is not intended, nor should it be used to feed another section of the sump. The only time the open channel should "trip to siphon," is in the event of a complete occlusion of both the siphon and dry emergency, and water level rises in the overflow to submerge the air vent line inlet.
At this late date, with the system in live operation, it is surprising that you did not discover the system does not operate as you expected. The drain system should be thoroughly tested before putting the system in full operation. It works as designed 100% of the time, but after interperative adaptation, it might not.
1) I have always read that flow through a fuge should be very slow. The amount of flow going through the open channel seems to be a lot for a fuge as it is running now. Also, wouldn't the head loss difference be so extremely minimal it wouldn't matter?
Don't need a valve to remove a is just another failure point waiting to fail.2) The only purpose of the ball valve is to be able to remove the filter sock. We could have done the same thing with a union valve, but we couldn't find any at the hard ware store. It is always open.
The reason for your perplexed condition is because you are not understanding how the system is designed to work, and you have not set it up properly. The air vent line inlet is too low in the overflow, so the entire system is not operating as designed or properly. Air vent line inlet too low in the overflow is #4 reason, behind pipe outlets too deep in the sump, air in the siphon line, and horizontal runs, for the system to not work properly.3) I don't quite understand what you mean here. When I tested the open channel I shut off the siphon. The dry emergency elbow is pointed upwards above the level of the siphon and open channel. The airline tubing is placed above the water level, but below the elbow of the dry emergency line. The water level never reaches the emergency valve because the 1.5 inch pvc on the open channel seems to be enough to handle the return rate of the sump pump. However, it never increases flow rate once the air line tubing is submerged which is why I am perplexed.
Support the pipes as they pass under the stand, that will eliminate the unnecessary fittings.4) The 45's are needed to make the pipes flush with the stand so that they may be supported with brackets.
Yes, the open channel should only trip to siphon if the main siphon, AND the dry emergency fail.So I believe what you are saying is that the open channel should trip to siphon only after the emergency dry pipe fails. Wouldn't it work both ways?